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Who's Sailor Earth?

Luna and Artemis observe the 9th Graders of River Hill High School. They obviously are looking for someone in particular. They especially pay much attention to the girls and boys who are playing Hockey. On one team there's Florie, Amanda, Mina and three other kids. On the other team there is a girl, who obviously is the best on the team, named Annie, Lita, Robby, Star and two other kids. The others, like Serena and Molly, are cheering for both the teams. Everyone except two persons, Amy, she's studying in a book: "The Elements of Mathematics", and Melvin, who is in the computer lab. Amy is sitting under the tree where Luna and Artemis are hidden. They are in a serious conversation.
Luna: "So you believe Star could be a Sailor Scout?"
Artemis: "It's very possible. She's acting very cool towards Serena and her friends, so does Sailor Earth, Orion, and Star."
Luna: "You think she is Sailor Star? Very Possible. She is called Star, she is the same physical type, and character like Sailor Star. Who do you think is Sailor Earth though?"
Artemis: "Hm, I thought of Florie, but she's so nice to them... maybe Robby or Annie."
Luna: "Hmm, Annie could be Sailor Earth... she didn't really talk to Serena and the others, and she is strong."
Artemis: "Yeah, I have to admit Sailor Earth's fighting skills are great! But in the Moon Kingdom there was no Sailor Earth..."
Luna: "Maybe she's from the future? I wish Reeny was here!"
Artemis: "Yeah, she'd know!"
The Hockey game is over. Florie's team wins by one point. Annie and Florie, as team captains, shake hand, and congratulate each other for a great play. Then the bell rings for the next class, and everyone leaves, chatting about the game.
Luna: "Well, there's's only one way to find out who Sailor Earth is! We have to see her transform!"
Artemis: "What about Amanda?"
Luna: "I don't know! Let's ask Amy for help!"
After school, the Scouts are having a meeting. Luna tells them their observations, and asks Amy for help. Amy is delighted to do some work on her Mercury computer. The others take the time to look for a great place to go shopping. Suddenly, Amanda and Robby burst into the Room.
Amanda: "Melvin and Molly are missing!"
Of course no one, except for Amy, Mina and Robby can understand her. Robby quickly translates what Amanda said, and everyone breaks into panic. Serena is worried most, because Molly is her friend. Melvin and she where last seen at the Mall, but they didn't come back to school at six for study hall. Melvin would never, even for Molly, miss study hall, because then he always could talk to the Computer Science Teacher. A few moments later, Florie walks into the room, dragging a ‘thing' after her. It is covered with some black, sticky stuff and feathers. Florie explains.
Floire: "This is Melvin... he had a little accident."
Everyone burst into laughter, and Melvin tries to defend himself, making them laugh even more. At the mall there was a contest, where you sit on a chair over a bucket of black, slimy, sticky stuff. Every time someone missed to let him fall (you throw a ball until you hit a button, so that the person in the chair falls) he got ten dollars.
Serena: "But where's Molly?"
Florie: "In the Principal's office, trying to explain... that." (Pointing at Melvin)
Lita: "How did the poor guy get feathers all over him?"
Florie: "Another contest."
Amy: "Are you serious? Is that some American culture thing?"
Florie: "No-no!"
Robby: "Well, then, I have to go do my homework. Are you walking home with me, Florie?"
Florie: "Wish I could! I promised Amanda to go with her to beg for pardon from Mr. Snyder, she had the responsibility for Melvin..."
Robby: "Oh, ok, I'll ask Star!"
Florie: "Star is at home."
Robby: "Then I'll walk alone! C-ya!"
Florie: "Ok, later! Let's go Amanda!"
Amanda: "Ok, bye guys!"
Florie: "Bye!"
As soon as they leave, Melvin goes to his room, and the meeting continues. Amy looks content. She's found some matches.
Amy: "Ok, for Sailor Earth I have: Annie, Charlene, Robby and for some reason Florie."
Serena: "Florie? Sailor Earth? Florie isn't such a brat! You have miscalculated!"
Amy: "No! She matches in strength and physical appearance. Annie matches in strength and in character, but she isn't the same physical type. Charlene is just a brat, same character, and physical appearance. Robby has the same strengths and character. For Sailor Orion I have: Robby, because she is cool, has a weakness for cats, and is obsessed with safety. Star, she just has the same character, Amanda, weakness for cats and obsessed with safety, and Natalie, she is a pet lover and is very cold towards us. Sailor Star: Star, same name, physical appearance, character, and everything else. She's the only match! Oh, and Molly would qualify for Sailor Star, but that's just strengths and Weaknesses..."
Raye: "Hmm, I don't trust Florie!"
Mina: "Why not?"
Raye: "She seems to... nice!"
Lita: "I don't trust Star..."
Mina: "You guys! They are all nice, just reserved! In England it's the same thing!"
Amy: "I don't know..."
Luna: "Well, we'll find out soon enough... I hope!"
Artemis: "I wonder if they know who you guys are!"
Amy: "Hm, the chances, after my calculations, are 5:642 that they do know."
Raye: "That's pretty good... I guess."
Mina: "Sure is!"
Lita: "But if they are a sharp as Amy, they know! Sailor Earth seems pretty bright to me!"
Serena: "We'll see!"
At Florie's place a similar conversation had taken place, except they knew who who was. Florie takes the word first.
Floire: "We should be more careful when we transform, making sure NO ONE is watching. Not even a cat! Star said they have cats, so watch out!"
Star: "Roger Captain!"
Robby: "Clear like... clear! But why be so cold towards them? They are only scouts, like us!"
Florie: "I am not sure we can trust them..."
Star: "They have been scouts longer then us! We are the ones not trust able!"
Florie: "Yeah, I guess you're right, but let's not make it too easy for them. I want to see just how bright they really are!"
Robby: "But if they find out, are we leaving to Japan?"
Florie: "I don't know... after all, I'd have to leave so much behind..."
Robby: "Like Amanda, this apartment and the school..."
Star: "We've heard it before."
Florie: "I didn't mean it that way... Sorry you guys!"
Robby: "We'll survive."
Scene cut to River Hill. Annie is playing Hockey with some team mates and Charlene is trying out new moves with the cheerleading squad. Trulum appears.
Trulum: "Hello ladies! I couldn't overhear that you might be Sailor Scouts, so I decided to check it out! Hahaha!"
Annie: "W-w-what do you want from us? What's a Sailor Scout?"
Trulum: "Don't get smart with me! Transform!"
Annie: "Transform into what? A Sailor Scout?"
Charlene: "Come on guys, let's go... he's I think on drugs!"
Trulum takes that as an insult... why shouldn't he? He prepares to attack them, hoping they'll transform then. He prepares an attack, and fires it upon Annie, and hits her in the chest. He then turns around to strike Charlene, and hist her in the back. The other kids run away, and instead he sees five scouts.
Sailor Moon: "Hey, you! Yeah, the ugly guy! Why waste your time on them? Five scouts at once, just for you!"
Sailor Mars: "And don't even think of running away!"
Sailor Jupiter: "Yeah! We are going to prevent that!"
Sailor Mercury: "Sure do! Because we are the Sailor Scouts..."
Sailor Venus: "And we are going to punish all evil, like you!"
Trulum: "You think I'm scared of YOU?!"
Venus: "Well... we had our hopes!"
Trulum: "I don't know if I should laugh or cry about you!"
Moon: "We are going to make you cry!" (Look whos talking)
Jupiter: "I'm gonna fry you! Jupiter thunder clap zaaap :)"
Venus: "Venus love chain encircle!"
Trulum catches the thunder clap, and with the other hand holds the love chain. He pulls at it once, and Venus lies on the floor, he pulled her down! He throws the thunder clap into a building, which happens to be the gym. Then, the lost senshi come to the rescue! :)
Sailor Star: "You better have a good explanation for this! We are not very friendly when people treat other scouts badly! You agree with me Orion?"
Sailor Orion: "Yup! I am from the unknown star of my constellation Orion; Isis. I am Sailor Orion, and I'll punish you for destroying my star! "
Trulum: "Never heard of that star!"
Star: "Well, I have!"
Trulum: "And who might you be again?"
Star: "I stand for all the beautiful things that twinkle up in the sky! I am going to make you twinkle, I am Sailor Star!"
Trulum: "Really touching! Where is your leader?"
Sailor Earth: "Right here, slime-king!"
Star: "Stars of the Universe, combine and smash!"
The stars hit Trulum in the stomach, and sends him flying into the wall. Now, Orion takes action with her undefeatable attack Orion Stars combine and Destroy. It knocks Trulum out. But soon, he's on his feet again. Sailor Earth steals the show.
Earth: "Earth Dogs attack!"
This attack of course is nothing against the other two, and Trulum quickly defeats the dogs. She tries also the eagle with no luck. Sailor Mars now uses her Celestial fire.
Mars: "Mars Celestial Fire surround!"
Mercury: "Shrine Aqua Illusion!"
Their attack does not really hurt Trulum, it just distracts him. Now, Sailor Earth tries her luck with her Tiara. Sailor Moon helps her with her scepter.
Earth: "Earth Tiara Appear!"
Moon: "Moon Scepter Elimination!"
This attack seems to work.... there's this cool sparkle effect... and everything goes smoothly... EXCEPT TRULUM IS STILL THERE!!! ‘We need two scepters, one isn't enough!' Sailor Earth thinks to herself. As soon as she thought that, a Scepter falls from havens, right into her hands.
Earth: "What the...? What am I supposed to do and say?"
Sailor Star and Sailor Orion turn pale. They seem to know where that came from. Sailor Earth looks up to the nights sky. Nothing unusual, the moon shines bright, and the stars twinkle bright. Trulum uses this advantage to strike Sailor Earth once and for all. As soon as the black beam evolves from his hands, Sailor Orion sees it. She jumps between Sailor Earth and the black beam. Sailor Star calls Orion's name, but she doesn't hear it, since she is knocked unconscious. Tears stream down Sailor Earth's face as she holds the Scepter over her head and calls out: "Earth Scepter of Life and Death Power up!" while she twist and turns around, finally stopping and pointing it at Trulum. Sailor Moon helps with her Scepter again. The last thing they hear is him calling for eight daemons, called the daemons of Revenge. Soon, there appear eight daemons... for every scout one. Luna and Artemis join the scene, and so does Amanda, who heard all the noise. Mercury notices her, and suddenly knows who the scouts are. But she has more to worry about. The obvious leader of the Daemons of Revenge, takes a step towards the scouts. Orion gets on her feet, trying to hide how much even a single move hurts. Trulum hit her hard. The Inners :) stand protective in front of Sailor Moon, while the lost senshi form a triangle, Sailor Earth in front, Sailor Star to her right, and Sailor Orion to the left, making clear who the leader is. The leader of the Daemons begins to speak.
Loki: "I am Loki! I am the leader of these Daemons!"
Earth: "Gee, like we couldn't guess!"
Loki: "It's not hard to see either that you are the leader of the scouts!"
Mars: "Excuse me, but last time I checked Sailor Moon was our leader! Ok, so she's a whiner and clumsy, weak, defetable and-"
Moon: "I think we get the point Mars!"
Mars: "Anyway, as I was saying, she isn't the greatest, but she's a leader, with spirit and heart!"
Moon: "You really think so Mars?"
Mars: "I know so!"
Loki: "Well, then I have mistaken-"
Orion: "But Sailor Earth is OUR leader!"
Loki: "Two scout groups? We, in the NegaGalaxy, say: Unity has it's effectiveness!"
Star: "How poetic! I must say so!"
Loki: "Think what you want, but we'll defeat you! These are Whisperer, Sailor Earth's opponent, Sqadrill (s-QU-ad-drill), Sailor Mars' opponent, Juneko (juuu-NEE-ko), Sailor Star's opponent, Aemllwa (EE-mel-waa), Sailor Mercury's opponent, Ameer (a-meer), Sailor Orion's opponent, Beedwa (beet-waa), Sailor Jupiter's opponent and lastly, but certainly not least, Omuur (Oh-moor), Sailor Venus' opponent. Do the math on who I am going to battle!"
Moon: "ME?!"
Earth: "Who said who is going to battle who?!"
Loki: "It was Trulum's last will... he knew he'd die anyway if he'd fail!"
Venus: "And like they say: A last will must be granted!"
Loki: "And just for the record; rules. One will battle one at a time. The looser get's to be frosted in a ice-sheet, so everyone can see them. Only fair play! Got it? Oh, and Ameer, Beedwa and Omuur are brothers..."
Star: "Who cares!"
Loki: "And the last battle decides who is going to win! The last battle is going to be mine and Sailor Moon's!"
Earth: "Sais who?"
Loki: "I do!"
Orion: "I don't think so!"
Loki: "Well, who is going to start?"
Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Star: "I will!"
Loki: "Earth, Orion, not in a mood to be first?"
Earth: "Orion is hurt, and I want to power up again, I lost much energy after I used the Scepter."
Loki: "Very well then! We'll try chancing. I have five straws, all the same length, except one is shorter."
Slowly, everyone pulls a straw out of Loki's hand. Mars goes first. She pulls out one that seems pretty long. Jupiter goes next. Her's is the same size as Jupiter's. Venus goes next. Her's is long, too. Mercury and Star pull out the same time. Star compares her's with Mars' and they have the same size. A crowd had gathered around the Hockey field, and Cheerleaders where cheering for the Scouts.
Mars: "Looks like you're going first Mercury!"
Jupiter: "You go girl!"
Venus: "Show him!"
Moon: "Yeah! Mercury, I'll be rooting for you!"
Star: "Good luck!"
Orion: "Win the first match, and get us rolling!"
Earth: "Let's show them what being a scout is all about!"
Mercury: "Right!"
Mercury stands on one end of the field, Aemllwa on the other side. Mercury starts of with a Bubbles blast, so she can scan Aemllwa. Then, when the mist clears up, she knows his element is ice and water too. Aemllwa starts off with a Snowstorm. Mercury counters with a Ice storm. Aemllwa boosts his energy, and the storm becomes heavier and stronger. Mercury tries a Aqua Super Freezing... with not much luck.
Mercury: "Aqua Super Freezing!"
Waves of water turn skillfully around Aemllwa and then Freeze. Aemllwa breakes the Ice apart, and uses his snowstorm (boosted of course). Aemllwa's boosted Snowstorm is too much for the brain in the gang, even with a new power. Loki "puts her on Ice", with loud protest by Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth. The others protest too.
Loki: "It was part of the deal!"
Star: "I guess we thought we'd win all the battles!"
Loki: "Who's next?"
Star: "I am! An Inner, then a Lost senshi!"
Loki: "Prepare to get lost again! Juneko!"
Juneko and Star start circling one-an-other. Star uses her Stars combine and smash strategy. Juneko uses a black beam, similar to Trulum's beam, just not that powerful, and it evolves to many separate beams. Sailor Star tries something new.
Star: "Black hole crush!"
Juneko doesn't react fast enough. A black hole appears above him, tearing him apart. Must be painful! He screams in pain, and then he's gone. Nothing even left to freeze. Loki looks a little pale, but get's a grip, as soon as he sees everyone staring at him.
Loki: "Juneko was a good man! Next is..."
Jupiter: "I am!"
Loki: "Very well then!"
Beedwa and Jupiter take their positions. Beedwa uses some kind of black Thunder. Jupiter uses her Thunder Clap. No match... again. So, she uses a new method. A Plasma Thunder.
Jupiter: "Plasma Thunder Sizzle."
The power seems to defeat the Daemon, but suddenly it holds up a mirror, causing Jupiter to get a taste of her own medicine. She get's frosted too (or better, grilled, then frosted.).
Loki: "Uhg, bad luck, you guys! Two to one! Next? Earth or Orion?"
Earth: "I'll go! Orion is wounded! Sailor Moon, if I can't defeat her... take care! I know you can do it, that's why he saves you to the last!"
Moon: "Uh... Thanks!"
Sailor Earth stands in the middle of the field, and Whisperer a few yards away. Whisperer uses death energy. Sailor Earth tries her new weapon, but it doesn't work! She tries her Eagle, and her dogs, but nothing works. She is still weak from the use against Trulum. She starts a one-on-one fight. She kicks and punches Whisperer. Then, she uses her Tiara on him. But Whisperer uses some kind of magic, and he disappears, so Earth can't throw her Tiara. He appears behind her, and kicks her in her back. Then, he uses the energy, and Sailor Earth get's knocked out. She get's iced too.
Loki: "That MUST have hurt!! So, is it Mars, or Venus?"
Mars: "It's Mars-time! Let's get Giggy with it (Yes, like Will Smith's song :)!"
Squadrill turns facing her on the field, where right now, a lot of craters are from all the battles. It's three to two, she has to win! Mars doesn't even start with her usual Celestial fire, but tries something new.
Mars: "Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!"
Instead of her usual rings, a series of Bolas answer Squadrill's Cold Fire Outlet. It get's pushed slowly, but visable towards Squadrill. A few moments later he's fried. Loki has to put him on ice. Orion cheers to Mars, runs over to her and hugs her.
Mars: "Uh... Thanks, I guess. Why are you suddenly so nice to me?"
Orion: "Well... Uh... Sailor Earth didn't trust you guys... us neither. We decided if you'd find out who we where, we knew that you guys are very bright... Sorry!"
Mars: "It's ok.... I hope. *smile*"
Loki: "So, Orion or Venus?"
Venus: "Let me go, since you are wounded Orion!"
Orion: "But-"
Mars: "Ok, Venus, accepted! Let's go Orion!"
Omuur and Venus start with encircling one-an-other with chains. Then Venus wants to try something new, like all the others, but she isn't sure how it will work. Then, Omuur cuts her with his sharp, black, star-shaped chain. Venus wants revenge, and knows a new thing.
Venus: "Venus Love Tears"
Venus jumps up in the sky, over Omuur, and a lot of Yellowish-orange, drop shaped tears fall down on him. They burn and cut him, til he lies unconscious and get's put on ice. Three to three, a tie for the Scouts and the Daemons of Revenge.
Loki: "A tie... Sailor Orion, hope you'll win, otherwise you'll bring Sailor Moon in a disadvantage!"
Moon: "Don't get pressurized by him! You can do this!"
Mars: "Yeah, just like I defeated Squadrill, you'll finish that guy off!"
Star: "Hey! Don't dare to leave me as only Lost senshi, I'd feel lost!"
Orion: "Promise! Hey, Ameer, let's get it on!"
Ameer: "My pleasure, oh wounded one!"
Orion: "Take advantage of my disadvantage!"
Sailor Orion and Ameer stand a few yards apart, when Ameer throws a black star at her. Orion counters with a Destructive Star combination, similar to Sailor Star's attack, which destroys the black Star. Orion also has a new trick.
Orion: "Orion Star Belt Secure!"
A golden-brown Ring of stars fly towards Ameer, and hold him. Orion now uses again her destructive star combination, and makes the score four to three for the Scouts. Sailor Moon, Star and Mars run on the field, hugging and congratulating her. Now, it's all up to Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon remembers Earth's words, and promises she will win, for all sake, but also to show Sailor Earth she takes her serious. Ameer get's frosted, and Sailor Moon takes out her Scepter. She and Loki start battling. Loki throws some kind of Boomerang to her. Sailor Moon always ducks just before it reaches her. She jumps and runs around, until finally she has a chance. She uses her Scepter, since she doesn't get any new powers, but he moves away. ‘He's too fast! I need help, but that isn't fair! What am I going to do?' She thinks. Loki cheats! He calls upon the left daemons to help him. As they start racing towards Sailor Moon, before the scouts can react, Sailor Earth's ice-sheet get's covered with Magma, that comes out of the Earth that opened beneath her. Sailor Earth glows (better sparkles) in a brown color. She makes a few back flips, and stands beside Sailor Moon. She uses her Scepter, and the Daemons, except for Loki, are gone.
Earth: "You cheated, now, I will help her, as I should, as Senshi!."
Moon: "Right!"
Earth: "Sailor Moon, try a new power!"
Moon: "Will do for me! Moon Scepter Escalation!"
Earth: "Earth Scepter of Live and Death, Power up!"
Loki: "I don't call this fair!"
Earth+Moon: "But we do!"
Loki get's attacked from two sides, one side there is a green with brown, beam-like stream, the other side a Pinkish, Moon-shaped stream. He tries to run, but it's too late. The cool sparkle effect is seen, and Loki has vanished. Tough luck for him. The Scouts are being released. Everyone, except the Emperor, is happy.

~~~~~~Scene change~~~~~~

We find ourselves in the NegaGalaxy. A dark room with a spotlight is seen. In the spotlight is Hera. (Talking about ‘Raye's DAY in Spotlight'! Hera's in there EVERY day! ^_^) The Guy hidden by shadows takes word. He sounds angered and sad, and he talks about how dear Trulum was to him, what a loss the Daemons of Revenge are, and how bad Hera must feel. Hera actually doesn't feel anything, after all, her brother was just a bugging piece of matter. That's at least her view of the situation, but when the Emperor sais so, he must be right! After he's done, cursing the Scouts, she is asked if she does disagree with any of the comments. She has to say yes, she agrees, if she agrees or not. If she doesn't, it's a great insult against the Emperor. The Spotlight goes out, and the people leave the throne room. She is dismissed. She walks into her secret lab, establishing a new daemon.
Hera: "Well, I gotta see the bright side, the scouts relieved me of one problem... Cassandra, how's my experiment going?"
Cassandra: "Very well... she's doing brilliant. Hahaha!"
Hera: "Good, I'm pleased with you! Now, wanna have some dinner?"

Sailor Earth sais: Uhm... ok, I have to admit, I'm running out of Ideas! IF YOU NEED SOMETHING, WISH FOR IT!!! ^_^