"The Sailor Café" a.k.a. Florie's place
It's the "John F. Kennedy International Airport". There is a wild confusion, and Florie, Star and Robby are there with mixed feelings. Florie is still totally confused about what happened only two days ago. Amanda comes to her mind, filling her eyes with tears, but she holds them back. She would never cry in public. Star is very happy. She always wanted to see Japan. Robby is happy too. They all just worry that they might miss New York. It is a beautiful city. However, Japan is something new, something unknown. Serena, Molly, Melvin, Amy, Raye, Mina and Lita are less worried. They are just happy to go home. Ten days in America was cool, but you start getting homesick too. Their chaperon, Ms. Lolita Gold, is a very energetic, fun-loving teacher. She's the favorite teacher of everyone at River Hill High School, with no doubt. But now, she wants to expand her knowledge to Japanese culture, instead of only teaching Math. She would stay with Floire, Star and Robby a little over a year in Japan. Their flight is called, and Ms. Gold calls her students together. She speaks Japanese since everyone understands it.
Ms. Gold: "Okay, girls, we will stay together!"
All: "Yes Ms. Gold!"
Ms. Gold: "Good! Now, let's check in!"
Ms. Gold checks in, and Florie, Serena, Raye, Lita, Amy, Molly, Robby, Star and Mina go off to find out where you can buy some souvenirs. Melvin is left with the luggage, since he is saving for a new computer. When they come back, Ms. Gold is just looking for them. She decides, since they have some time left, they are going to have one last shake before the flight. She invites all.
Ms. Gold: "I hope I have enough money . . . "
Serena: "Oh, I sure hope so!"
She get's a bump in her ribs by Florie. She looks at Florie, not understanding why she just did that, and shrugs her shoulders. Then, Florie whispers to her that is very impolite. Serena growls, and then sais sorry to Ms. Gold, who says it's ok.
Ms. Gold: "So, what do you guys want?"
Serena: "A dou- a small strawberry milk shake please."
Raye: "Oh, I don't like shakes, a cup of tea please."
Amy: "Me too, please."
Mina: "A hot chocolate, please."
Lita: "That's a great Idea! Make that two please."
Star: "A cup of tea please."
Robby: "Cappuccino, please."
Serena: "That stunts your growth!"
Florie: "Eh, a cup of tea please!"
Melvin: "Just a small chocolate shake please."
Molly: "The same for me, please!"
Ms. Gold: "A café au lait please. Well, Serena, I'll stunt my growth too!"
Serena: "But your not growing any more Ms. G!"
Ms. Gold: "Very well observed!"
Raye: "I wonder what's been happening at home . . . "
Star: "Well, a minority can't help you wonder!"
Amy: "I was online, talking to my mom, and she told me that everything is the same . . . "
The Scouts know that Hera had done something, but Amy can't say it in front of Ms. Gold, Molly and Melvin. Then, they have to go. Florie now really is sad. She has to leave her life behind, her friends, her home, her heritage. Florie gets to sit next to Amy, Raye and Robby sit together, Mina and Serena, Lita and Star, Molly, Melvin and Ms. Gold get to sit in the middle of the plane, together. Soon, a Stewardess comes, and explains all the safety rules. Then, the Plane starts moving, slowly. The plane rolls over the gray asphalt, and gradually picks up speed, until the plane takes off the earth, and finally is in the air. Florie looks one more time down to NYC, her home. She rented the apartment to a Japanese exchange student, for a year. Florie looks down as long as possible and when it's out of sight, she starts reading in her new book, in Japanese that is. Ms. Gold, Serena, Star, Mina, Molly and Lita take a nap, while Amy is reading a book in English, Melvin plays with his palmtop and Robby and Raye are whispering. Finally, the Stewardess brings dinner. Serena digs right in, the others look at the ‘food', then start eating . . . it tastes awful. Smoked Salmon and mashed potatoes. Pudding for dessert. Not a fancy and great tasting meal, but it's something! At Midnight they bring a Sandwich, for anyone who wants. Serena is delighted. They Finally land at "Tokyo International Airport". Serena's mother, father and Sammy are there to pick her up. Florie, Star, Ms. Gold and Robby get introduced. Raye get's picked up by Chad, and Mina get's a ride with her. Amy and Lita get picked up by Darien. Serena just stops herself from falling into Darien's Arms. Her parents are watching . . . ! Molly get's a ride with Melvin's mother and father. Then, finally a Cab comes to pick Star, Robby, Florie and Ms. Gold up. They get driven to the school. Florie gets a room for herself, so do Star and Robby. Ms. Gold gets an apartment in the building next to the School. Star, Florie and Robby have to pull out their Sleeping bags and sleep on the narrow couch, while Ms. Gold falls on her bed, closes her eyes, and falls asleep.
Karinin-San: "Good Morning Sleepyhead! I'm your Karinin-San (Japanese for Manager)."
Florie: "Oh, good morning."
Florie's door was wide open, she was busy cleaning her sleeping place. She quickly stood up and bowed before her Karinin.
Karinin-San: "Well, I see I won't have a problem with your room. I heard from Serena you wanted to get your own apartment though?"
Florie: "Yes. It's not that I don't like it here, but I like having some more space. I hope this doesn't offend you?"
Karinin-San: "Oh no! Of course not. But I have to inspect your room, it is a thing we do every morning. Your friends are next, but I think the Jetlag got them. Their eyes are shut tightly."
The Karinin steps into Florie's room. Now Florie get's a real good look at her Karinin. She is a Middle aged woman with black hair, a few gray hairs are already visible though. She is a little plump, but she seems to be energetic. Florie judges her as a nice old lady. Her room is in perfect condition of course.
Karinin-San: "I wished all Students' rooms looked like this one! Haha! Now, when your friends wake up, tell them that tomorrow there'll be no excuses, ok?"
Florie: "Yes Karinin-San."
Karinin-San: "Good! Oh, and Serena left a message. She'll pick you up after class... or should I say after her daily detention..."
Florie: "Thank you!"
Karinin-San: "Ok, bye, have a great day. Breakfast is served downstairs, but you can also make it yourself in your kitchen."
Floire: "Thank you again. Bye!"
The Karinin leaves her, and Florie get's appropriately dressed. She is just about to leave when the Karinin comes back.
Karinin-San: "Oh dear! You are fast. I forgot to tell you, you need an uniform. The last door to the right on the First floor."
Florie: "Oh. Thank you!"
Karinin-San: "Your welcome. I have to go. I'll see you later about books and so."
Florie walks down the steps to the First Floor. She knocks three times on the door before someone utters something equal to "Enter". Florie walks in and sees an old man, sitting behind a desk.
Man: "Hello! You must be one of the exchange students from America, right? Are you Starnisha, Roberta or Flora Fauna?"
Florie: "Flora Fauna, but please, call me Florie."
Man: "Ok. I'm Andrew Hong, but call me Drew, like everyone does. So, I'll get you an uniform your size. You don't have to tell me your size, I can guess! Haha!"
Drew goes through a couple of uniforms, and then stops, and pulls one out. Florie goes into one of the Dressing rooms and the uniform fits her perfectly.
Florie: "Thank you, Drew. Well, I have to wake up my friends. I'll be right back, they need uniforms too."
Drew: "Ok."
Florie runs all the way up to the third floor. She wakes Star up, and then Robby. Finally, they are outfitted with an Uniform, a school bag, books and other material, and can go eat breakfast. It is already eleven, so they can't do a lot. Karinin-San shows them the school, and finally it's lunch break. Florie, Star and Robby get a lunch from school. The look out for Serena, Lita and Amy. Finally, they find Lita and Serena eating Lita's lunch. They are being greeted with a loud cheer from Serena, since she sees they have a lot of food. Molly joins them.
Florie: "Where are Amy and Melvin?"
Molly: "Oh, they are in the Computer class, doing something. Amy said she'd be right out, though."
Star: "Cool."
Robby: "Serena, got any detentions? I hope not because I really want to see Tokyo!"
Serena: "Uh... no. I was on time, I had no homework and I didn't fall asleep."
Lita: "Which was pretty weird though."
Serena: "So?"
They hadn't noticed a crowd had gathered around them. Everyone wanted to see the new Students from America. Just then, Amy comes through the crowd, and Florie blesses this as an answer to her prayers.
Amy: "Uh, excuse me! Let me pass through please! Oh, sorry! Excuse me please! Hi guys!"
Florie: "Hi Amy... uh, guys, lunch break is nearly over... let's go."
Serena: "Huh? Well, fine, come with me."
Lita: "Why so anxious to get away from the crowd?"
Star: "Floire doesn't like being in Spotlight..."
Robby: "I love it though. So does Star."
Amy: "Anyway, I got from the Computer a few places that you might want to see downtown. Oh, and if you want to use the Internet, go ahead, just tell them I told you you could."
Florie: "Ok. Oh, lunch break is over. Thanks for the map Amy! When do you get out?"
Serena: "Five."
Star: "We'll be there! Bye! Have fun!"
The others head inside, except for Florie, Star and Robby who go to their rooms to get their purses and handbags. They walk to the park first. Serena didn't exaggerate, it is beautiful. Then, they visit the arcade. When they enter, a tall guy, in his twenties, comes over to them. He introduces himself as Andrew.
Florie: "Hi! I'm Florie! These are my friends, Robby and Star. Serena said this was a place not to miss... even though, it looks like any American Arcade. No offense!"
Andrew: "None taken. You must be the exchange students from the US, right?"
Star: "Yes. How did you know?"
Andrew: "Darien told me."
Robby: "Who? Oh, the one who gave Amy and Lita a ride."
Star: "He was kind of cute..."
Robby: "Sure was... and nice."
Florie: "Well, while they are talking about Darien, may I ask if you know a good, but small, shop? I don't feel like a big mall or shop."
Andrew: "There is ‘Cool', a very nice, little place, where teens your age hang out, but right now there will be no one there, except for you. Shouldn't you be in class?"
Robby: "Not today. Tomorrow though."
Andrew: "Oh, I see."
Star: "Well, it was nice talking to you, but we really have to see so much in only so little time"
The girls say their bye-bey's and leave. ‘Cool' isn't inexpensive, but also not expensive. They buy an awful lot for the first day. When they finally come out, Florie sees the cutest little café. She shows Star and Robby. Then, they notice how late it is, and they head back to the school.
Robby: "There they are. Hey guys!"
Lita: "Hi! I see you bought a couple of things!"
Amy: "Yeah, you want to bring your stuff to your room first?"
Star: "Sure. Uh, where's Serena?"
Lita: "Uh, I don't know..."
Florie: "Okay... isn't THAT her?"
Florie points at Serena, holding hands with some guy... Darien! Lita explains her that they are meant to be, that Serena really is Princess Serena, she married a guy named Prince Darien and that THEY are those people.
Florie: "SERENA! Let's go!"
Serena: "Uh, sorry Darien, I gotta go."
Darien: "I understand. I have to go too. I'll see you, right?"
Serena: "Right! Bye. I'm coming."
Robby: "So, let's get Mina and then Raye. Let's go!"
They walk over to Mina's school, which is closer, then to Raye's school. After that, they walk downtown. They come again across that little Café, and Florie decides it's time for a break. Everyone's cool with that.
Raye: "It's sad, it's going out of business."
Robby: "Yeah!"
Florie: "Uh, guys, I'll be right back."
Star: "Ok... is there something wrong?"
Florie: "No..."
Robby: "So, Serena,, you like older guys, right? How about Raye's Grandpa sometime?!"
Serena: "Whaaa! Why are you always so mean?"
Raye: "Well, with your IQ you never know..."
Amy, Lita, Mina, Star: "Here we go again!"
Amy: "Oh, shoot! I have to go, computer class! Luna, wanna come?"
Luna: "I'd love to! Let's hurry!"
Artemis: "Traitor! Grrrrrr! Too bad I can't come with you guys!"
Lita: "Guys! Could you guys please stop?"
Mina: "Uh, Florie comes back, finally!"
Florie: "Star, Robby, welcome to your new home!"
Star, Robby: "Huh?!"
Florie: "I bought the Café. Upstairs there is an apartment."
Star: "You. . ."
Robby: ". . . did what?"
Florie: "You don't like it?"
Robby: "Never mind! I love it!"
Star: "When do we move in?"
Florie: "In a week."
Serena: "Cool!"
Lita: "Hey, I'll come over sometimes and cook for your guests, deal?"
Serena: "I'll help!"
Robby: "No thanks Serena, we want our costumers to be satisfied, not terrified!"
Serena: "You're always so mean! Whaaaaaa!"
Star: "That was really harsh Robby! Serena and Lita can come over and cook, Serena will learn to cook as well as any other teenager!"
Florie: "During the mornings I'll have to hire someone, but that's ok, I guess!"
They talk a little more, until it's time to go. Florie, Star and Robby walk towards the school, Mina and Lita go the other way, Serena and Raye walk together, until they split too. The next Morning, they all sit nice and Neat in their seats in their new school. They came in two different classes. Florie got into Serena's class, whereas Star and Robby got into Lita's class. Ms. Gold is in the local college. The day goes by, and after school, they meet at Raye's shrine.
Raye: "I don't get it! It's been nearly a week, and no attacks."
Robby: "Maybe she only attacks in the U.S.?"
Star: "I don't think so, after all, she is going after Sailor Earth, not energy."
Amy: "Star's right! She'll strike anytime now."
Hera: "Sailor Mercury... brave as always, isn't it?"
They all turn around and see Hera in the entrance. They are shocked. Hera knows who they really are...
Raye: "Mars Star Power!"
Floire: "Earth Magical Power!"
*all transform...*
Moon: "I am Sailor Moon, and I stand for love and justice, and in the name of the Moon..."
Mars: "...Mars..."
Mercury: "...Mercury..."
Jupiter: "...Jupiter..."
Venus: "... and Venus..."
Moon: "... we will punish you!"
Hera: "Oh, I'm scared!"
Orion: "In the name of Isis, my planet, I'll destroy you!"
Star: "I am going to make you twinkle!"
Orion: "Because I am Sailor Orion..."
Star: "And I am Sailor Star..."
Star, Orion: "And we are the Lost senshi!"
Earth: "Earth Scepter of life and death, Power up!"
Hera: "You're not wasting time on a cool challenge?! Dark beam smash!"
Jupiter: "Jupiter Plasma Thunder -"
Moon: "No! She has to do this on her own!"
Orion: "But-"
Star: "She's right! Let Earth do it!"
Hera: "I'd love to stay, but I gotta go! Daemon of Disguise, appear! C-ya losers!"
Disguise: "Hehe! Hi girls! Illusions!"
A white Nebula appears around them, and they see a lot of Pictures and People that they have forgotten, lied to, or hurt. Disguise's weapon are their thoughts... Then, Amanda appears.
Amanda: "Florie, you didn't save me! You didn't save me, like you promised! You lied to me! You did!"
Earth: "Amanda... It can't be... You're dead..."
Amanda: "Am I?!"
Earth: "Yes, you're an Illusion! Right Mercury?"
Mercury: "Uh, she's the daemon, but not Amanda... that's her disguise power!"
Earth: "I... I can't destroy her..."
Moon: "Try to! You have to, otherwise they can use this trick again on you!"
Earth: "You're right! Earth Scepter of life and death, Power up!"
That Nasty daemon get's destroyed and Everything is ok again... until something attacks Sailor Moon from behind. The Scouts don't react fast enough, but a Masked guy suddenly appears, and saves Sailor Moon. Then, that thing attacks Sailor Earth! Sailor Earth, great in combat fighting, quickly kicks it in the stomach. Then, the punches just keep flying towards it. It reacts faster, and holds Sailor Earth's fist tight in his enormous hand. Then, Sailor Earth realizes it is turning her into a Nega-Slave. Tuxedo Mask comes to her rescue, it falls to the ground with a rose in it's back, and then vanishes. However, outside, the people it transformed vanish with it. Hera wins this battle. Sailor Earth is pretty harsh to Tuxedo Mask because of that.
Earth: "I don't need to get rescued by a guy in a cape! I could have beaten it!"
Tuxedo Mask: "Well, then I'm sorry..."
Moon: "He didn't mean any harm..."
Earth: "I know... I'm sorry... it's just, so many people are Nega-slaves because of me!"
Star: "It isn't your fault!"
Earth: "It isn't? I am not so sure about that. I might have reacted a little faster, and Amanda would be alive."
Jupiter: "There's nothing you could have done."
Venus: "Yeah! She jumped between you and the beam."
Mercury: "Remember, she said you shouldn't grief about her death, and she said it wasn't your fault."
Earth: "I guess you're right."
They all transform back, and go home, since the sun's already going under. Serena and Darien walk home together. Amy, Lita and Mina walk together to the bus stop. Florie, Star and Robby stay a little longer, since they are invited for dinner, and their Karinin-San expects them after that. The days go by, and finally, Florie, Robby and Star move into the apartment over the Café. During the next days, they meet everyday at Florie's, where a major renovation is made. New lights, a new bar, the kitchen, and the apartment. Also from the outside. The building get's a new color, a light sky blue and the windows's glass get replaced. The courtyard tables and chairs get repainted and the inside furniture. A week later the place is ready. They even find someone who will work in the mornings. Carla (that's the café-keeper in the morning) has worked at major cafes so there is no worry about her. Everything and everyone ends up happy... everyone? Oh, we forgot about lil'ol Hera, didn't we? Hera's happy too. She got tons of Nega-slaves. So, really no one is happy except for her.