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A "Bobbie Sue's Grooves" Page


I only touch on the highlights here!
PLEASE get some books
written by trained, Sacred teachers!
(See book recommendations on "Medicine Wheel Way" page)

The Elements of Life
Without the Elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire,
there would be no life, and all four Elements are required.
The Elemental Clan into which you are born (see Birth Totem Chart),
represents which element that you relate to, share characteristics
with, and have a personal responsibility for. All of us have
strengths and weaknesses, and in regards to protecting the Elements,
your strengths make up for weaknesses of others in your
Clan, and visa-versa. Note: Clans in this respect are not to be
confused with Tribal Clans, such as family groups, or certain
Private Clans
. This sharing of strengths and weaknesses is a
learning tool for applying the concept to all walks of your
life. Learning all about your own Clan opens you up to understanding
people of other Clans, and how the Elements and Clans all affect
each other.

The Turtle Clan
The Element of this Clan is Earth.
The Medicine of Turtle is "Mother Earth."
People of this clan tend to be brave, loyal, stubborn.
Also methodical, practical. They have determination, but take
things one step at a time. Some tend to be hard as rocks, and
need to work on that, but Turtle Clan people, like the Earth,
personify roots, growth, stability. They are not comfortable
unless they go to natural places frequently. In fact, doing so
revitalizes them. Turtle Clan people are connected to the rocks,
need to be around rock formations, need to have rocks about them
in their homes. The rocks will speak to them, if they
listen; but, they must be careful to not become too much like
the rocks, inflexible. This Clan has a responsibility to the
Earth Mother, and must take the time to appreciate her for
all she has provided, and to remind others of the bountiful things
she provides.

The Frog Clan
The Element of the Frog Clan is Water.
The Medicine of Frog is "Cleansing."
People of the Frog Clan have deep, easily flowing feelings,
which enable them to bring fresh new feelings into any given
project, flushing away stalemates and obstacles. Water is an
element for healing, and Frog Clan people have a natural gift
for healing, and an empathy towards others. They are often very
creative. At times when they try to hold back these feelings,
emotions, energies, they tend toward illnesses associated with
being bloated or lumpy. They are refreshed, calmed, soothed by
being around water. They have a responsibility to protect our
waters from pollution, and to show appreciation for rain.
Frog Clan people also have a responsibility to the Moon. The Moon
helps govern our emotions, and Frog Clan people should get to know
what knowledge and power the Moon holds.

The Butterfly Clan
The Element of this Clan is Air.
The Medicine of Butterfly is "Transformation."
Butterfly Clan people are always active - physically, mentally,
emotionally. They have new ideas and unexpected ways of doing
things, and like Air, always changing and shifting. Notice how
different everything looks outside when a sudden gust of wind is
blowing - things moving and swaying and changing shape. As Air
transforms things, so do Butterfly Clan people. They often want
change now, and tend to manipulate, to make a change happen
now. They are always looking for ways to serve their people,
and are often in the positions of service for the healing of mind,
spirit, body. Butterfly Clan people have their major responsibility
to the Air. They enjoy being outside when the wind is blowing, in
big open spaces away from confinement, and have their best
inspirations then.

The Thunderbird Clan
(The Hawk Clan)
The Element of this Clan is Fire.
The Medicine of Hawk is "Messenger."
Thunderbird/Hawk Clan people are doers. They are often leaders.
They are usually in the spotlight, expressing all their feelings.
They are invigorated by lightening and thunder, and like the air
best just before and just after a storm. They have a responsi-
bility to all of the aspects of their Element - the sun, fire,
and lightening. They need to understand the power and purpose
for these things, and remember always to give thanks for it. They
seem to need the energy of Fire in all it's forms to strengthen
and renew the fire that is always within themselves.

Birth Totems Page
Birth Totem CHART
Power of Directions
Elemental Clans
Animal Totems
Animal Medicines
Medicine Wheel Path
Main MW Page

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