
This a short story I wrote for my sister, Ginni. Enjoy.

A short story for Ginni
By Dian Seiter

Ginni rolled over and turned the alarm off. A smile spread across her face. Today was Thursday and Lance was coming back home to her after 3 long months in Europe. Their flight was supposed to be in at 3pm. She got up and got in the shower. After putting on her makeup and fixing her hair, she searched through her closet for some comfortable clothes to wear. She pulled out one of her favorite outfits: her baby blue FuBu jersey and Jnco jeans. Lance loved her tight, sexy clothes, but he said that he liked her even better in the baggy ones because he had to guess what she was wearing underneath. She went downstairs to the first floor of her townhouse and began cleaning. A few hours later, she was finished and sat down to eat her sandwich. She looked at the clock on the wall; it read 1:30pm. Only a few hours and he would be home. She knew that he would have to go by the studio and a few other places before he could come home, so she was expecting him around 5pm. She thought back to a couple of months before he left for the Europe tour when he asked her to move in with him.


"Lance are you sure you're ready for us to be that serious?" Ginni looked at the gorgeous blond sitting across from her in the restaurant.

"Ginni, sweetheart, I meant every word of it. We've been dating for almost a year now. You love me, I love you, and I want us to be closer. Plus, that way you can keep the townhouse clean for me while I'm gone." He ducked his head as he said that, expecting her to punch him.

"James Lance Bass, you know I'm not a maid, not even for you." She began before realizing he was joking. "Sit up good-looking, I'm not gonna smack you this time. And yes, I will move in with you."


For the two months before the tour, they spent their every free moment together. Lance was such a romantic. He brought Ginni flowers at least once a week. She would come home from work and find the living room covered in roses. She couldn't wait to see him again. She had missed him so much. She wasn't even sure that she realized how much she loved until she'd had to spend the last three months without him. She decided to take a nap so that she would be rested when he got home.

~~**2 hours later**~~

Lance put his bags down for a minute and opened the front door with his key. He opened the door slowly, half expecting Ginni to tackled him before he got all the way in, but there was no sign of her. He sat his bags inside the door and closed it behind him. Then he realized why she hadn't greeted him. She was stretched out on the couch sound asleep. Lance walked over to her and got down on his knees beside the couch. He kissed her nose and her eyelids fluttered. She opened them slowly and blinked a couple of times to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

 "Lance! You're home. You better hug me instead of just sitting there on your knees." She demanded as she sat up and opened her arms to him. They embraced tightly for a long time.

"I missed you my little bum." He said tweeking her boob. She made a small effort to slap his hand and missed, so she kissed him instead. It was long and intense since they hadn't seen each other in three months. Lance reluctantly pulled away and went to take his bags upstairs. He sat them down in their bedroom and put his hand in his pocket to feel the small velvet box he had stashed there. He couldn't wait to see the look on her face. He went back downstairs and found Ginni in the kitchen making him a sandwich. *Yep, she is perfect for me. I didn't even have to tell her I was hungry.* He walked to the door way of the kitchen and said, "Ginni."

"What, gorgeous?" She said as she turned around. Her mouth dropped open as he dropped to one knee in front of her. He took a little velvet box out of his pocket and held it up for her to see. "Will you marry me?"

"Oh Lance!" She said with tears streaming down her face. "Of course I will!" She took the box out of his hand and hugged him causing them both to fall to the floor. "Oh my god," she kissed him on the forehead "it's beautiful" she kissed him on the nose "I can't believe you did this" she kissed him on the lips.

He just smiled and said, "You amazed me from the moment I met you and I realized when we were apart that I never want you to stop."


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