"Angels Without Wings"

A tear rolled down my cheek
As I layed alone in bed.
Thoughts and feelings all a jumble,
Questions running through my head.

How do I make it through each day?
How do i deal with my parent's fights?
How do i cope with my dad always leaving?
And with all the long, sleepless nights?
How do i deal with all the pressure
To be pretty and oh-so thin?
Where do i find the strength and courage
That i have stored within?

Finally the answer comes to me
And a small smile it brings
Each day i continue with new strength
Becuase of my angels without wings

Five special gifts sent from God
That help motivate and guide
They've made me realize who I am
And all the potential I have inside

Just one note of their perfect harmonies
And my face breaks into a smile.
I am reminded of the important things in life,
Of what is really worthwhile.

I realize I cant live my life
Dreaming of what it could be.
Slowly I've started to appreciate myself,
And what makes me, me.

Your music has helped me in so many ways,
Ways that I could never explain
I now have happiness and love in my heart
Where I used to have anger and pain.

This past year has been awfully hard for me-
One long bumpy ride.
And I could have never made it through
Without your love and inspiration at my side.

You know, its ironic when you think
Of everything you've helped me through
And yet we'll probably never meet.
I'll remain an un-known fan to you.

But maybe thats how it's meant to be-
Maybe its part of God's plan
I just hope you'll always remember me
And all your millions of other fans.

We love you more than you'll ever know.
In this mixed-up world, you're our peace.
You bring smiles and sunshine to our lives,
And chase away all our beasts.

So thank you NSync for sharing your talents,
And for the inspiration you always bring
Thanks for being such a big part of my life,
And thank you most of all for being...
my angels without wings.

-(c)Jenny Quinn 5/8/99

*NSYNC-if you ever read this poem, please let me know. I've been trying to get it to you forever. I hope you love it. Its all meant from the heart :) Thanks for the smiles and motivation you bring me every day. God bless!

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