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A "Bobbie Sue's Grooves" Page


Some of what I will be expressing here about
this beautiful "walk"
on the "pathway" of the "Good Red Road"
around the "Medicine Wheel"
(aka the "Sacred Hoop," aka the "Sacred Spiral," aka the "Circle of Life"),
are repeats of statements from other pages of this website.
Repeating certain statements is my attempt at "tying in" those
various aspects of the Medicine Wheel and express them as One,
a "Oneness" rich, fulfilling and purposeful,
yet so simple in reflecting what our lives are all about.
Of what life itself is all about.

We came from the Star Nation and to the Star Nation we will return.
When we are born, our spirits enter our earth-made bodies from
the Blue Road of the Star Nation. We then begin our life-walk
on the Good Red Road of the Medicine Wheel.
When we've completed our walk, our bodies die and remain here
with Mother Earth. Our spirits return to the Blue Road,
for the journey back to our Creator.

Our Creator, the Great Spirit, could have placed our lives
on any planet in any universe of His choosing.
He chose Mother Earth for us.

And He provided us with everything we need,
not only to survive, such as the four elements
(water, air, earth, fire), but also with everything we need
to co-exist in peace and happiness, such as our birth totems,
all of which gives each of us insights to our own self, as well as
insights to all of our co-beings, such as other people, animals,
plants, rocks, spirit helpers, etc.. He provided us with
spiritual guides and protectors, to help us stay focused
and feel nurtured during our journey. He provided us each
with a team of helpers and advisors, to teach us
how to walk in balance and harmony and experience a
physical/mental/spiritual sense of well being
throughout our journey.

The Great Spirit purposely and purposfully created
each of us with a set of physical/mental/spiritual strengths and
weaknesses (such as, for example, what our specific, individual
connection and responsibilities are to our Mother Earth),
so that we would, by nature's intent, love and need
and help each other. Where one of us is weak, another of us is
strong and meant to gladly take up the weak one's slack,
knowing that, in turn, the slack from one's own weaknesses
is meant to gladly be taken up by another.
This is how a chain of mutual helpfulness and understanding
is meant to circle completely around the world - and back again.
This is what is affectionately meant, for example, by the saying,
"What goes around, comes around."

Shared Characteristics
Most of us don't find it unusual at all to compare ourselves to other
members of our biological family. We might say we look like our
father, love music like our mother, collect antiques like our sister,
feel the same ways about child-rearing as our brother, etc., etc..
We feel that these comparisons are "only natural," and we try to
accentuate the positive characteristics we share with our family,
while trying to not be like those negatives characteristics that,
when we're honest about it, we suspect we also probably share.
Using the same concept as that, but applied instead to comparing
the characteristics we share with the element, plant, animal,
mineral, color, season, time of day, etc., of our birth totems,
gives an even deeper insight to what we're really like.
(And to what the people we know are really like.)
Additionally, studying those totems and seeing how similar we
truly are to living things besides just other people,
gives a profound sense of "connection" to all forms of life.
No longer is a dandilion "just a weed" or a carnelion "just a rock,"
or a spider "just a bug." Everything matters for something.
EVERTHING MATTERS! be continued...

Birth Totems Page
Birth Totem CHART
Power of Directions
Elemental Clans
Animal Totems
Animal Medicines
Main MW Page

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