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Risky Dating


New York, on January 13, 1999. Apartment G5 on the 5th avenue, 8:00 am. A peaceful morning, until a shrill yell wakes up everyone in Apartment G5 and the surrounding Apartments. So much for the peace and quiet. ^_^
Orion: " Now, calm down! You may make it-"
Orion: "But you are never late. Your teacher will understand!"
Orion: "Well, this was going to be a peaceful day."
Florie: "ORION, quit the smart talking and hop in!" holding her Backpack open.
Orion: "Fine."
Running was always a strong point of Florie. She makes it in forty-five minutes. Her bus usually takes thirty minutes. Quite good I must say!
Secretary: "So, dear, you are late? Sign this and get your parent to sine this. Okay, everything is going to be all right, honey."
Florie: (thinking) ‘Of course everything is going to be ok' (saying) "Oh thank you so much."
Five minutes later, she stands in Mme Allera's class.
Mme Allera: "So, Janine (french name), late? First time. But that is ok, we all oversleep sometimes, now don't we?"
Florie: "Yes, I guess so..."
After school, her Best friend Amanda walks up to her.
Amanda: "Hi, guess what!!!"
Florie: "What??? You got an A+ in Math?"
Amanda: "No!! You know I am a dids in math!! Way better, Jim, that senior, the cute one from the Football team, and I are going out!"
Florie: "Cool! Where are you going?"
Amanda: "To the skating rink, but before we go to the café."
Florie: "Great!! Have Fun!"
Amanda: "Oh, I will!"
With these words they go onto the bus, and talk about all stuff. Amanda asks Florie to go shopping with her.
Amanda: "I need something modern. C'mon, it isn't like you are needed no where else. PLEASE!!!!"
Florie: "Fine. But first I want to go home."
Amanda: "Sure, I'll come with you. Good that we have no homework."
Florie: "Yeah."
When Florie and Amanda come into the big shop they see Catherine, the biggest fashion freak ever. Oh no, she comes up to Florie and Amanda. Florie usually never loses her temper, but with Catherine you never know.
Catherine: "Oh, hi Amanda. Are you not going out with Jim? Well, it is natural that you are here, but Florie, what are YOU doing here?"
Florie: "It is Flora for you! I am here with Amanda!"
Catherine: "Oh, your such a tempered girl Flora. Chill, will you!"
Amanda: "Let's just go Florie."
Florie: "Yeah, oh, and Catherine, is THAT skirt new? "
Catherine: "Funny that you ask, but yes. You like it?"
Florie: "Well, I like it, except when a cow like you wears it looks kind of cheap..."
Catherine: "Oh, how dare you?!"
Amanda: "C'mon Florie, let's go!"
They have to look around a very long time, until Amanda finally decides to buy a blue top with a blue skirt and a red party dress. She really looks pretty in her new clothes, and wears her dress already. When the arrive at Amanda's house, Jim just pulls his cabriolet into the driveway.
Jim: "Hi, jump right in." and he holds the dor open.
Amanda: "First I'd like you to meet my parents, and my friend Florie."
Jim: "Al right. Hi, I'm Jim" he says toward Florie, and holds his hand out.
Florie takes his hand and suddenly has a vision, which gives her a clear message, Amanda is in danger!
Jim: "Are you all right?"
Florie: "Yes... I mean no... Yes."
Jim: "So what now, yes or no?"
Florie: "Oh, yes, I am all right, just very tired. Uh, see you tomorrow Amanda. Bye and have a pleasant evening."
Amanda: "Sure, bye."
Florie thinks: ‘There is something wrong, I need to help Amanda!' and she goes around the corner. ‘I have to get to the skating rink before they do!' she starts running. She arrives just after Amanda does. They skate all evening, and everything is going ok. Later they drive home, and Florie takes the bus. She sees Amanda going home and she seems totally ok. Was her vision right ..... or is she paranoid?

The next day, Florie tries to talk to Amanda about it, but she just can't, until they go to lunch. But already when she opens her mouth, Jim joins them.
Amanda: "Jim!! I thought about you all day."
Jim: "Me too. You eyes are like the dawn in the morning, your skin-"
Florie: (who can't stand their little conversation) "Excuse me for a second, I'll be gone, ok?"
Amanda: "But... Oh, ok."
After school Amanda comes over to Florie. They start talking and go onto their bus. Then Florie thinks ‘It's now or never!'.
Florie: "Uh... Amanda, I need to talk to you... uh... about Jim."
Amanda: "Sure! Isn't he the best, the sweetest the-"
Florie: "Evilest!"
Amanda: (shocked) "What do you mean ‘evilest'?"
Florie: "I know how you feel, but when I took his hand, when we shook hands, I head a vision." in a deeper and softer voice: "You where in great danger in that vision."
Amanda: "Yeah, it endangered our Friendship! You are paranoid! Jim is the Sweetest person in the whole world! You know what? I don't want to be friends with you ANYMORE!!"
Florie: "But... Amanda... I just don't want you seen hurt!"
Amanda: "Well, you hurt me!"
They get off the bus with no other word. Florie talks to Orion about it.
Florie: "And today the go to the rink again! I will be there, but if she sees me, she'll go home immediately. I just don't want her to get hurt!"
Orion: "There is a way... hold on!"
With these words she jumps in the air, makes a Salto and says ‘Earth disguise pen'. A small, white pen with a green crystal on top appears.
Orion: "Say ‘Earth disguise pen, change me into whatever you want'."
She changes into a cool modern skating kid. And now, she starts running towards the skating rink. She must get there, she must!!!
When she arrives she first of all looks over to Amanda. She skates nearby, notices her, but does not see who she is. At the same time a big, black cloud appears, and spreads over the whole rink. The Negaverse!!! Jim changes into a really ugly, slimy creature! Florie doesn't think long.
Music Florie: "EARTH MAGICAL POWER!!!!!!"
Well, you know what happens next. You don't? Well, Florie becomes SailorEarth.
Amanda: "Jim? What happened to you?"
Daemon: "I am not Jim anymore, I am Daemon Eros!! You will become a Negaslave"
With these words he slams Amanda to the wall, and then holds her up at her throat!!! SE: "Not as long as someone is here to prevent it!"
Daemon: "Like who?"
SE: "Someone strong, brave and a true friend... In one word.... MOI!! (Moi= french for Me)"
Daemon: "You make me laugh!"
Orion: "Well, that really wasn't one of her best preaches."
SE: "I stand for all life on Earth! I am SailorEarth, and in the name of Earth, I will punish all evil on this planet! And you, Slime ball, are certainly evil! Playing with a young girl's heart is not only evil, but also expensive, it will cost you your life!"
Amanda: "SailorEarth, will you stop preaching, and get me out of here!!"
SE: "I will! EARTH EAGLE.... STRIKE!!"
SailorEarth's Eagle flies over Daemon Eros, and suddenly strikes, but with no luck! The Daemon just punches it away! Oh, no!
SE: "Orion, what shall I do? My eagle does not work!"
The Daemon lets Amanda go and goes toward SailorEarth. He picks her up at her throat, too.
SE: "Hey, Eros, you know, I do such a silly thing called breathing..."
Daemon: "I bet you do! Absorb her good energy!"
Florie get's weaker and weaker! Everything seems lost when unawares a ghost like woman appears.
Gaia: "Let her go! Beam of life... Smash!"
SE: "Thanks... Who are you?"
Gaia: "I am your guardian, the spirit of Earth, Gaia! Trust in your powers, remember them..."
And Gaia is gone! Florie again wastes no time.
SE: "I feel the strength! Earth Dogs..... attack!"
Three dogs appear and attack the antagonist. They do not return, until the daemon is weakened enough to destroy him with SailorEarth's Tiara.
Daemon: "I will destroy you!"
SE: "Yeah, you wish! Dogs, return to me! I can handle it from now! Earth Tiara, appear!"
Now we go the usual routine, the opponent sees a flying disk coming towards him, and suddenly, he sees only darkness. Good job SailorEarth. You saved our day again! There appears a shadow....
Shadow: "We will meet again! And next time I will beat you! You can't run from me! I am Hera, the 1st in command of the Negaslaves army! You will become part of it! I promisse!"
Now, that was weird. Whoever this Here is, she is dangerous! SailorEarth will have to watch her step from now on... SailorEarth had enough for today, and so, she leaves, goes home to her apartment and finally transforms back. These clothes seem to become so usual...
Amanda runs home to Florie's apartment.
Amanda: "Sorry, Florie, I should have listened... because of my stupidity you had to fight again-"
Florie: "It's ok, it's not your fault. I would have to fight him anyway... wanna go for some icecream?"
Amanda: "Do I ever say no to that? This time on me!"
Florie: "Okie!!!"

SailorEarth sais: "Amanda today dated a guy she barely knew. When you date someone you really have to know that person, otherwise there is no fun in it." Orion: "Yes, SailorEarth is right. Introduce him/her to you friends and parents. Don't be down just because they don't like him, they are not the ones dating, you are!" SailorEarth: "That's right! SailorEarth says: ‘See ya'! HaHaHa"