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SailorEarth kicks the Scene

Everything #written like this# is in Japanese!


Mr. Bankert, the gym teacher, is explaining Star and Robby how they should play hockey WITHOUT hitting everyone with their stick ^_^. Then, over the PA, the Principal announces that the Japanese exchange students have arrived. All the students are supposed to line up on the football field. One for one the students are telling their name. The names are *BIG hint* ^_^ Serena, Amy, Lita, Molly and Melvin from Juban Junior High. The other two are Raye, from a girls academy, and Mina, from another private school. Ok, you know who they are ^_^. Florie, Robby and Star are being called up, since they are the only ones fluently in Japanese. Amanda is up there, too. Florie's job is to show Serena, Amy, Lita, Mina, Raye, Molly and Melvin the school together with Robby and Star.
Florie: #"Hi! I'm Flora Fauna Lilith, but my friends just call me Florie! We start with the Gym."#
Lita: #"I'm Lita!"#
Mina: #"I'm Mina, and this is my cat Artemis!"#
Robby: #"OH! A cat! I used to b-"#
Florie pinches Robby in her side, and looks at her angry.
Mina: #"Something wrong?"#
Robby: #"I used to .... baby-sit a cat!"#
Amy: "I'm Amy. Only Mina and I speak fluently English ^_^!"
Mina: "I used to live in London."
Raye: #"I'm Raye!"#
Molly: #"I'm Molly!"#
Melvin: "I'm Melvin, and I also speak English! I studied it from the Internet!"
This causes everyone a big sweat-drop ^_^
Serena: #"Oh! I'm Serena!"#
Raye: #"Yeah, the clumsy dits!"#
Robby: #"I'm Robby!"#
Star: #"I'm Starnisha, but call me Star!"#
Amanda: "I'll appoint you your rooms! I'm Amanda!"
Star: #"She's Amanda, she'll appoint you your rooms!"#
They walk through the whole school, not leaving one part out. During Lunch they talk about Tokyo, and how it looks like. Star, Robby, Amanda and Florie really want to see Tokyo once. They are invited by Serena, Amy, Lita, Mina, Raye and Molly instantly. Melvin isn't so sure.
Melvin: #"I think my parents would not like girls in the house, they'd think I'd have a Girl-friend or something!"#
*Ugh!* A huge sweat-drop forms above everyone's head! That Melvin! ^_^ They drag him away.
Star: *Whispering to Robby* "I really am worried... I have a strange feeling about some of these students... we better keep an eye on them."
Robby: "Yeah! Florie seems to like them... especially Serena... Do you think Serena could be..."
Star: "Who? The Moon Princess Serena? It's possible!"
Robby: "But she's such a cluz! I mean, you saw her stumbeling into the gym, tripping over a ball..."
Star: "Ok! I get the point!"
Amanda: "Uhm... Florie, the bell is going to ring in a couple of minutes, would you come with me showing them their rooms?"
Florie: "Sure!"
Florie quickly translates what Amanda said. We change the scene with a room on campus. It's Raye and Amy's room. In their room all the others (Serena, Lita and Mina) sit on the floor. Molly and Melvin wend off to a museum. The girls use the time to talk about scout-business. They are all talking Japanese!
Serena: "Raye! You said you got strong waves from here..... but no Nega-creep, nor SailorScout is around!"
Raye: "But the fire told me! Well, you weren't a big help either! You talked to Florie all the time about Darien, instead of looking around! I got some weird waves from her!"
Lita: "So let's kick her but! I don't like Star... she's so closed up!"
Mina: "I like Amanda..."
Luna: "Hey! Guys, stop it!"
Artemis: "Luna's right!"
The two guardian cats jump out of a bag. They look tired... and angry. They can't stand when the scouts are fighting.
Amy: "Yes! We have to work together! My computer doesn't say much, but it seems that here our enemy had the most activities!"
Mina: "NYC is the largest city in the United States! How are we going to find a lousy enemy?"
Lita: "Or a lousy friend?"
Raye: "We have to believe in ourselves!"
Raye takes a hand from Serena and one from Mina. They all take their hands.
Raye: "Together we can do it!"
Amy: "She's right! We have to work together!"
All: "Go Team!"
We change the scene to the Nega-galaxy. Hera is looking over a big map, when Trulum storms into the room.
Trulum: "They are in NYC! I can feel it!"
Hera: "First of all: Next time... knock! Second: Who's in NYC?"
Trulum: "The SailorScouts!"
Hera: "I didn't know you had feelings.... but which scouts?"
Trulum: "The Inner senshi! Mars, Jupiter, Merury, Venus... and SailorMoon!"
Hera: "Good work! Now, let's give them a nice welcome! Let's go!"
Raye wakes up from a nightmare. She walks over to Amy, and shakes her.
Amy: "Hm, what?"
Raye: "Go and wake Lita and Mina, I'll get Serena! I get bad waves."
At Florie's place, a similar scene takes place. They transform.
Again in Amy and Raye's room. Mina, Lita and Serena look the worst... but they transform.
Mina + Serena: "Do we have to?"
Artemis + Luna: "Yes! You do!"
Mina: *goans* "Ok... ok... VERUS STAR POWER!"
Serena: *grummbel* "You better be right about this Raye! MOON CRYSTAL POWER!"
The inner scouts run towards the source, while we switch back to Florie's place. The senshi are looking at each other.
SS: "I don't want to fall into a trap!"
SO: "Yeah! Hera always has her fingers in it, so that she's just waiting to strike us when we're not ready!"
SE: "Doesn't matter! We have to go! Be ready for anything!"
SO+SS: "Right!"
The Inners (^_^) are just arriving where Trulum and Hera are.
Hera: "Surprise! I guess your SailorMoon!"
SM: "That's right! I am SailorMoon, and I stand for love and justice! And in the name of the moon, I will punish you!"
Mars: "I am SailorMars!"
Mercury: "And I'm SailorMercury!"
SJ: "I am SailorJupiter!"
SV: "And last, but certainly not least, I'm SailorVenus!"
Everyone has a big sweat-drop on the back of their head. Venus is just laughing it off.
Hera: "I'm Hera, and this is my brother, Trulum!"
Trulum: "Hi!"
Hera: "We'd really love to talk, but business come first! Nega force field..... surround them!"
Trulum: "I'll help ya! Force field daemon, awaken!"
The scouts get trapped in a cupel of darkness... a force field! A daemon appears and holds the field in place. SailorMars takes action.
Mars: "Mars Celestial fire.... surround!"
Hera: "Hahahahahaha!"
The fire rings bounce of and nearly hit the scouts! SailorMoon starts yelling at Mars. Mars yells back.
Hera: "Stop it! I'm going to destroy you anyway, so enjoy your last moments!"
SE: "Not so fast Hera!"
Hera: *whining* "You? I hate you! You always cross my plans!"
SE jumps down from the building where she's been standing on. Behind her SS and SO appear.
SE: "I'm SailorEarth! And in the name of Earth, I will destroy evil, and you are definitely evil! For havens sake, you'll be destroyed!"
SO: "And I'm SailorOrion! And in the name of my constellation, Orion, I will punish you!"
SS: "And I am SailorStar! In the name of all stars, you'll be punished by me!"
SS+SO+SE: "We're the lost Senshi! We will punish you!"
Trulum: "Argh! I hate senshi! Daemon, you take care of them! Hera, let's go!"
Hera: "This isn't the last battle!"
Hera and Trulum disappear. The daemon starts striking the lost senshi.
SS: "You miserable, ugly, slimy, unworthy, undisciplined, smelling Nega-creep! Take this! Stars from this Universe.... gimme power, gimme strength... Stars border this Monster!!"
SO: "Take this, too! Stars from my constellation, Orion, punish this monster!"
SE: "My turn! Earth Tiara.. Appear!"
The daemon get's destroyed! Good work senshi!
SMoon: "Uhm... who are you?"
SS: "We could ask you the same question!"
SE points, with a hand movement, out to SS she is to be quiet.
SE: "We're the Lost Senshi! I am SailorEarth, that's SailorStar, and that's SailorOrion!"
SMoon: "We're the inner senshi! I'm SailorMoon, that's SailorMars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter!"
SO: "Nice meeting you!"
SS: "Guess we're not alone!"
SE: "Yeah! Let's go!"
With no other word they leave.
Music Robby: "Why were you so cold towards the inner senshi?!"
Florie: "I don't trust them fully!"
Star: "Me neither!"
Robby: "Do you think they are the exchange students?"
Florie: "I know they are!"
Star: "How?.. you didn't.... you did?!"
Robby: "You scanned them?"
Florie: "Only a little bit!"
Robby + Star: "A LITTLE BIT???"
Florie: "Big deal! Let's get some ice cream!"
Robby: "I don't like what I hear.. But ok!"
Star: "Hey! She might scan me once!"
Florie: "Don't worry! I wouldn't do that!"
Robby: "After all, there's not much to scan!"
Star: "Hey!"
They run out of the door, towards the ice cream wagon across the street. A Happy end........ Again! ^_^

Music SE sais: "I really don't know what to say today ^_^!"