part 6~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jen walked into her boss's office and looked around. She didn't see him anywhere, so she went over to her little cubicle in the corner and sat her stuff down. She sat down in the chair and let her mind wander with thoughts of JC.

"Wake up loverboy!" Joey shouted in JC's ear.
"Shit Joey. Get outta my face! And go brush your teeth man!" JC sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Joey pouted and walked towards the bathroom. JC crawled out of his bunk and walked around the bus to see where everyone else was. Justin and Chris were playing video games and Lance was sitting by himself reading a book. "Hey guys!" JC said after a minute when they didn't notice him standing in the doorway.
"Oh hey JC." Lance said looking up from his book. "How'd your date go?"
JC smiled. "It was great man. That girl was so awesome!"
"She's just another girl JC. Not like there aren't a million others." Justin threw his comment in.
"No she isn't like all the others. She's different somehow." JC said a little defensively.
"Okay dude. You don't have to get pissy." Justin shot him a look and went back to playing his game.
JC frowned to himself. He turned around and went outside to get a little fresh air.

Jen was still sitting at her desk when her boss walked in. He tapped her on the shoulder and she almost fell out of her chair.
"Jeez. I didn't mean to scare you Jen."
"That's okay, I was kinda off in la-la land."
"I could tell. So how did the interview go last night?
"Oh, it went really good." Jen handed him her notes and the report she'd written up the night before after she got home from her date with JC.
"Why are you blushing, Jen?" Her boss asked.
"I'm NOT blushing." She said.
He decided to drop the subject and looked over her interview. "This is really good. I'm proud of you, Jen. Thank you for doing this for me."
"It was my pleasure." Jen replied.
"Yeah, I gathered." He said, causing her to blush even more furiously.
Jen turned back to her desk and tried to get some work done. She was happy that her boss liked the way the interview had turned out. But she was even happier that she'd gotten to meet JC and spend some time with him. 'Not like I'll ever see him again.' She thought to herself. Just as she got up to go get herself something to drink, her phone rang.
"This is Jen. How can I help you?"
"Well, Jen. You could help me by going to dinner with me tonight." The voice at the other end replied.
"Excuse me?"
"Jen. It's JC."
"Oh, hi. Of course I'll go to dinner with you." She tried to contain herself from doing a cartwheel right there in the office.
"Okay. Pick me up at 7?"
"Sure. See ya then." Jen hung the phone up and just stood there staring at it.

part 7~~~~~~~~~~
Jen barely got through the rest of the day at work, she was so excited. She kept skipping down the halls and around the office, causing her co-workers to look at her strangely.
One of them stopped her in the hall on one of her little skipping trips. "Dang Jen. What are you smoking and why don't you be nice and share?"
The secretary heard them and piped up. "She's got another date with one of the members of *N SYNC."
Jen turned around and shot the secretary a dirty look. Then she continued down the hallway, skipping as she went.

"HELLO!! EARTH TO JC!!" Chris shouted.
"Huh? Oh, sorry guys." JC replied sheepishly.
"Dammit JC. That is the fifth time already and we're only on the 3rd song. Snap out of it and pay attention to what you're doing. We're all tired too and want to get some rest." Justin grumbled.

That afternoon at 5, Jen shot out of the office as soon as it was time to leave. She rushed home and jumped in the shower. She got out and fixed her make-up then searched her closet for something to wear. As she stood there tapping her foot and thinking the phone rang.
"Jen it's JC. Are we still on for tonight?"
"You betcha. Hey where are we going so I will know what to wear?"
"It's a surprise. But wear something casual. Like jean shorts or something."
"Okay. I'll pick you up in," She looked at the clock. "45 minutes."
"Alright. See ya then."
Jen hung the phone up and turned back to the closet. She pulled out an Abercrombie tank top and then went to her dresser and got some khaki CK overall shorts. She pulled on her sock and grabbed her white tennis shoes with the thick chunky soles she'd bought last week from Maurice's. Studying herself in the mirror for a second, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. She drove to the hotel where JC told her they were staying, parked, and went in. She stopped at the front desk.
"Could you ring JC Chasez's room for me please?" Jen asked the clerk and sat down in a chair and waited. After just a few minutes, JC stepped off the elevator. She noticed that he was accompanied by a bodyguard. After looking around and making sure there wasn't a mob of screaming fans waiting in the lobby, the bodyguard went back up with the elevator.
JC walked over to where Jen was sitting. "You look great. You ready to go"
She stood up. "Sure am."
He took her hand in his and they walked out to her car.
Jen unlocked the passenger side door for JC. "Are you gonna tell me where we're going now?"
"Actually, could we go to a sports store first? There's something I want to get." He asked.
"Sure." She said and drove towards the nearest Sports Unlimited.

part 8~~~~~~~
They pulled up into the parking lot and got out. JC took Jen's hand as they walked into the store. He led her to the section where the rollerblades were and they both picked out a pair. They also bought knee pads, elbow pads, and helmets. They took all their stuff up to the register to pay for it. JC took out his credit card and handed it to the cashier before Jen had a chance to get her wallet out.
"JC, you don't have to pay for my stuff. I do have a job you know."
"I know I don't HAVE to. I WANT to. Is that okay?" He looked her and smiled.
"I guess so." She smiled back. Before she could turn away, his eyes locked with hers and she found herself standing there staring.
"Come on let's go." JC said and Jen snapped out of her daze. They walked out to her car.
"Now will you tell me where we're going?"
"You do have a skating rink around here don't you?"
"Yeah, I think so." Jen got in the car and drove to the skating rink. "Gosh, it's been a long time since I've been in here."
They got out of the car and went in. They put their rollerblades on and stood up, a little wobbly.
"It's been awhile since I went skating too." JC admitted as they made a couple of slow laps around the rink. Soon they both got used to it again and started going faster and faster. JC got brave and tried to do a little turn at one end of the rink. He lost his balance and fell flat on his butt, sliding right into the wall. Jen had to stop herself because she was laughing so hard.
"Oh, you think that's funny do you." JC got up and started chasing her. Jen took off in the other direction, but he caught her at the other end. He picked her and threw her over one of his shoulders and started going really fast.
"JC stop before you drop me!" Jen yelled.
"Are you sorry for laughing at me?" He went even faster.
"Yes, yes. I'm sorry!"
He put her down and then got off the floor and sat down on one of the benches. They were both breathing hard from their activity.
"Good grief! I haven't done that in SO long!" Jen said after she caught her breath.
"Me neither! You wanna catch a late movie?" JC asked her.
"Sure. That sounds like fun." They took off their skates and left, stopping at the refreshment counter to grab a soda. They walked back to Jen's car slowly, enjoying the cool night. She drove to the movie theater and JC got their tickets. After they got popcorn and a drink to share, they went in and sat down. About halfway through the movie, JC slipped his arm around Jen's shoulders.
'God. I'm acting like I'm in high school again.' He thought to himself, then smiled when Jen laid her head on his shoulder.
After the movie was over, Jen drove JC back to the hotel. She pulled up in the parking lot and turned off the car. "I had a really good time tonight JC. I haven't had that much fun in a long time."
JC's response was to lean in and capture her lips in a sweet kiss. "I had a good time too." He pulled back for a moment. She smiled at him and he noticed how the outside lights caught the highlights in her hair. They locked eyes and closed the distance again, their lips coming together a little more feverishly this time.
Jen pulled away regrettfully. "You'd better go get some rest."
"Yeah, I guess so." JC said sighing.
"When are you leaving town?" She asked quietly, not wanting to hear the answer.
"Tomorrow night after the other show. We have to be at the next venue the day after tomorrow."
Jen felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I see. Well, call me tomorrow or something." She said quietly.
He kissed her again. "I will." Then he got out of the car and went inside. Jen sat there and watched until he disappeared through the doors.

part 9~~~~~~~~~~~
Jen drove back to her house. She parked her car and went inside. She threw herself down on the bed and buried her face in her pillow, while the tears started pouring down her face. "Dammit! Why am I crying? It's not like I've known the guy for years or something. He's only a guy Jennifer!" She told herself sternly. But it didn't help. She was falling for him and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

JC opened the door to his room and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Why am I letting this get to me so much?" He asked himself out loud. He couldn't believe the feelings he had for Jen already. He'd only known her for 2 days, yet there was something about her that piqued his interest, that set her apart from the other girls he'd dated. She was different somehow, but he couldn't but his finger on it. He got up and got undressed and climbed into bed, his head filling with thoughts of nothing but her.

The Next Morning~~~~~~~
JC woke up to the phone ringing shrilly in his ear. "Hello?" He mumbled, the sleep still clogging his voice.
"JC. Wake up man. We gotta go rehearse." It was Justin's voice he heard coming from the other end.
"Alright, alright. I'm up." JC hung up the phone and crawled out of bed. He got in the shower and was dressed and ready to go 20 minutes later. He went across the hall and knocked on Justin's door.
Justin opened the door, looking entirely too chipper. "Well it's about time." Then he looked at JC's face. "God. You've got bags under your eyes. You look like shit dude."
"Gee, thanks." JC replied sarcastically. They made the rounds, collecting the other guys, then went downstairs and got in the limo.

Jen dragged herself out of bed and into the shower. She got out and made a half-hearted attempt to make herself look presentable, then headed to work. She almost dozed off in the elevator on the way up. Shaking herself awake, she walked in the office and nodded at the secretary. She sat down at her desk and laid her head down. She sat up quickly when she heard her boss come in. "Morning Jen."
"Morning." She mumbled back.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. I'm just tired. I didn't sleep very well last night."
"I'm sorry to hear that." He said. "Well you don't have much to do today since it's Friday." He laid a few things on her desk, noticing the bags under her eyes. "In fact, if you finish this stuff, you can go home at lunchtime."
"Thanks." Jen said gratefully and threw herself into her work. Before she knew it, she was putting the finishing touches on the last report just before noon. She picked up her stuff and sat it on her boss's desk. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door. "Tell him I put the stuff on his desk and thank him for me again." She told the secretary on her way out the door. She went back home and fell asleep on the couch, not even bothering to go in her room.
She awoke a few hours later to the phone ringing. "Hello?"
"Hi Jen. It's JC. Are you coming to the show tonight?"
"I can't." She said sadly. "I don't have tickets."
"Oh, well that's not a problem. Be ready at 7 and I'll have someone pick you up."
"Thanks JC! I'll see you tonight." Jen hung up the phone and looked at the clock. It was only 3:30pm. She decided to clean the house to kill time. After a couple of hours of cleaning she got in the shower and got ready. Promptly at 7, she heard a honk outside. She opened the door and her jaw dropped when she saw a limo sitting at the curb. She walked to it and got in.

part 10~~~~~~~~~~~
Jen looked around inside the limo. She couldn't believe that JC had sent it. She was just expecting a regular car or a taxi. The ride to the venue was short and soon the limo came to a stop. Just as she reached for the door handle, it was opened for her. She stepped out and noticed that she was at a back entrance. The limo driver told her to go to the door and knock. Jen did as he said and a very large man that was obviously a bodyguard. He led her through a narrow hallway and stopped in front the only door she'd seen so far. He knocked and JC opened the door. He saw Jen standing off to the side and smiled. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room.
"I'm glad you could come!" JC told her and planted a playful kiss on her lips.
"You should be thanking yourself. You're the one who sent the car and gave me the ticket." Jen replied. She didn't want to sound too happy, but inside she was glowing.
"I have a surprise for you." JC pulled her into the room.
A smile spread across Jen's face when she saw what he'd done. There was a small table in the center of the room. On it, there were two candles, and what looked to be either wine or champagne. "You didn't have to do this JC."
"I know I didn't have to. I wanted to make our last night together special." He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. "I've really enjoyed the past couple of days with you Jen. I wish that I had more time to get to know you better." He kissed her softly on the lips.
"I've had a great time too." Jen said after they broke the kiss.
JC walked over to the table and poured them both a glass of wine. He carried Jen's glass back to her. "I hope you like red wine."
"It's my favorite." She sipped at the wine. They sat and talked until it was time for JC to go get ready for the show. They sat their glasses down and headed out of the room. Before he opened the door, JC pulled her in for another kiss. This time she opened her mouth to let his tongue in. He brought his hands to her face and caressed her cheeks. Jen let her arms slide up around his neck and pull him closer to her.
Finally, after a few minutes, JC pulled away. "We have to stop or I'm gonna be late for the show."
Jen looked at her feet and nodded her head. He opened the door for her and she stepped into the hallway. They walked together to where the other guys were waiting for JC.
He kissed her again, quickly this time. "I'll see you after the show." He went into the room.
Jen walked down the hallway. At the end, she found the same bodyguard waiting for her. He showed her to her seat and she waited for the show to begin. Pretty soon the guys came running out on stage. She sat quietly and watched the show, not noticing the thousands of screaming girls around her. She knew that when the show was over JC would be leaving and she'd probably never see him again. She definitely wasn't looking forward to that moment. But too soon, the guys were doing their last song and heading off stage. Jen got up discreetly and went backstage. She found the bodyguard waiting for her and followed him back down the hallway.

More coming soon......

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