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The Enemy takes Shape

Who is Florie's enemy? Find out!


Florie walks down the stairs to the postbox, wondering if there is any good mail. On the way down she sees Mrs. Brown, an old woman in her 70's, with snow-white hair and friendly, blue eyes. She is the only one except for Amanda who knows that Florie lives alone. Strangely, no one else notices that... Mrs. Brow always has been like a grandma to Florie.
Mrs. Brown: "Good Morning my dear. Are you enjoying your free Saturday?"
Florie: "Good Morning Mrs. Brown. Yes, I am enjoying every second of it! Are you too?"
Mrs. Brown: "Of course! So, are you just going down to get the mail? Would you please get mine too?"
Florie: "Oh, sure!"
Mrs. Brown: "That is so kind of you Florie. My knees just won't let me walk that well anymore. I'll get you the key."
Florie goes down to the mailbox and get's Mrs. Brown's and her mail. She notices an unusual envelope... she looks on the sender. An H. Black. The letter is white with black stars (*HintHint* =). 'Strange?' Florie thinks 'I have a scary feeling about this...'. She gives the letter to Mrs. Brown... and she will keep a close eye on the old Lady. Now she looks through her mail....
Florie: "Bill, Bill...... Junk..."
Orion: "What by all means are you doing?!"
Florie: "Uhm.... looking through my mail... You got a problem with that?!"
Orion: "How can you think of mail.... you have to fight the Negaverse! That appearance you saw last week wasn't just anyone from the Negaverse. I'm sure it is the leader of the Negaverse or something like that!!!!"
Florie: "What's wrong with you Orion? My goodness, your taking this far to personal... by the way... bills also have to be payed! So, let me do this first, and then we will go for a Negatrash hunt! Deal?"
Orion: "Well, hurry!"
Florie: (thinking) 'I don't know why, but Orion is weird about this... I have to find out more!'
During the next days, Florie is being forced by Orion to go for more Negaverse creature hunts, and doesn't keep a too close look on Mrs. Brown. One day, Florie decides to go over to her, and go for a cup of tea. She rings the bell....... no answer. After a few minutes the neighbour comes out of his apartment.
Neighbour: "Well, Florie dear, you won't find Mrs. Brown.... she's gonne to this restaurant where she would meet all these old friends. Isn't that-"
Florie: "The address, quickly!!!"
Neighbour: "What's your hurry child?"
Florie: "No time to explain, give me the address!!!"
Neighbour: "Yes, it's at the one, in the old warehouse. You know, the new cafe... The 'Black Star'."
Florie: "Thanks! Gotta go!"
Florie: (thinking) 'I have to get there.... I have to!'
In the Meantime, Orion has already arrived at the scene. Everything seems normal.... Florie, as SailorEarth bursts in. All the people look up. No sign of Mrs. Brown...
SE:"Where are all the old people who where supposed to meet here?"
Waitress: "In the room next door, but you can't go in there!"
SE: "Wanna bet?"
With these words she jumps up, makes a Salto, and lands in front of the door. Oh no, the door is locked! SE doesn't wait until the waitress is by her, she kicks the lock, and the door opens with no resistance.
SE: "Ok, everyone, where is the Negacreep?"
Mrs. Brown: "Excuse me. You seem to be at the wrong place! This is-"
Hera: "... where you are supposed to be! Take it easy old lady, I invited her! Hahahahaha! SailorEarth, I challenge you to a fight!"
SE: "Not so fast, I don't fight someone I don't know..."
Hera: "Such a chicken... SailorEarth... Hahahaha! I knew you would not accept it!"
SE: "I didn't say that..."
Orion: "Hera!"
Hera: "Oh, that kitty.... I thought I had killed you in the past.... guess not! But don't worry, I'll do it when I'm done with SailorChicken!"
SE: "Who are you calling chicken? Earth Eagle.... strike!"
Hera: "Hahahaha! That little eagle isn't going to hurt me! Stars of the Negaverse... combine and defeat!"
The stars are too much for SE, and she falls to the ground. Orion jumps up to Hera and scratches her. Hera beats Orion to the ground.
Hera: "Your turn kitten!"
Again, our friend Gaia appears. This time she looks very, very angry.
Gaia: "Hera! You know they are not your size yet-"
SE: "I am her size!!!!"
Gaia: "No my child, you are not! Hera, come back when she's ready!"
No offence Gaia, but whos so stupid? Not attacking your enemy when they are weak! I am on SE's side, but this is just too much! Hera thinks so too, she bursts out in laughter.
Hera: "Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Well, do you think I'm stupid or something? I am not waiting until that brat is powerful enough to kick my end! I'll destroy her while she's fresh to Scout business!"
SE: "That kinda makes sense, but you know what-"
SE runs toward Hera...
SE: "Earth Kick!"
... and kicks her in the side. Hera falls to the ground.
Hera: "Arrgh! I'll kill you for this! Say bye-bye!"
SE: "Earth Tiara.... appear!"
SE throws her Tiara. Hera tries to catch it, but it burns her hand. SE's tiara returns to SE.
Hera: "Ahhhhh!"
SE: "Well, Hera, I forgot to tell you that my tiara is Anti-Negaverse. In other words, the Negaverse can't touch it, or it will sting/burn them!"
Hera: "You brat! I promise, this isn't over! I'll return more powerful!"
With these words Hera leaves. Gaia just wants to leave.
SE: "Hey, you, Gaia! You think I am not powerful enough! Well, who the Heck do YOU think YOU are? Don't think you can just leave without confronting me first!"
Gaia: "Young senshi, such a big talk.... I am on your side!"
SE: "Heck no! I don't like daemons!"
Gaia: "Impudent!"
SE: "Get over it, old witch!"
Gaia: "Watch your tongue! Life beam.... smash!"
SE: "Ahhh!"
Gaia: "Next time, I won't go easy on you!"
SE: "Well, nice daemon on my side!"
Gaia: "You are a slow learner, I can defeat you with no problem! Don't you get that?"
SE: "You are one of those spiritual guys, who think they rule the world, yeah I get that!"
Gaia: "I just saved you!"
SE: "Yeah, but usually I do all the fighting! I risk my life!"
Gaia: "I am not arguing with you!"
With these words she leaves Florie. Orion comes over to her.
Orion: "You should not challenge a spirit of the 'Council of Spirits'!"
SE: "Counsel of what? Well too bad! What did Hera mean with 'I thought I had killed you in the past'?"
Orion: "During the search for you...!"
SE: "Oh, ok."
They return to their apartment. The day is saved..... this time-.

Music SailorEarth sais: "It is hard to confront someone who certainly is stronger then you. But try not to fight him/her with force, but with talking. Talk about it, with anyone, maybe even the person you have to confront." Orion: "That's right, like normally, SE! Force can be a way, but talking is the best way!" SE: "C-ya next time!!!! SailorEarth sais: Be smart, don't start (the fight)! Hahaha!"

Next time: "Traitor" *No Spoilers, wait and read! ^_^*