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The Downfall of Gaia


We start the scene where we've last seen SE and Co. Gaia is still there too. The Mall lies in ruins, and the police's sirens are heard.
Gaia: "Well, this is my cue to leave-"
SE: "Yeah, guess so-"
Amanda: "Guys! Let's get out of here! I don't wanna go to jail for something I haven't done!"
Orion: "C'mon SE! Let's go!"
SE: "Yes! Gaia-"
Gaia: "What is it?"
SE: "You're sure you can't tell me anything about other Senshi?"
Gaia: "No..."
Suddenly, another Spirit appeared. He (this time it's a he! ^_^) looks very angry.
Spirit: "Don't bother coming back Gaia!"
SE: "What? Why? She just saved my life!"
Spirit: "That is none of your business, young senshi!"
SE has an Idea. Orion looks at Florie with her 船on't-even-think-of-it-face'.
SE: "Well, I make it my business!"
Spirit: "WHAT? I've never seen any senshi so disobedient as you! You have now shamed all the other senshi because of your impudent behaviour! In the Council there is also a senshi, you know *HintHint* ^_^!"
With this SE is happy. She apologises... but since she got what she want... she's happy. This also puts a big grin on Gaia and Orion's face.
Spirit: "Gaia, I don't see what's so funny! You are being banished from the 舛ouncil of Spirits' for Treason!"
*long silence**shock*
Gaia: "But... I'm the Spirit of Life and Death! No one else can take this resposnsibility!"
Spirit: "Your right! I will give you another chance! You will become human, and if you don't do a good thing in 24 hours, you'll be forever banished, and the next spirit of life and death will be chosen!"
Orion: "FLORIE! I give my apologies, head Spirit, SE, is still a very undisciplined senshi!"
Amanda: "Orion! SE is the best senshi in the world!"
SE: "Yeah, I'm the only one!"
Spirit: "Not true! There are others!"
SE: "HA! You have to be banished, too! I didn't know that! The Council will banish you! You helped me!"
Spirit: "I helped you... hmm. Hahahahaha! You forget that I'm the head spirit! Too bad. Now you know some of the truth!"
Gaia: *whispers to SE* "It's not wise to anger the head spirit!" *louder "I have to redeem myself! I have to!"
Spirit: "You're wiser then I thought!"
With these words he leaves the small group alone. The police arrives.
Gaia: "We have to leave! Oh no! What's happening to me?"
Gaia starts to transform... into a senshi! SailorGaia.....
SG: "What happened to me? Oh no! I'm a senshi again!"
SE: "Why oh no? Now I'm not alone anymore!"
Orion: "Let's talk about this another time! We gotta go!"
Amanda: "What about me?"
SG: "No prob!"
SG takes Amanda over her shoulder, and they leave. Amanda is kicking and yelling to let her down, but SG holds her thigh. Finally, they arrive at Florie's apartment.
SE: "Earth Magical Power return!"
SG: "Gaia Magical Power return!"
Amanda: "I do not understand this!"
Orion: "SailorGaia...... I remember well why you don't want to be a senshi anymore."
Florie: "Why?"
Orion: "A long time ago... when the Moon Kingdom was under attack, there was one senshi, whom we never talked about. She was mysterious, and never open to the other senshi. She wasn't there in the Battle against Beryl, and she always rebelled against being a senshi."
Gaia: "So that's what they told you..."
Amanda: "You imply it's not true?"
Gaia: "No, it's not true. The true story is very different!"
Florie: "Tell me!"
Gaia: "When I still was a senshi, before the 舛ouncil of Spirits' had taken me, I always rebelled against being a senshi..."

We see lots of pictures of the Moon kingdom....
Narrative: "... because I didn't want to fight. I was chosen to do something I just didn't want to do. It's true, I never opened up to the senshi. I especially kept my distance from SailorJupiter, the one who was the best fighter of all, the strongest. SailorMoon was the only one I would talk to, and only if SailorMars wasn't there. I was scared of her. Then, when The Negaverse attacked the Moon Kingdom, I tried to help. I went to the 舛ouncil of Spirits' to ask for help. They promised to make spells on Beryl and her army, if I would give up my life, and join the 舛ouncil of Spirits'. I agreed very quickly, since I thought they'd mean it! How wrong I was! They only made one spell, a very weak one. Then I saw the senshi being send away, by the Queen. All the Moon children got reborn in human bodies! More I do not know!"
~+~+~+~+~Back to reality~+~+~+~+

Florie: "So, you mean they are still alive?"
Gaia: "Yes!"
Amanda: "And why please are you telling us that NOW?"*ironic*
Gaia: "Because I will never redeem myself!"
Florie: "Why not?"
Gaia: "He isn't going to accept any of my good deeds!"
Orion: "So, you mean, you're doomed to live?"
Gaia: "No! I'll die after 24 hours... and be dead forever!"
Florie: "WHAT? You can't leave me! I need you!"
Gaia: "No, you don't! I can tell you so much that will help you!"
Amanda: "Then let's do it!"
Florie: "But-"
Orion: "You got a better Idea?"
Gaia: "No! So, What I can tell you is the following: The Sailors are reborn in humans, who live in Tokyo!"
Amanda: "Ho, Ho! You mean they are in Japan? They are alive? How would you know?"
Gaia: "I was one of the highest Spirits in the Council! Yes, they are alive!"
Orion: "What do you know more?"
Gaia: "I know nearly everything about them! We have close watches on them..."
Amanda: "So People are spying them on, without their knowledge?"
Gaia: "The spies do not even know they are spying on the scouts! They normally don't even know who the scouts are!"
Amanda: "Am I one of them?"
Gaia: "No, we didn't even know there existed a 全ailorEarth'!"
Orion: "That's because she wasn't in the Moon Kingdom! She's not even the Princess of Earth, she'd be the Princess of the Moon, if it wasn't for Boshko-"
Gaia: "BOSHKO? I wondered where he was all those years... HE stole the first princess? Princess Flora Fauna?"
Florie: "Call me Florie!"
Gaia: "Your Majesty!"

Gaia stands up, and kneels down in front of Florie. Florie turns to Orion, who only nods to her.
Florie: "Uhm, Gaia, this is not necessary! Please sit down again! You're scaring me!"
Gaia: "You mean you're not used to this?"
Amanda: "No, she isn't, and I won't kneel down in front of her!"
Gaia: "Oh! You mean you don't know who you are?!"
Florie: "Yes, I do, but I don't think I am the Princess! This SailorMoon, or Princess Serenity, whoever she is, is the Princess now!"
Gaia: "Oh, ok!"
Florie: "So, what are we going to do?"
Amanda: "How about going on Nega-daemons Hunt?"
Gaia: "Well, I really do not like fighting..."
Orion: "But you fought for SailorEarth!"
Gaia: "Well, then ok! Nevertheless, you and Amanda stay here! It's too dangerous!"
Amanda: "But-"
Florie: "No buts Amanda! Let's go Gaia! EARTH MAGICAL POWER!"
The two scouts jump out of the Window, drop five stories, and start to run.
SG: "I nearly forgot how much fun running can be!"
SE: "Yeah! I nearly forgot how much fun it is to go on Hera's nerves!"
SG: "What do you mean?"
SE: "Nega-daemon dead ahead!"
SG: "Oh no!"
SE: "Don't worry, they are really easy to destroy!"
SG: "Except Destructo!"
SE: "Don't remind me! Hey you, slime trash! Yeah, I'm talking to you! You wanna Boogie?"
Hera's Daemon: "haaaaa, the pathetic SailorEarth! Hera sais hello!"
SE: "Well, then I'm sorry, but you won't have to say Hi back, cause you'll be destroyed by then!"
Hera's Daemon: "I'm here to destroy you! Like Destructo, only I won't lose!"
SG: "Well, then today is your lucky day! Two scouts for one!"
Daemon: "Who are you?"
SG: "I am the Senshi of Life and Death! Death will become you, for as long as I am SailorGaia!"
SE: "And I'm SailorEarth! Defender of all life! In the name of Earth..."
SG: "... also known as Gaia..."
SG+SE: "We will punish you!"
Daemon: "Did you train that, or don't you have anything better to do?"
SG: "Impudent!"
SE: "Yeah!"
Daemon: "So what, what are you going to do, stick gum in my hair?!"
SG: "No, we're gonna kick your butt to the Underworld, where you belong!"
SE: "Let's get the party movin'! Earth dogs... attack!"
SG: "Yup! Gaia, I call upon you, give me the power of death... Gaia Beam of death... terminate it!"
SE's dogs are nothing against SG's attack! The beam cuts right through the daemon as if he's just out of butter!
SG: "Dusted! Cool attack, hm?"
SE: "Uhm... yeah... strong attack!"
SG: "Yeah, isn't it? I didn't know how much I missed this!"
SE: "Wait a moment... I get some very bad waves... NEGAGALAXY! Let's go for it!"
SG: "Uhm, ok....!"
They arrive at a not so attractive scene. All humans are dry on energy, and Something has totally destroyed the half-repaired Mall again! Over them there is a very *creepy* monster.
Monster: "Hehehehe! (Very ugly sound ^_^) You're too late, SailorEarth!"
SE: "Yes! I am SailorEarth, and you better get a good look at me, pretty boy, because I'm the last sight of beauty you'll ever see!"
SG: "And I'm SailorGaia, guardian of life and death, and I say you'll die!"
Monster: "Who is a beauty?"
SE: "What's his problem?"
SG: "Yeah! Anyway, you gotta kick his butt!"
SE: "Why me? You're much stronger!"
SG: "Yeah, but my attack works once, then I can't use it again until later! I can help, but you're stronger now!"
Monster: "Quit you're talking! I'll destroy you both anyway! Black chain.... control!"
SE: "Don't be so sure! Earth Ivy... hold!"
SG: "Gaia star-crystals.... fly!"
Two starlike, thin crystals appear, and cut right through the enemy's chain, while SE's Ivy holds the bad guy.
SG: "I'll take over! Gaia, spirit of death attack... develop!"
The spirit floats around the Monster, when SE takes her tiara and throws it to the enemy. Lot's of sparkles... and gone! 2:0 for the Sailors! ^_^
SG: "Way to go SE! .... "
SE: "You look kind of p-"
SG: "Ahhh!"
SG falls to the ground. SE runs over to her. SG's costume is fading away, transforming her back to Gaia.
SE: "I'll get you home! Gaia, you hear me?"
Gaia: "It's only the stress... I'll be fine in a couple of minutes..."
SE: "You sure?"
Gaia: "Yeah! Hey, I've been dead for some years now!"
Then the head spirit arrives. He looks pleased. SE thinks he looks too pleased for her sense.
Spirit: "You've done well Gaia! Now, you may return to the 舛ouncil of Spirits'!"
Gaia: "But... But what if I don't want to?"
Spirit: "How do you mean, you don't want to?"
Gaia: "Well, maybe I wanna live!"
Spirit: "You sold your life to the Council-"
SE: "The Council did not keep it's promise either!"
Spirit: "You again! How would you know?"
SE: "Gaia told me everything! I believe her instead of a dead person!"
Spirit: "First of all, Gaia is dead too-"
Gaia: "Not anymore, for 20 more hours I'm alive!"
Spirit: "Well, then, second, I never was alive, so I'm not dead!"
SE: "Yeah, that's what you are, a F R E A K!!"
Spirit: "Why you little!"
Gaia: *laughing* "You know, she's right!"
Spirit: "Let's make a deal, you are allowed to live for 20 more hours, and then you come back!"
SG: "How about I can live again?"
SE: "Yeah!"
Spirit: "No!"
With these words he fades in thin air. Gaia is still weak, but strong enough to walk. The People don't get their energy back though, neither do they transform into Nega-slaves.
SE: "Weird...."
She stands up, and walks toward one of the people. A young women is there with a kid in her arm. They do not move. SE checks their pulse. It's very weak, but it's there. Gaia now stands up too, and checks together with SE if all the people are still alive. They are. Then, suddenly, Hera appears.
Hera: "Hiya Sailor Brat! How ya- What? Another 羨manda'? Who did this?"
SE: "Don't know! I thought only a lowlife like you would do something like T H I S!!!"
Hera: "So I can't give my congratulations? He or she did a heck of a job! Is that your new friend?" *evil grin*
SE: "You got a prob with that?"
Hera: "Nope! Love to annoy ya, but I have to do some business with you! You give me info, and I'll give you some info!"
SE: "Depends, what for info do you want?"
Hera: "All about SailorMoon and the Moon Kingdom!"
SE: "Kiss my foot!"
Hera: "I take that as a 創o'! But I'll find it out someway! Hahaha! I do not need your help."
Gaia: "Then why do you ask for it?"
SE: "Is that all Hera? Or you wanna battle?"
Hera: "It sounds so charming, but sadly I have no time! C-ya around!"
Hera leaves. Strangely, Hera didn't seem to notice that Gaia was Gaia.
Gaia: "She didn't even notice who I was!"
SE: "Your right! Let's go back to my apartment!"
Gaia: "What about these people?"
SE: "Can't do anything for them. Earth Magical power return!"
They go back to the apartment, and give a full report to Amanda and Orion. Orion and Amanda think it's weird, too.
Amanda: "Weird! Very strange!"
Orion: "For once I agree with Amanda-"
Amanda: "What do you mean for once?"
Gaia: "Amanda, it's not time to argue!"
Florie: "Wait a moment! How did Hera know anything about SailorMoon???"
Orion: "I don't know either!"
Amanda: "This is confusing!"
Gaia: "It sure is! The inner senshi are in Tokyo, why don't you just go there?"
Florie: "I can't. My Japanese is very bad! Second, we're getting- Wait a moment! We're getting exchange students from Tokyo!"
Amanda: "So? They could be anyone!"
Orion: "Your right Amanda, but we aren't allowed to lose hope!"
Gaia: "I have to side with Amanda! There live thousands of People in Tokyo!"
Florie: "Yeah, guess your right! But one of them came with them... from another school. A girls Academy."
We see the mall. We also see the head spirit talking to someone... a Nega-creep! The Head spirit leaves... but the Nega-daemon sends two monsters out, who start searching for SG and SE! Florie get's Nega-vibes at the same instant!
Florie: "Nega-vibes!"
Gaia: "Again? How many times a day do you do this usually???"
Gaia: "Well, ok then! GAIA MAGICAL PO-"
One of the Nega-creeps is just in front of the window. Without wasting time, he jumps into the apartment. SE does the opposite, she jumps out of the apartment. The Nega-creep jumps after her. SE runs as far away as possible.
Gaia: "This is my cue! GAIA MAGICAL POWER!"
Instantly, she starts changing. As soon as she is finished, she jumps out of the window, only to find another monster. She wastes no time.
SG: "I am the Senshi of Life and Death! Death will become you, for as long as I am SailorGaia! Gaia Beam of death... terminate it!"
The Monster is hurt, but not dead! It prepares to attack again.
SG: "Oh no! I can't use my beam again! Oh, heck! Well, then I'll use my crystals! Gaia star-crystals.... fly!!!!"
The crystals fly, but the Monster just catches them carelessly.
SG: "Oh shoot! I'm out'a tricks! Only one way.... run for my liiiiiiiiifffe!"
SG starts running. SE isn't doing much better.
SE: "Earth Ivy... Hold!"
Monster #2: "Whahahaha! See, I can catch your tiny Ivy! Whahaha!"
SE and SG see each other now, and nod that their thinking the same thing; getting the Monsters out of the city.
SE: *whispering* "This is it! *louder* Wanna fight? Catch me then!"
SG: "Hey, SE wait up! Follow me fish-brain!"
Their plan is working. The Monsters follow them out of the city. Now's their chance!
SE: "Use your attack on one of them!"
SG: "It doesn't really work!"
SE: "W H A T??? Wh... What do you mean???"
SG: "It weakens them only!"
SE: "We're in trouble!"
Monster #2: "hahaha! Yesssssssssss!"
In the next couple of minutes they don't know what happens to them, but we see that they are being beaten up badly by the Monsters. SE crashes into a tree, while SG is thrown into the lake.
Monster #2 is being destroyed by SE! Her Tiara is flying more powerful then ever, and we only see glitter. We know what happened. SE is now weakened so much, she just falls unconscious!
Monster #1 is getting beaten up by SG's beam, which now easily cuts through the Monster. SG runs towards SE, who seems dead.
SG: *crying* "Oh no! SE, can you hear me? Don't leave me! SE, we all need you!"
SE's eyes twitch lightly. SG turns around to sit comfortably and cries. SE lifts herself up, slowly. SE now sits up straight and holds her head. SG turns around.
SG: "Oh! SailorEarth! Your ALIVE!!!"
Gaia hugs SE very tightly, so tight it hurts SE very much.
SE: "Au! That really hurts! Of course I'm alive! After all, it were just two nearly not defeat-able Monsters! *smile*"
SG: *smile* "Yeah! You're right, like always!"
The Monster we saw talking to the head spirit appears. He seems mad on the senshi. I wonder why ^_^. His voice is like nails that run down a chalk/blackboard.
Trulum*1: "You might have defeated my monsters, but you'll never defeat the Nega-galaxy!"
SG: "So, you're from there, too? Do you know someone named Hera? If yes, tell her we said hi!"
Trulum: "Hera? Of course, she's my big sister!"
Hera appears. Not looking mad nor happy. She seems not too happy seeing her small brother (W H O would ^_^???).
Hera: "Hey, Trulum, you better go back! Your failure has been famed!"
Trulum: "What? Oh no!"
Trulum disappears again. Hera looks pleased now that her sibling is gone.
Hera: "Now we can negotiate! I have some unpleasant info for you, Gaia! Yes, I know I was kinda slow back there, but I knew I knew you from somewhere. Anyway, I usually don't help suckers, but my family's reputation is being ruined. My brother, Trulum, talked to the head spirit. I kinda was.. Eavesdropping on my brother's conversation. The head spirit wanted you guys dead. Don't know why."
SE: "Why the heck are you telling us this??? I meen, we're sworn enemies!"
SG: "Yeah!"
Hera: "Hey! It's my brother! Don't you have any siblings? You just wanna get the in trouble! Oh, no, that's right! You don't have a family... Florie!"
SE: "How did you-"
Hera: "Hahahaha! I know a lot."
And she's gone. The third person to come is our beloved Head-Spirit. He looks pleased, too.
HS: "So, Gaia, you've done well! Come back with me now!"
SG: "*hissing* Never! I'll never go with a traitor like you! I'm not the traitor, you are!"
HS: "So, Trulum told you!"
SE: "Nope, Hera did. She's nicer!"
HS: "Oh no! Not you again!"
SE: "I'll leave you alone if you give Gaia her life back!"
HS: "Impossible!"
SE: "Oh, yeah, I forgot, you are just here for the looks. All that spiritual junk is just for the looks, isn't it???"
HS: "Wanna bet? I can give Gaia her life back anytime!"
SG: "Then do it!"
SE: "Yup, and leave her alone afterwards! We are not listening to any more spirits!"
HS: "Well-"
SG: "C'mon! I wanna be a senshi again! Do something to redeem yourself to the good side!"
HS: "Well, if it's like that.... Powers of the Spirit, give Gaia her life back!"
A big ball of energy comes on his palm... and slowly descends into Gaia's body. She transforms into a normal girl.
HS: "Now, I'll change your star seed!"
SE: "Why?"
HS: "There can't be two SailorEarths, now can there? I'll make you... Sailor..."
Gaia: "SailorStar!"
SE: "Yeah!"
HS: "Ok! I'll make you the guardian of Stars! You won't feel a thing!"
A much smaller ball, more crystal-like enters Gaia's body. A new senshi is born.
HS: "I gave you powers, that will increase through time! It will take time, and you'll have to take it slowly! SE, take good care of her! Gaia, you also have to change! Especially your name!"
Gaia: "Yes!"
HS: "Your name should have to do with stars!"
SE: "How about Starnisha?"
Gaia: "I like that! Starnisha Nephthys!"
SE: "Nephthys, the Egyptian god for Night. Good Idea! Nickname Star!"
HS: "Yes! Now, the hard thing is saying Goodbye!"
Star: "Hm. Farewell!"
HS: "Farewell..."
Star: "What a change of mind!"
SE: *transforms Back* "Yeah. *smile* Yes, what a change! It must be with a little external help."
Star: "What? You used Mind-control? Are you out of your mind?"
Florie: "That was actually pretty funny! Out of my mind... yes, I was *smile*."
Star: "If he's gonna find this out-"
Florie: "He won't, don't worry! I made a nice lock around it *laughing*"
They both go back to Florie's apartment, and tell Orion and Amanda all about it.

*1: I took this name from the fanfics from ASMO (Astronomical SM Observatory.... link on my link page!)

SailorEarth sais: Florie/SE was a real friend today! She risked her life for Gaia. You don't have to risk your life, just be a friend! Listen to their problems! SE sais hahaha!