One Night Stand

This is a short story that I wrote. It has bad language and graphic sexual content, so it is for mature readers only.

One Night Stand
By Dian Seiter

Dian walked into the club and looked around. She noticed that a few guys were staring at her. Which was exactly the effect she was going for when she got dressed earlier.

"Baby, give me another chance."
"Hell no! Get your cheating ass out of my house!" Dian watched him walk out the door and then took a shower and got dressed. She wasn't going to spend the night moping around at home this time. She pulled on a red tube top and a black super mini skirt. Her stomach was completely exposed and the skirt was a hip hugger. It only went a few inches past her butt. She fastened the pair of 4 inch stiletto heels that she'd bought earlier that week. Giving herself one last look in the mirror she headed out the door.
**End Flashback**

Dian walked to the bar, purposely swaying in time with the music blaring from the speakers. She sat down at the bar and looked at her watch, wondering how long it would take someone to hit on her. She ordered her usual buttery nipple and watched the people out on the dance floor. Before her drink even got back a short guy with ratty hair walked up to her.
"Hey gorgeous, you wanna dance?"
"Have you lost your fucking mind? Get out of my face you loser!" She said with her nose wrinkled.
"Have it your way you snotty bitch." He said and walked off.
Dian chuckled and turned back to the bar. Taking her drink, she paid the bartender and gave him a tip. She was unconsiously tapping her foot to the music. She felt someone standing behind her and spun around on the bar stool. The guy was pretty good looking. He had spiky, bright red hair and a goatee. "Can I help you?"
"I was wondering if you would want to dance with me." He replied simply.
"Sure why not." Dian got off the bar stool and followed him out on the dance floor. Wil Smith's song, "Wild, Wild, West" was playing and she started dancing in front of him.
"My name's Joey. What's yours?" He shouted over the music.
"Dian." She shouted back.
Joey grabbed her hips and pulled her to him and started grinding into her. She laughed and went along with him, putting her arms around his neck and doing a little grinding of her own. He was obviously getting bothered and she could feel his hot breath on her neck. They finished the song and Dian walked off the floor. She went back to the bar, retrieving her drink. He followed her.
"What'd you do that for?" He asked.
"Cuz I was thirsty." She turned back around, motioning for the bartender. Joey climbed up on the stool beside her. Dian looked at him out of the corner of her eye, but didn't pay him much attention. They sat there at the bar for awhile talking and drinking and dancing on and off.
After more drinks than she could count, Dian was getting fairly tipsy. Their dancing got raunchier as the night went on. Out on the dance floor yet again, Joey slipped his hand up the side of her skirt. Dian slapped it away.
"Slow down there Speed Racer." She chastised him, then slid her leg up his and wrapped it around his waist.
"Tease." He grabbed her thigh and pushed his pelvis into hers.
She threw her head back and lifted her other leg, locking the two together behind his back.
Joey held her up with his arms. They were giving everyone quite a show and loving every minute of it. After the song was over, they went back to the bar again. A few more drinks and a couple more dances and Dian was pretty close to being toast. She wasn't walking very straight anymore.
"I'm goin home." She told Joey and got up to leave.
"You're not driving like that." He told her.
She frowned, but handed him the keys because she knew he was right. He was a little shocked but let her lead him to her pickup. He helped her in the passenger side, then got in himself. "Where do you live?"
"10784 Eldorado Drive." Her words were a little slurred that time.
He started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. Looking around for a minute, he figured out where they were and that her house was almost 45 minutes from the club. While they were sitting at the stop light waiting for the light to turn green, she leaned over in the seat and began kissing his ear.
"You'd better quit that woman." Joey tried to concentrate on driving.
Dian ran her tongue down his neck and back up to his ear again causing him to shudder. She put her hand on his crotch and started rubbing. She felt him growing beneath her touch. Ducking her head under his arm, she lifted his shirt and began sucking on his nipples. Then she moved back down to the waistband of his jeans. She pulled the button open with her teeth and moved his boxers out of the way, revealing his erection. She took him in her mouth and sucked on him until she heard him moan. He placed a hand on the back of her head to encourage her. Using her other hand to fondle his balls, she stroked his dick with her mouth. He started moving his hips and she could tell he was getting ready to cum so she stopped. She pulled his boxers back up and redid his pants. Then she sat up and smiled at him innocently.
Joey looked at her, the excitement evident on his face. "Why did you stop?"
"Cuz I don't swallow." Dian said and laughed. Just then they pulled up in her driveway. "Would you like to come in?" She asked, but he'd already gotten out and was on her side of the truck.
He yanked the door opened and carried her to the door. He crushed his lips to hers, devouring her mouth. She fumbled for her keys and unlocked the door. They barely got the door shut before they started ripping each other's clothes off. Joey pulled her skirt and underwear down and picked her up. He backed up until her back was against the wall and slammed into her causing her to suck in her breath. He started pumping in and out as fast as he could and Dian moaned loadly. He exploded inside her quickly, finishing what she'd started with the blow job. Then they moved to the bedroom and went at it long into the night.
The next morning Dian woke up with a hangover. She looked at the other side of the bed and didn't see anyone, then realized she was still wearing the Superman t-shirt he'd had on under his other shirt the night before. She got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get a drink of water. She hadn't even gotten his last name.

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