Let Me Let Go

This story was written for me by my friend, Kaekoa. She wrote in one night when I was really depressed. It cheered me up because Lance is my honey and she's such an awesome writer. Please check out her site after you get done here. This story and all other written material are property of me so do NOT take them for your own use! Enjoy the story!

"Let Me Let Go."
Written by Kaekoa (Duckie9913@aol.com)
For Dian
Copyright July 1999

Dian watched as the stone she had just tossed into the small pond created an endless array of ripples. She continued watching until the ripples disappeared and the pond resumed its' calm state. Dian sighed, pulling her knees to her chest. She looked up at the sky. The sun was beginning to set over the mountains in the distance.


Dian flipped absentmindedly through the rack of shirts, looking for the perfect one. She didn't feel like being there, but for the sake of her friend Raquel who wanted to get her out of the house, she had gone along on her friends' shopping expedition.

Raquel looked up from the shoes she was trying on. There was Dian, a shirt in her hands, staring blankly down at the floor. She shook her head and took off the shoes, placing them back in the box. She handed it back to the sales associate with the oh-so-common "maybe next time" excuse. Raquel walked over to Dian, taking the shirt from her hands and placing it back on the rack. "Come on Dian. I'll take you home now. My wonderful plan to get you back into the world of the living failed miserably."

"I'm sorry Rocky. I just don't feel like doing anything." Dian explained as the two headed towards the exit.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get you out of the house. You haven't gone out since..." Raquel paused, biting her lip.

"Since Lance and I broke up." Dian said, continuing Raquels' sentence. " I know. You can say it Rocky."

"I just didn't want to.. oh never mind." Raquel said, laughing. "Let's go get something to eat. We can splurge. Eat fatty foods."

Dian smiled at her friends' attempt to cheer her up. She climbed into Raquels' Jetta and settled into the seat. Dian turned her head to the left slightly and something out the window caught her eye, her attention turned on a young man standing next to his 4-Runner. That unmistakable white hair. Those captivating green eyes. That irresistable smile.


End flashback.

I thought it was over, baby
We said our goodbyes
But I can't go a day without your face
Goin' through my mind
In fact, not a single minute
Passes without you in it
Your voice, your touch
memories of your love
Are with me all of the time

Dian shivered and pulled her thin sweater close to her body. Thoughts of Lance ran through her mind. Although they had broken up several weeks ago, he was still a daily occurence in her mind. That smile, his touch, all her memories of him constantly flooded back into her mind. No matter what she tried to do and how much she tried to prevent it, he was still part of her life.

I talked to you the other day
Looks like you made your escape
You put us behind, no matter how I try

I can't do the same
Let me let go, baby
Let me let go
It just isn't right,
I've been two thousand miles
Down a dead-end road
Let me let go, darlin', won't you
I just gotta know, yeah
If this is for the best
why are you still in my heart

Are you still in my soul, let me let go

Dian stared back at the pond again, but her attention parted when she heard the crunching of leaves, someone walking towards her She looked up, using her hand like a visor to deflect the sun, the familiar person standing in her line of vision. It was Lance. Dian stared at him for a quick second, before she quickly diverted her attention back to the small pond, her heart beginning to thump rapidly in her chest.

"Hey." Lance said softly, unsure if he should continue towards her or not. "Hi." She responded, her tone even softer. He was silent, staring down at the ground until she spoke again, "You can come sit down, I don't bite."

He smiled a tight smile and walked towards her, taking a seat next to her. "Rocky told me that I might find you here."

"Yeah. Well you found me." Dian said quietly, picking up a leaf and tearing it into tiny pieces.

"How have you been?" He said, staring down at the tiny pieces of leaves scattered around her on the ground.

"Ive been... good." She said finally.

The lights of this strange city are shinin'
But they don't hold no fascination for me
I try to find the bright side, baby
But everywhere I look
everywhere I turn, you're all I see
Let me let go, baby, won't you
Let me let go
It just isn't right,
I've been two thousands miles
Down a dead-end road
Oh, let me go, darlin', won't you

I just gotta know
If this is for the best,
why are you still in my heart
Yeah, you're still in my soul, let me let go
Let me let go, let me let go

"Lance." Dian choked out. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure, D." He turned his head to look at her, but her focus was still on the leaf.

"Why can't I let you go?" She said, tears filling her sad eyes.

Lance looked down at his hands. "I don't know." He mused quietly. "I can't seem to figure out how to do it either."

"Why'd we break up Lance?"

"Things weren't working out, I guess."

"Why didn't we try to work things out?" She said, catching his reflection in the pond.

"Dian..." He started, but choked on his words as he felt tears in her eyes. "We could still try and work things out."

Dian looked up, her tears seemed to pause, resisting the urge to fall down her fragile face. :What are you talking about, Lance?"

He played with the zipper on his jacket. "I want us to get back together. I miss you. I miss everything about you: your smile, the way you look at me, the way you laugh at my stupid jokes, everything. I want you to come back to me."

Dian stared at him blankly.

"D? Are you all right? Did you hear what I said?" Lance asked, concerned.

"Are you serious Lance?" She started, "Because if you're not, it's a really, really bad joke." She mused, shaking her head.

"I'm serious Dian." He turned to her, taking her hands in his. "I love you and I miss you. Will you be my girlfriend again?"

For the first time, in several weeks, Dian smiled. "I've missed you so much Lance." She said, scooting closer to him and into his arms.

Lance's heart skipped a beat. She was finally in his arms again after so many lonely nights without her. "Dian?"

"Hmm?" She murmured against his neck.

"I'll never let you go again."

The End.

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