Torn Between The Two

Hey everyone. This is a short story I wrote for Kate. It's got sexual content, so don't read it if you can't handle it.

Torn Between The Two
Short Story for Kate
By Dian Seiter

Kate sat on the ledge of the bay window looking out at the stars. The two men she loved the most were coming home tomorrow. She actually had five men in her life and her and the five of them lived in the same house. But she had the misfortune of loving two of them. The past two months when they'd been gone, she'd tried to make herself choose one or the other. But she just couldn't do it. She loved them both equal amounts but in different ways. She loved Justin for his passion, fun-loving attitude, and boyish charm. Not to mention his good looks. On the other hand, she loved JC because he was thoughtful, considerate, romantic, and she could talk to him like she'd never been able to talk to anyone else before. She also found JC extremely sexy. She had searched her mind and her heart numerous times over the last couple of months for an answer, but had come up with nothing. Neither guy knew about her feelings for the other one and she didn't know how she'd ever been able to keep each a secret from the other. She had to do something about the whole situation before she had a nervous breakdown. Just as she was about to get up and go to bed she saw a shooting star and made a wish on it. "I wish that everything turns out for the best." She said to herself and went upstairs to her room and went to sleep.

The next morning, Kate woke up early and started getting ready for the guys to come home. She cleaned until about 11am and then put all the cleaning supplies up and went to take a shower. She turned on the hot water and then just enough cold to keep from scalding herself. She stepped under the water letting it wash the sweat and worry from her body. She stood there letting the shower spray caress her skin until the water started losing its warmth. Then she quickly shampooed, rinsed, and conditioned her hair. Sighing to herself, she turned off the shower and pushed the curtain aside. She almost had a heartattack when she realized Justin was standing there looking at her with a lecherous grin on his face. "Justin! What the hell are you doing?"
"I'm standing here looking at your gorgeous body, that's what. Aren't you glad to see me?" Justin replied and stepped closer to Kate. He ran his hands over her face and down her arms, wiping some of the water off. Goosebumps appeared on her arms and he laughed and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched and excitement ran through Kate's body like lightening.
Forgetting that she was wet AND naked, she stepped out of the shower into his arms. "Justin...we can't do this right now. The guys will hear us." She gasped.
"No they won't. They went out to lunch. I told them I had some errands to run. It should be at least and hour before they get here." He whispered against her neck. "I missed you Kate. I needed to feel your softness around me. Please." He started pulling her towards her bedroom. She quit resisting and went with him. Afterwards, she got up and shooed him out so that she could get dressed. It seemed like only seconds after she got her clothes on that she hear the other guys plowing in the front door.
"Kate! We're home!" She heard Joey shout from downstairs.
"I'm up here guys. Be down in a sec." She called out. She listened for a minute to make sure they weren't coming upstairs and then snuck across the hall to Justin's room. He was laying on the bed in his boxers sound asleep. She smiled to herself and went downstairs to greet the other guys. She looked in the kitchen first, knowing that she would find Joey there. She saw him with his head stuck in the frig rummaging around and crept up behind him and reached around and pinched his nipple.
"AAHHH!" He yelled and jumped, hitting his head on the freezer door. He turned around ready to punch whoever did it, then he noticed it was Kate. "Kate! How are ya sexy?"
"I'm fine my Italian garbage disposal. Did you miss me?"
"Of course I did!" Joey said scooping her up in a big bear hug.
"God, Joey, put me down before you squeeze me to death. Where is everyone else?"
"Hmmm. JC went out back somewhere and Lance and Chris are in the living room."
"Okay. Catch ya later." She smacked him on the butt and went into the living room. "Hi Lance. Hi Chris." She said on her way out the door.
"Hi Kate." They said at the same time. Lance glared at Chris and asked, "Where ya goin?"
"I'm going to find JC, I'll be back in a bit." She said and walked out the door and around to the back yard. They lived in a huge 2 story house out in the country outside of Orlando. She walked through the backyard, knowing just where JC would be. She climbed over the fence and headed out into the trees. She stopped at the base of a large oak tree and climbed up the wooden rungs nailed to the tree trunk. When she got to the top, she ducked inside the small tree house and found JC sitting on a blanket on the floor.
He heard her behind him and turned around. He smiled and said, "Hi Kate." and got up to hug her.
She pulled back and looked into his eyes. She could stare into them all day long, they were so mesmerizing to her. "Hi JC." Before she could say anything else, he brought his lips down on hers consuming her mouth. "JC," she said breaking the kiss, "the guys are all in the house."
"So. Let me guess. Joey's eating. Lance and Chris are watching TV. And Justin got here before we did and is upstairs sleeping."
She smiled at how well he knew his bandmates and kissed him again. "You're right. They won't notice how long we're gone." She pulled him down on the blanket with her. They looked into each other's eyes and joined their bodies. After they had both satisfied their urge, they sat up and put their clothes back on.
Kate stood up and started towards the doorway. "Are you coming inside?"
"No. I'm gonna stay out here for awhile where it's quiet."
"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." She climbed back down and started for the house. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she couldn't help herself. She started back toward the house and thought. *I will tell them. Soon.*

part 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
She walked back in the door and found that Justin and Joey had joined Lance and Chris in the living room. They were all sitting in front of the TV watching a basketball game.
"Where's JC?" Chris asked when he seen that she had come back in the house.
"He's out back being philosophical as usual." She lied with ease. "I'm going upstairs to take a nap." Kate told the guys and walked up the stairs. She went into her bedroom and closed the door. But she didn't take a nap like she said she was going to. She laid there and stared at the ceiling. How would she ever choose between the two? She loved them both so much. But then again, after she told them what she'd been doing the last few months, she didn't know if either of them would ever want to see her face again. It was going to hurt them, and that made it even harder. Just then she heard a knock on the door.
"Kate?" Justin said softly from the other side of the door.
She rolled over and closed her eyes. She couldn't face him right now.
Justin opened the door and walked into the room. He saw that Kate was laying on her side and her eyes were closed.
She could feel him watching her and she tried to keep her breathing slow and even so that he wouldn't know that she wasn't really asleep.
He walked over to stand at the side and watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing. After a minute he left the room, closing the door quietly.
Kate felt it the second his gaze left her. She heard him close the door and opened her eyes again. She laid there for a while thinking about Justin and JC some more. 'Dammit' she thought to herself as she heard a soft knock on the door. She closed her eyes again.
"Kate?" JC called softly. He didn't get a response so he opened the door and walked into her room as quietly as possible.
She felt his eyes on her, burning into her soul.
He stood there and watched her for a second, then smiled. "Kate. You can't fool me. I know you're not asleep."
"You know me too well." She rolled over and opened her eyes. She sucked in her breath as she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. At that moment, she knew what she had to do. "Does anyone know you're in here?"
"I don't think so. I came in the back door. The guys were sitting in the living room. Why?"
"Sit down JC. I have to tell you something and you're not going to like it. In fact, you're probably gonna hate me after I tell you."
Concern filled his eyes and he sat down.
Kate took a deep breath and stared down at her hands. "The last couple of months that we've been seeing each other secretly, I've, um, been seeing Justin too." She glanced up to see his reaction and her heart fell to pieces when she saw the hurt in his eyes.
"Why Kate?" He asked her softly.
"I don't know. I can't explain it and I know there's no excuse. At first, it was just for fun. But then I messed up and fell in love. I love you JC. I love everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, your mouth. The way you know when I'm pretending to be asleep. I want to be with you and only you. I know that I've hurt you, but I promise I will never do it again, if you give me a chance. But I would understand why if you didn't." She looked up with tears running down her face.
"I love you too Kate. But I don't know if I can get past this. Are you going to tell Justin?"
"Alright. I'm going back outside. Come find me when you're done." He looked at her one more time, then got up and left the room.
'God, what have I done?' Kate whispered to herself. She drug herself up off the bed and went downstairs to find Justin. He was still in the living room watching TV with Lance, Chris, and Joey.
He looked up and saw her standing in the doorway. She turned around and went back up the stairs and he got up and followed her.
Kate sat down on the bed and waited for Justin.
Justin walked in the room and saw that Kate's eyes were red from crying. He shut the door behind him. "Kate, sweetie, what's wrong?"
"Justin, sit down. I have to tell you something." She said softly and waited for him to sit down. "I've been seeing you and JC at the same time and I can't do it anymore. I have very strong feelings for you, but I want to be with JC." She closed her eyes and waited for him to yell at her.
"I knew that Kate. I didn't say anything because I was hoping that you would choose me. Somehow I knew you wouldn't, but I was hoping just the same. I'm not mad and I don't hate you. I'm not going to deny that it hurts, but I want you to be happy." With that, he got up, kissed her on the forehead, and left the room.
Kate just sat there staring at the door. He didn't hate her. Now it was time to go find out if JC did. She got up and went downstairs. She glanced in the living room and Justin waved his hand at her, motioning her to go ahead. She smiled at him and went out the back door. She walked back to the tree house and climbed up. She found JC sitting on the floor with his back to her. "JC?"
"Yes?" Came the soft reply. She winced when she heard the tears in his voice.
"I did it. I told him I wanted to be with you. He knew already. Please turn around and face me. Just say something. Scream at me, throw something at me, anything."
He turned around so that she could see the wetness on his cheeks. "I can't do any of that. I love you Kate. Yes, you hurt me. But I still love you. I could never stop loving you. Just promise me that will never happen again."
"I promise."
He held out his arms and she went to him.


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