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Library Cat

We start our scene where it is always quiet, a library- Florie's favourite place after the gym. Star is sitting in one of the comfortable chairs, reading a novel. Orion is in Florie's backpack, which Florie carries on her back. Star and Florie seem to enjoy it, rather then Orion. She rushes to get home. Florie is at the shelf with all the animal fact books. Florie found what she was looking for. Now, she picks up the bag, and walks over to another shelf, looking constantly on a piece of paper. Finally, she finds what she's looking for. Star joins them, too. The two girls look at a book cover, while they whisper constantly. Orion reads on the cover: "Karate for beginners! Teach yourself Karate in five days!"
Orion: *whispering* "Your not going to teach yourself Karate... are you?"
Florie: *whispering back* "Why not? It's a good method to get rid of Nega-creeps!"
Star: "She's got a point."
Florie: "See! Let's go."
Orion: "Finally! It's about time!"
Star: "Give us a break Orion! We have nailed ten monsters last week, excluding the four from the day I became a senshi again!"
Florie: "Now, she's got a point!"
Orion: "Well, let's go home now!"
Star and Florie check the books out, and leave. They see Amanda in front of Florie's apartment. Florie calls her. Amanda turns around, and lays her finger on her lips. Florie opens the door, and asks her what's wrong.
Amanda: "I need your help. Close the door Star! In a week the students from Tokyo come, don't they?"
Florie: "Yes... so? You are the one who assigns them rooms, aren't you?"
Amanda: "Yes! There are two problems. One is that we're a room short... the other one is I don't know Japanese!"
Star: "I speak a little Japanese, but with a room I can't help you!"
Florie: "I'm nearly fluently in Japanese... all those classes and library visits spiff it up. *smile*"
Orion: "In this apartment we just have enough space for us three... sorry!"
Amanda: "For the space I'll find something, but with the Japanese you can help me."
Orion: "Why don't you put them two in a room?"
Amanda: "That's a good Idea! Thanks Orion! Only the boy will get a room for himself."
Florie: "Boy....??"
Star: "Boy...!"
Amanda: "Yes, Marcel.. Or was it Melcon? . Can't remember, something with a M!"
Star: "Melcon? Well... the name doesn't say anything about the person-"
Florie: "Yes it does! Star - SailorStar; Flora Fauna - SailorEarth ..."
Star: "Ok... I'll admit it! Sometimes..."
Amanda: "You'll have to be at their welcome-party. Please, dress up!"
Star: "But that's in a week!"


We are in the palace of the Nega-galaxy. Hera is kneeling down (again!) Under a spotlight. We see a lot of dark shadows... but no faces. Hera looks very displeased.
Voice: *angry* "I thought you told me this SailorBrat was alone! And you also said she can't fight two monsters at a time! Hera, *lowering his voice* you've been always the best of the best in Nega-history! You've defeated the last head spirit, and you've taken care of so many intruders! You always where a Hero, and now, some child is ruining all of your plans!"
Hera: "I know! This time I got a target... humans spend a awful lot of time studying in Libraries! Their Libraries are not like ours, though. Humans enjoy it there... it's pleasure. A rich source of Positive energy... which we can easily transform into Nega-energy. They'd make great inhabitants for our Nega-galaxy! Please, grant me as many monsters as I can get!"
Voice: "I'll grant you three! Two for the scouts, one for the Library!"
Hera: "I thank you!"
The spotlight goes out, and Hera leaves the room. She enters a laboratory, which is full of test-tubes and other experiments. We see also something like the 薦-Z bake from da Prof (Dr. Tomoe)'. Hera shuffles in there some chemicals, along with Books. She puts the oven on 蘇igh', and a couple of minutes later, three monsters come out in boxes, labelled and packed ^_^. Talking about E-Z bake ^_^! Hera packs the three boxes on a Scooter-like vehicle, and leaves.


We're in Florie's third period, Phys ed. They are practising Archery (not sure I spelled it correctly. It's arrow shooting, done with a bow and arrow ^_^ Guess you could figure that out). Florie is doing a good job (like always ^_^). Star is having no problems either. Star tries to explain to Amanda how she's supposed to hold the bow. That's when a boy rushes into the Gym.
Boy: *shouting* "Everyone! Please listen up! On the football field there is a monster! Maybe SailorEarth is gonna come! Let's go look!"
Phys ed teacher: "NO! No one leaves the building it's too dangerous!"
Of course no one is listening! Everyone is running towards the football field. Star and Florie run with them... but go unseen into the locker room.
The Monster is truly fearsome. All the kids are in some distance. A very 礎rave' boy steps to the front. It was the boy who stormed into the gym.
Boy: "So, you wanna mess with someone-"
SE: "Mess with someone your own size!"
Monster: "Har Har Har ^_^! I've been waiting for you!"
SE: "Good, so, I'll guess I can skip my speech part! Earth Ivy... hold!"
The Monster jumps easily over the Ivy. He attacks SE.
Monster: "Take this!"
The Monster throws books at SE! SailorStar signals to SE something. Suddenly a second Monster is there! Trulum and Hera appear, too.
Hera: "Hahahaha! SE, wanna go to the Library?! There is a third Monster! Hahaha!"
Trulum: "I think you won't even get these two done!"
The disappear, like always when it gets crowded by SE, and now also by SS. ^_^
SS: "Hey, you... (to Monster #1), you messed with books, who hold open a whole new world! For that, you'll be punished! Stars from this Universe.... gimme power, gimme strength... Stars border this Monster!!"
Stars (really pretty sight ^_^) surround the Monster, then attach to it, and squeeze it. SE uses her dogs to attack the other Monster, who shoots arrows towards the dogs.
SS: "Star Tiara... slay!"
Monster #1 is gone. Monster #2 is a little stronger, but SE can beat him with her Tiara.
SE: "SS! They used these two to keep us busy, so we can't go to the Library! Let's go! We gotta hurry!"
They leave, towards the Library. They arrive, and they see the head Spirit, Hera, Trulum, a Monster and Orion. Hera is talking to the Head Spirit. Trulum keeps his distance. It seems like Trulum's and the Spirits alliance is broken.
Hera: "Now to you Orion! So, you didn't talk to SE, about you being a scout, now did you-"
SE: "Orion isn't a scout Hera!"
SS: "Uhm... SE.. Orion actually-"
Orion: "Hera changed me into a guardian while I was looking for you... Boshko also trained me as a Scout. I should have told you, but I didn't know how you'd take it..."
Hera: "Hahahaha! Now, the Head Spirit wants to transform you back! Over my dead body!"
SE: "Order taken! Earth Tiara... appear!"
Trulum: "We're outnumbered! Hera, let's go!"
Hera: "You can, I'll stay! Stars of the Nega-galaxy, combine and demolish!"
They all get blown away, except for the Spirit. The Spirit takes action.
HS: "Power of Spirits, give Orion her Star-seed back!"
Orion starts changing into a Sailor Scout. When she's done, she's in a light brown dress (like her fur). Her second colour is grey (like her eyes).
SO: "In the name of my constellation, Orion; I'll punish evil, like you! Constellation stars punish this monster!"
The Monster (not Hera, the other one ^_^) get's destroyed by a powerful thing, that looks like SailorJupiter's Thunder clap. Hera looks shocked. She disappears again, Trulum leaves, too. The head Spirit nods, and leaves too with the words : "This is the last time I'll help you!"
SE: "My god! What have I missed?! You're a scout, Gaia, sorry, Star is a scout! Who else? Hera???"
SO: "Sorry Florie..."
SS: "Star Magical power return!"
SO: "Orion Magical Power return!"
SE: "Oh well.... Earth Magical Power return! We'll talk later! We gotta go to school!"
Star and Florie run back to their school, and Orion walks home, to Florie's apartment. At the end of the day, when Florie and Star return, Orion has made a whole new personal profile.
Orion: "Ah, there you are. We really have to talk! Florie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me being a senshi, but I thought you'd just be worried, and that you'd only think of turning me back."
Florie: "It's ok Orion... I think I overreacted anyway. What's that?"
Orion: "My personal Profile!"
Star: "Read it to us!"
Orion: "Ok! I gave myself a new name, and I made a background. My new name is Robby Lilith, and I'm Florie's cousin, who moved in with her."
Star: "That's a good Idea! Hey, you guys wanna go to the Library? I really gotta bring this book back!"
Florie: "Ok, but hopefully there are no Monsters there anymore!"
Robby + Star: "Oh no! Hahahaha!"
Florie: "Hahahaha!!!"

Music SailorEarth sais: Sometimes, your friends seem to have a lot of secrets towards you. Don't get all mad about it! They have their rights to keep it secret! After all, a secret isn't a secret anymore when you tell it!" SailorStar: "That's right! I have lots of secrets from which SE nor SO know something about!" SailorOrion: "Hey!" *fight in the background* ^_^ SE: "Hey you guys! Oh well, SailorEarth sais: C-ya!Hahaha!"

Next time: "SailorEarth kicks the scene!"- What will Hera do to get rid of the senshi? Who are the Japanese exchange students? Are they the inner senshi? All next time! C-ya there!