Amanda: "What do you mean, she attacked you? I thought she was on your side?"
Florie: "First of all, Gaia didn't attack me, she 'warned me', and second, she is on my side." *ironic*
Amanda: "And why did you not kick her spiritual butt?"
Florie: "Well, dear, she's a little stronger then you think. Besides, she helped me once!"
Amanda: "Oh, poor you, she brainwashed you!"*sarcastic*
Florie: "She didn't! She made me realize something..."
Amanda: "And what would that be?"
Florie: "That I'm not the only scout!"
Amanda: "And how did you come to that conclusion?" *sarcastic*
Florie: "She said 'young senshi'."
Amanda: "That could be a bluff.... or you got it wrong...."
Florie: "No, I'm sure..... she meant there are other senshi! I am so sure about that!"
Amanda: "Why did Orion not tell you this before then?"*sarcastic*
Florie: "I don't know... she's been acting weird lately, after that appearance from Hera a couple of days ago, and when she saw her yesterday, she somewhat went nuts! I've never seen her like this!"
At that time, Orion walked in. She heard the comment of someone going nuts.
Orion :"Who went somewhat nuts?"
Florie: "Uhm... you did. Orion, you gotta explain me some stuff... ok?"
Orion: "Well, it depends... what do you want to know?"
Amanda: "Are there other senshi besides Florie, or SailorEarth?"
*long silence*
Florie: "Orion, tell me the truth!"
Orion: "No! No there are none!"
Amanda: "It took you long to figure that out!"
Orion: "Not that I can remember of! Why do you ask?"
Florie tells Orion what she told Amanda before. Orion comes to that same conclusion as Amanda: Florie has been brainwashed.
Orion: "I already told you why I 'somewhat went nuts' when I saw Hera!"
Florie: "But-"
Orion: "Florie! No buts! I told you everything I know already!"
Florie: "You said that you can remember of!"
Amanda: "You guys, stop! Now, Orion loves you dearly Florie, she would not lie to you! And Florie loves you dearly Orion, so let's stop this fight!"
Florie: "For now! I believe there are other senshi! You know why? Because I had a dream last night, where I say a senshi! She called herself SailorPluto!"
Orion: *shock* "SailorPluto????"
Florie: "See, Amanda, I told you Orion knew something!"
Amanda: "Orion, I'm getting confused!"
Orion: "Florie... your right, there is another senshi... but-"
Florie: "What is it Orion, why are you crying?"
Orion: "Remember Queen Beryl?"
Florie: "Yes, wasn't she the leader of the Negaverse?"
Orion: "Yes. The senshi, fought her, and they all died during the battle!"
Florie: "What... what where their names?"
Orion: "There was Princess Serena, who was chosen to be SailorMoon, and her royal court. There was the Princess of Mercury, Princess Amy. She was the brain in the court. She was chosen to be SailorMercury! A Princess of Mars, Princess Raye, who was chosen to be SailorMars, a Princess of Jupiter, Princess Lita, who was chosen to be SailorJupiter, and the last one from her court was the Princess of Venus, Princess Mina, who later became SailorVenus."
Amanda: "And who is SailorPluto? The Princess of Pluto, who was chosen to be SailorPluto and she was the guardian of time?" *sarcastic*
Orion: "How did you know that? Yes, SailorPluto, Princess Setsuna, was the Guardian of time!"
Amanda: "Lucky Guess!" *astonished*
Florie: "What other senshi are there?"
Orion: "This time I swear, I don't know!"
Amanda: "So, we got a whole lot of senshi, who are dead, and maybe I'm alone on this point, but how is that gonna help us?"*ironic*
Florie: "Don't know yet!"
With this answer, Amanda hits herself on her forehead. Florie notices that and asks what's wrong.
Amanda: "Well, you and Orion make this big fight for a knowledge you don't know what to do with! Sorry, but I don't see a point!"
Orion: "Me neither... but Florie has a right to know, even though I didn't want her to!"
Florie: "Why not?"
Orion: "Because it would make you very sad!"
Florie: "I'm sorry Orion. I don't know why Amanda!"
Is it just me or was that just weird? Also Amanda and Orion think that.
Florie: "Why do you think I'm weird?"
Amanda: "Florie, you are answering Questions that we are thinking!"
Florie: "I am?"
Orion: "Oh, dear! That's what Boshko meant with 禅ake good care of her! She's very special! She's a mind-walker!'!"
Amanda: "What's a mind-walker?"
Orion: "That's what I've been thinking of for the last couple of years! She's telepathical! Hera or Gaia must have awakened her old powers!"
Florie: "So you mean I can read someone's mind?"
Amanda: "Well, don't read it! There is something called Privacy!"
Florie: "Don't worry! I won't!"
Orion: "You may only scan (read someone's mind) when they ask you for it, or if you need to know it, only in emergencies, ok?"
Florie: "Ok. But right now I'm getting weird waves... negative waves! Let's go! EARTH MAGICAL POWER!"
Amanda, SE, and Orion run towards the source of the negative waves. SE arrives first, but stops promptly. Orion looks up to Florie. Florie is like ice. She doesn't even blink. Amanda arrives.
Amanda: "Florie, what's wrong?"
Florie only points only towards the mall, or, what was once a mall. Everything, including the mall, is destroyed, or nearly. Suddenly, a Monster appeared.
Destructo: "I am Destructo, send by Hera, to destroy SailorEarth!"
SE: "Well, then today is your lucky day! I am SailorEarth! And I-"
Destructo: "Yade Yade Ya! I know it!"
SE: "Ohhh! I never get to finish my line!"
Amanda: "Would you please get your mind on business! Vaporize him, and let's go home!"
SE: "Right! Earth Eagle-"
Destructo: "Oh, no, not that pathetic eagle!"
SE: "It's not pathetic, you creep! Now let me finish! Earth-"
Destructo: "Hahahahaha! Try this.... Earth Eagle strike!"
SE: "What the He- ahhhh"
Amanda: "SE, are you ok?"
That wasn't very smart. Now Destructo turns around, facing Amanda.
Destructo: "Your turn! Earth Eagle strike!"
But SE already jumps over to Amanda, and pushes her away. The eagle hits SE right in her side.
SE: "Ah! You'll pay for that! Earth Ivy hold!"
SailorEarth's Ivy takes Destructo by surprise, but he gets a hold of it.
Destructo: "Pathetic little girl!"
SE: "Who are you calling pathetic?"
Amanda: "SE, Kick his butt!"
SE: "How?"
Amanda: "There is something you have that he doesn't! You've got fr- ah!"
Hera appeared from nowhere, and took Amanda from the back, to cover her mouth.
Hera: "Stupid girl! No one can beat Hera!"
SE: "But her Daemons are no big deal!"
Hera pushes Amanda away.
Hera: "Except for Destructo! He's the opposite of you, strong, bad, handsome-"
SE: "Your calling him handsome and me ugly???"
Hera: "Yup!"
SE: "Why you little-"
Hera: *cutting SE off* "Stop whining! I can't stand it! Stars of the Negagalaxy, combine and destroy!"
SE: "Ahh! Amanda!"
SE jumps away from Hera's beam, and stands defensive in front of Amanda. Hera just laughs, and launches a series of "black Negagalaxy stars". Amanda and SE have to jump around to not get hit.
Hera: "Your pathetic! Your emotions make you weak! You'd save Amanda by any costs.... hahahaha!"
Amanda: "That's where friends are for, you ugly slime queen!!"
Hera: "You flatter me!"
Amanda: "No problem!"
Hera prepares for a new attack. This time even stronger. Destructo helps her with it's destructing beam (and I mean it!!!)
SE: "Amanda, watch out!"
SE pushes Amanda out of the way, and this time SE is smashed to the wall, the negative beam is so powerful.
Hera: "Hahahaha! You see, Amanda, the Negagalaxy wins again! Miss Earth is out of the way, and nothing stands between the us and ultimate power!!! Hahaha-"
SE: "Not...... not so fast.... Hera!"
Hera: "This can't be...! Why, your strong enough to hold that beam!!!"
SE stands up with her last powers. Hera looks shocked.
SE: "As long as my friends are in danger, I'll protect them... with my life!"
Hera: "Hahahaha!! No problem, it can cost you your life!"
She sends Destructo to finish the job, with a little help of herself. Save then, again, Gaia, spirit of the Earth appears.
Gaia: "Hera! You've gone too far! Now you'll pay, and if it cost my life, so be it!"
Amanda: "Isn't that against the 舛ounsel of Spirits' policy?"
SE: "Gaia-"
Hera: "Ah, really touchy moment, however, I finish all jobs that I start!"
Gaia: "No, I'll finish the job that should have been done long ago by us! Earth Power of Life and death.... help me destroy this creature!"
Hera: "Time for me to get out'a here! Destructo, take care of them!"
Destructo: "Aye, sire!"
Hera: "Have fun on this suicide mission! Hahahahaha! I always get what I want! Hahahaha!"
SE: "Gaia, what does she mean?"
Gaia: "Not now, young senshi! Get Orion and Amanda out of here!"
SE: "I can't let you do this! I'll help you! I am strong!!!"
Hera gets out of the scene *still laughing*. The words SE said bring a big grin on Gaia's face. ^_^ Anyway, now they really blast off.
Gaia: "Earth Spiritual power....."
SE: "Earth Magical Power......."
SE and Gaia: "..... DESTROY!!!!!"
Destructo: "Nega-destruction beam..... demolish!!!"
The beam of life energy hits the dark beam of demolition. Smart move SE and Gaia! Destructo's beam gets forced back...... slowly.
SE: "Gaia..... he's too strong, I can't hold him off much longer!"
Gaia: "SE, you can't give up! Amanda, Orion and all humans, we're counting on you!"
SE: "And you!"
Destructo: "You can't win!"
That time, a vison crosses SE's mind. The princess of the Moon! She tells her she's counting on her! Amanda, Orion, and her family count on her!!
SE: "I can't give up! I have to destroy this daemon!"
This gives SE new strengths, and slowly she and Gaia force back the dark beam. Destructo get's destroyed! Way to go SE and Gaia!
Gaia: "I have to give my apologies, young senshi! I underestimated you...."
SE: "I... I think I understand! But... Gaia..."
Gaia: "Yes?"
SE: "Tell me, are there other senshi?"
Gaia: "I can't answer that! It is prohibited by the 舛ounsel of spirits'!"
SE: "Why not? Gaia-"
Gaia: "I have to go!"
SE: "Why am I not allowed to know the truth?"
Gaia: "I can't say!"
SE: "Well, I guess so..... that's how spirits are.... mysterious!"*sarcastic*
* * *
We are in a dark room. Only Hera is to see, kneeling down, with her head down under a spotlight. A dark voice cuts through the silence.
Voice: "So.... Hera, you failed me again, but you say Gaia was there to help that pathetic SailorEarth?"
Hera: "Yes sire! Destructo was one of my strongest Daemons, but with Gaia's help, he was no match for them!"
Voice: "Well, maybe we have to think of a different strategy next time! Hera, you are dismissed! Remember, no failures again!"
Hera: "Yes sire!"
The light goes out. Everyone leaves, except for Hera. She walks toward the Window. Darkness is all over the city, with a few lights. A Teardrop can be seen falling down from the palace on the street.
Hera *mumbling*: "You'll pay for this embarrassment SailorEarth! You'll pay! You hear me! I hate you! I hate you so much! I will never get to fullfil my dreams! NEVER!!! All because of you!"
More teardrops fall on the street.
Hera: "I'm sure you like to humiliate me! You would love to see me cry, wouldn't you?"
With these words Hera walks out of the room, with teardrops leavnig their marks.
SailorEarth sais: "Sometimes it's hard to believe in yourself. If you see a drawing from someone else, or a cartwheel, you think you'd never be able to make, it's hard. But you might have other good qualities, maybe you can act very well. Believe it or not, these persons who can make a cartwheel or draw very well, had probably a lot of training!" Orion: "Yes Florie! Everyone has different qualities, but as long as you believe in yourself, and say 選 can do it!' you are a step further!" SE: "That's right! SailorEarth sais: 腺elieve in yourself!' Hahaha!"
Next time: "The downfall of Gaia"- Will SE save Gaia from the 舛ouncil of Spirits' because she helped SE? All that next time! C-ya there! ^_^