
Howdy peeps! Yet another short story by my bud Kate. What can I say, she's an awesome writer!!! This story is pretty graphic and has strong sexual content. So if you can't handle, go back right now.

This story contains graphic content and is intended for mature readers only.

Author's note: In writing this story, by no means do I advocate the consumption/abuse of alchohol by minors. Parts of this story are autobiographical, but it is largely fictional. I'll leave it up to your perverted little minds to figure out which is real and which isn't *grins*

Justin looked at me, his face alternately masked with shadow and bathed in the soft colored light. His hair looked dark and his jaw and the contours on his face were clearly defined. We had been sitting at the table for awhile and I could tell he was anxious to get out on the dance floor, but wanted to stay with me until JC once again graced us with his presence.

I scanned the crowd once again looking for him, but finally gave up and grabbed Justin's muscular arm. He looked surprised for a moment, but followed me as I got up and led him to the dance floor. A fast paced, European techno song blared out from the speakers and he began to move to the music. He was completely in his element as he turned and moved to the quick beat of the music. I was not much of a dancer, but he put his hands on my hips and began to dance with me.

The energetic aura of the club was manifested in the throng of people in the building and the heat of their bodies as well as the rhythmic music that beckoned to you to move your feet. Justin's hands slipped to the small of my back so he was pressed closer to me and he started dancing closer and closer, as if in preparation for grinding. Uncharacteristic of myself, I put my hands on his chest and we began to move in a sexually charged manner. Our eyes locked as we moved to the music and we breathed faster and faster, hot air mingling in the small space between us. His crotch pressed against my lower stomach as we grinded to the next song and I could feel it begin to press harder into me. Justin removed his hands from my back and I let go of him, our eyes still trained on one another.

When the next song came on, I felt heat on the side of my neck and knew JC was standing behind me because he knew what was on the list of things that drive me crazy. Justin was far enough in front of me that JC could spin me back into his arms. He began to grind me from the back as Justin moved closer and danced with me in front. We kept on dancing and still were not tired at all. I scanned the club more than once for Joey, Chris, and Lance, but they were nowhere to be found. JC kissed me on the neck and whispered, "Should we leave?" I shrugged and glanced at Justin who half nodded his answer in "yes" fashion.

We piled into the black Jeep Cherokee and headed back to JC and Justin's place. Halfway there, JC stopped the car and told us to stay in the car. He emerged from the packie with a good sized paper bag. When he got into the car, he tossed it into the backseat and Justin and I exchanged a glance.
When we got inside, Justin put ambient music into the stereo and sat down on the couch. JC grinned and pulled a bottle from the bag. The liquid was a warm golden color and the label on it read "Jose Cuervo."

"Tequila?" I questioned JC and he nodded.

"Do you like it?"

I smiled and grabbed the bottle from him, uncapping it and taking a swig. "I'm gonna marry Jose when I grow up," I said.

JC laughed and grabbed the bottle away from me, taking a swig himself. Justin looked over from his position on the couch and looked confused.


JC held out the bottle. "Take a sip, man."

Justin shrugged and looked at me. "Its pretty strong, J. Beginners should have training wheels."

JC nodded and handed the bottle to me and went into the kitchen, coming back with a box of salt and a sliced up lemon.

Justin looked even more confused when JC put the items on the coffee table and handed the bottle to him.

"Eat some salt first, drink that," I said pointing to the bottle, "then suck on the lemon for a bit, it takes the initial edge off the drink. But I have to warn you, it goes down kinda strong, especially for someone who's not used to something other than beer."

Justin looked back and forth from JC to me and then did as directed, his face immediately flushing pink and his eyes watering. "Ugh!" he gasped.
I tried to suppress a smile but didn't quite succeed and caught JC looking over at me and grinning as well. I went to relieve Justin of the bottle, but he held onto it and grinned widely at me then said, "I like it!" We burst into laughter as Justin took another swig out of the bottle.

We passed around the bottle until a good portion of it was gone and we were laughing hysterically, in a state of "happiness."

As Justin went to pick up the bottle again, the door opened and Chris entered holding the hand of a blonde. He looked at us and winked and then led the girl upstairs, where it was quite obvious what would be occurring.
When Justin and I locked eyes as we saw her disappear, gears shifted into gutter mode. I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was when he began to stroke my knee absently. I was vaguely aware of JC moving to switch the CD. Mellow jazz filled the room as Justin and I stared at each other a little longer.

JC must have noticed because he randomly exclaimed, "Body shots!"

I raised my eyebrows, but Justin was already interested. "What are those?"

I shook my head but JC insisted and pulled me up to demonstrate what they were. I wasn't sure where exactly he was planning on taking his shot from, but he turned me so Justin would have a clear vision of my neck.

JC licked the right side of my neck slowly looking at Justin for a reaction. Then he put salt into his hand and rubbed it gently on so it would stick. He took a shot and put the lemon into his mouth.

Justin was very intrigued with this practice and I told him to tilt his neck so I could do it for him. Instead of holding the lemon though, I told him to put the lemon in his mouth. When I licked his neck, I felt his body tremble slightly and I realized that if I was to view him from the front at that point, I would be getting an eyeful. JC understood what I was doing because his eyes narrowed as I took the lemon carefully out of Justin's mouth with my own lips. I touched them together lightly and then grinned in satisfaction when I pulled the sucked lemon out of my mouth.

Justin stared at me, face flushed, and I could tell he was eager to do something. He glanced at JC and then moved towards my neck. I grinned and shook my head at him. When he looked at me quizzically, I lifted the bottom half of my shirt to reveal my flat stomach.

He knelt down and looked up at me, desire obvious in his eyes and all throughout his body. JC sat on the chair and watched as Justin gripped my hips and began to unbutton the top of my pants. I was shocked at first, but I let him have his way. He pushed them down until they were very low on my hips and began to lick up from where my pubic hair stopped to my belly button. He licked sensuously around the hole and flicked his tongue lightly, pushing at the sensitive area. I felt myself grow warmer as he continued his way up my stomach and to the area beneath my breasts. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to breathe normally as he licked his way back down again, dragging a small handful of salt down with him so he could lick his way back up.

My legs pressed together tightly and my back began to spasm as Justin pressed his lips gently to my lower stomach again and gripped my waist. My hands rested on his shoulders as I closed my eyes and moaned. My body tensed as he licked his way back up my stomach. When he stopped at my navel area once again, I felt an intense buildup in my body as I was aroused.
Justin knew he was doing this to me because he stopped and looked up at me, grinning. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled them to me to indicate I wanted him to continue. He continued licking his way up my stomach and then lifted the bottle of golden liquid to his lips. He instructed me to put the lemon in my mouth and then pressed his lips to mine.

The lemon stayed between both our lips as Justin sucked gently on it and managed to lick his tongue erotically around it in my mouth. He bit down on his end and pulled it out of my mouth, spitting it to the side before he kissed me again, this time his tongue maneuvering forcefully around my mouth.

I felt hands enclose my waist and I thought JC was going to pull me away from Justin, but instead I felt warm wetness on my neck as he began sucking on it. His hands caressed my shoulders and then slid down my arms to my waist. He pulled himself to me so I could feel his erection behind me as Justin and I continued to kiss.

JC lifted up the back of my shirt and tugged gently to indicate he wanted it off. Feeling warm and heady, I lifted up my arms, and Justin pulled away so JC could lift it over my head. Justin leaned forward again and I sucked on his tongue as JC unhooked the back of my bra, exposing my back. I felt thick warm liquid drizzle down my back and the JC's tongue lick its way up.
Justin meanwhile gently pulled the straps of my bra down and it came off. I could feel him press into me from the front and I began to tug at the bottom of his shirt. He lifted it over his head and tossed it to the side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in the back of his hair as our chests pressed together. JC held onto my upper arms as he assaulted my neck with his tongue. I moaned at the heat created by the two strong bodies I was sandwiched between. I felt disembodied as I experienced wave after wave of pleasure. I felt like I had no control and I loved every minute of it. And I could tell that both JC and Justin were enjoying the experience as well. Finally Justin pulled away and JC spun me around so he could kiss me. His kisses were different. They were softer, less urgent, but amazing all the same. He knew how to use his tongue and made me moan and squirm as he ground his hips into mine.

When he pulled away, I saw Justin holding the bottle again. I grinned and grabbed it from him, my eyes at the straining bulge in his pants. He stood acting helpless as I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. They fell to a heap and he kicked them away. I saw JC grin out of the corner of my eye and I dropped to my knees in front of Justin. I knew he was a virgin and probably the only thing that had touched his genitals since he was a baby was his own hand, so I tried to be careful.

I ran my hand over the front of his boxers and his hips thrust involuntarily into myself. "Control yourself, boy," I whispered and he looked intensely down at me, urging me to continue.

I teased him a little longer, running my hands over the front of the material and then tugged his boxers down. His erection stood in front of my face, urging me to take care of it. I took the bottle of tequila and lifted it to my lips before running my tongue along his length.

Justin's eyes rolled back and I could feel his body trembling feverishly as I licked up and down, the salty sweetness of him enough to satiate me as I took another swig of the tequila. He was still fully erect when I stood up again. His eyes followed me and pleaded with me to continue the act, but I shook my head and pressed up against him. I could tell he was uncomfortable and wanted release, but I wasn't going to let him have it that easily.

JC meanwhile sat in the chair in the corner and I could feel his eyes trained on Justin and I, urging us to continue or little show. Justin slowly removed the rest of my clothing as I stood still in front of him, just watching the way his muscles moved as he knelt and gingerly helped me step out of the rest of the clothes. I stood tall and eyed him and then eyed JC, who had slipped his hand underneath his pants. I noticed curiously that he wasn't watching me anymore, but was watching Justin.

Justin stood up again and crushed his lips to mine, his urgency apparent everywhere. He pressed in to me and finding we weren't level with one another, he lifted me up a little. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to thrust into me. We pushed backwards until we were on the couch and I was on top of Justin. I had a clear view of JC from this vantage point, who had unzipped his jeans and was still working his hand underneath his boxers. I felt for the bottle next to me and took a swig before bringing my mouth back to Justin's as I rode him. He flipped me over and pushed into me as he brought us both to climax.

JC pushed his boxers below his hips and freed his erection and I watched as he ran his hand up and down, his other hand fondling his balls simultaneously. Justin cried out and fell over me, spent. He kissed me again on the lips, and then he noticed my eyes were open and I was watching JC masturbate.

Justin's glassy eyes widened and he watched JC. JC had his eyes closed, but when he opened them, he stared right back at Justin, who was fascinated with what he was seeing. JC grinned faintly and worked himself faster and faster. His desire for Justin was obvious and he soon had finished his deed.
Naked, tired, and drunk, I curled up on the couch and Justin sat down next to me, his head leaning against the couch. JC stayed in the chair, but he was still watching me as my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to find I was tangled up with JC and Justin on the couch. At some point, JC must have sat down with us and Justin shoved over so we were tangled up on it. I groaned and felt nauseated. The nearly empty tequila bottle was perched in the middle of the floor and I prayed JC and Justin wouldn't freak out when they realized what had happened the night before on a conscious level. Justin stirred next to me and I could tell he was feeling sick. He put a hand to his mouth and then I looked over at JC who was watching him in fascination. JC helped me drag Justin to the bathroom, where we leaned him over the toilet. Justin slumped in front of it, clutching the porcelain for dear life, but couldn't seem to let it go. Still nude, I turned on the shower to a warm temperature and tried to help Justin in. I wasn't strong enough to pull him and hold him up, so JC got in after Justin and pulled him against him under the warm spray. As steam swirled around them, Justin's head fell forward and I could see his body shaking to cough. JC pulled him tighter to help him out, but I could tell he would need to be helped out soon as well. JC was already growing erect into Justin's bare backside. He looked at me and I raised my eyebrows. He smiled and reached forward to smooth Justin's hair off his forehead under the water. When Justin heaved for the last time, JC reluctantly helped him out of the shower and onto the plush carpet where I helped dry him off with a big towel. Justin groaned and looked back and forth between JC and I. A mixture of emotions crossed his face, but disgust was not one of them. He reluctantly held his hand up to JC to help him up and JC pulled him. What I had understood as a crush solely on me had become much more complicated. As I had a crush on both JC and Justin simultaneously, apparently JC had feelings for Justin as well as me. I was curious about Justin's feelings for JC but knew he would have to discover them for himself. Leaving the bathroom, we all three changed. Justin lent me sweatpants and a shirt to wear. We had just finished changing when Chris wandered into the kitchen. "So how are you kids this morning?" he asked, grinning. I blushed and ducked my head. "Good. So how come you're so happy?" I asked, knowing full well what the reason was. Chris just grinned. "I'll give you three clues. Blonde, beautiful, and VERY talented."
Justin groaned.

Chris clapped Justin on the back. "Sorry, forgot there were virgin ears in the room." At this, Justin coughed and glanced at me. Our gaze held, but Chris apparently was too caught up in his own memories of the night before to notice.

"Alrighty then, I'll catch you kiddies later. Have fun, but not too much. I saw that tequila bottle last night. You DO know you're underage right?" He smiled and looked back and forth between Justin and I.

I just shook my head and he chuckled to himself, exiting the room. JC had a half smile on his face. "Virgin ears, eh?"

Justin shrugged and gulped down a glass of water. I cleared my throat, knowing how awkward this would be for all of us. "Justin, I hope you-"

He put his hand to my mouth. "No regrets," he said.

JC moved up to us. "Absolutely none."

Something in his eyes sent heat running through my body, and I knew Justin could sense it. He raised his eyebrow at me and then turned to JC. I witnessed the exchange in their eyes. JC didn't try to hide what he was feeling. He must have realized that whatever feelings he had were made public the night before. Justin stared back innocently at him, as if trying to understand on a conscious level what JC was feeling. He finally just nodded his head slightly and turned back to me.

I looked back and forth between the two and could see some sort of connection between us. What we had witnessed the night before was magical and erotic and would forever remain in my mind mixed with warm and wonderful feelings. Nothing could change that. I could see in both sets of eyes the same feelings. What we had experienced would remain between the three of us.

Okay, that's it. Should I add more? What? Too graphic? I feel awkward sending this out, though I did enjoy writing it! Tell me what you think! Should I start a new life as a smut writer? LOL!

Luv you all,

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