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Destroying the Vampire

Methods by which such creatures can be annihilated throughout the world, designed for specific species and to be used in any combination with care.


Staking: The most commonly used method in the world

Beheading: Avoid splattering of blood

Sunlight: Some aged and powerful vampires are immune

Cremation: Found throughout the world; scatter the ashes

Piercing with a Sword: A blessed sword should be used

Immersing in Water: A bathtub can be used, but body disposal may prove a problem

Drenching in Garlic and Holy Water: Large amounts have to be hauled to the gravesite to assure a clean kill; oil, wine, or vinegar can also be used

Touching with a Crucifix: Destroys a young vampire but is normally used only as a repellant

Trapping in the Grave: Iron bits, red peas, rice (for Chinese species), roses, garlic, stones, and holy water can be used

Extracting the Heart: Can be very messy


Stealing the Left Sock: Useful for only a few species; fill a sock with soil, grave dirt or rocks, and throw outside of village limits, aiming for a river

Injecting with Holy Water: Demands close proximity to vampire

Magic: Used only by a trained sorceror

Bottling: Hire a professional Malaysian or Bulgarian sorceror

Breaking the Spine: Follow by decapitation or other methods

Using a Dhampir: Some dhampirs are disreputale and untrustworthy because of their vampire lineage

Using Animals: Cocks, dogs, and white wolves recommended

Boiling the Heart: Use in conjunction with heart extraction; vinegar, oil, or wine can be used

Using Sabbatarians: Only if they wear their clothing in particular fashion


History of the Vampire

Protection from the Vampire

<>Becoming a Vampire

Powers of the Vampire

Preventing a Vampire

Detecting a Vampire
