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Powers of the Vampire

Commonly Attributed Abilities of the Undead

(Note: not all vampires possess the powers listed; see separate species for details)


Create Other Vampires: Some believe the vampire can choose to create more of its kind; others think that it takes three bites to be effective.

Flight: The bruxsa, langsuir,and aswang can fly; other vampires change shape to fly.

Misting or Vaporizing: Gives the vampire access to places considered secure or hard to reach.

Strength: Equal to that of many men; increases with age.

Hypnosis: Useful in luring and ensnaring victims.

Changes in Size or Dimensions: Good for tight spots, as seen in "Dracula" with Lucy.

Control the Elements: Powers extend over wind, rain, and other natural forces.

Control of Animals: Powers extend over many creatures, including insects, rats, fleas and bats.

Eternal Life: Varies in length; not all vampires are immortal.

Scale Walls: Vampires are as nimble as spiders.

Transformation: Vampires can turn into bats, cats, dogs, wolves, butterflies, insects, rats, birds, fleas, mice, and locusts.

Drain Life Force or Psychic Energy: An attribute of the psychic vampire.


Causing Blights and Crop Failures: Vampires are opposed in this activity by the kresnik.

Causing Plagues or Epidemics: The result of killing so many people.

Siring Children: The offspring are called dhampirs in some regions.

Causing Impotence: A power of the nosferatu.

Stealing Organs: A power of the jigarkhwar (takes the liver) and upier (takes the heart).


History of Vampires

Protection from Vampires

Becoming a Vampire

Preventing a Vampire

Dectecting the Vampire

Destroying a Vampire
