Florie: "So, you mean they are still alive?"
Gaia: "Yes!"
Amanda: "And why please are you telling us that NOW?"*ironic*
Gaia: "Because I will never redeem myself!"
Florie: "Why not?"
Gaia: "He isn't going to accept any of my good deeds!"
Orion: "So, you mean, you're doomed to live?"
Gaia: "No! I'll die after 24 hours... and be dead forever!"
Florie: "WHAT? You can't leave me! I need you!"
Gaia: "No, you don't! I can tell you so much that will help you!"
Amanda: "Then let's do it!"
Florie: "But-"
Orion: "You got a better Idea?"
Gaia: "No! So, What I can tell you is the following: The Sailors are reborn in humans, who live in Tokyo!"
Amanda: "Ho, Ho! You mean they are in Japan? They are alive? How would you know?"
Gaia: "I was one of the highest Spirits in the Council! Yes, they are alive!"
Orion: "What do you know more?"
Gaia: "I know nearly everything about them! We have close watches on them..."
Amanda: "So People are spying them on, without their knowledge?"
Gaia: "The spies do not even know they are spying on the scouts! They normally don't even know who the scouts are!"
Amanda: "Am I one of them?"
Gaia: "No, we didn't even know there existed a 全ailorEarth'!"
Orion: "That's because she wasn't in the Moon Kingdom! She's not even the Princess of Earth, she'd be the Princess of the Moon, if it wasn't for Boshko-"
Gaia: "BOSHKO? I wondered where he was all those years... HE stole the first princess? Princess Flora Fauna?"
Florie: "Call me Florie!"
Gaia: "Your Majesty!"
*1: I took this name from the fanfics from ASMO (Astronomical SM Observatory.... link on my link page!)
SailorEarth sais: Florie/SE was a real friend today! She risked her life for Gaia. You don't have to risk your life, just be a friend! Listen to their problems! SE sais hahaha!