Reeny returns
It's a marvelous Saturday in Tokyo. The scouts are meeting at Florie's renovated place. The apartment is done too. They even have a secret training room with a simulator. Really cool. Serena and her friends hang out downstairs in the café, though. In the basement the food and other stuff is stored. Today, a lot of girls are in the Café, so Star, Robby, Florie and Carla have their hands full. Darien just enters the café. He walks over to the bar, and sais hi to Star and Robby. Then, he orders a coffee. Serena walks over to him, since he doesn't come over to her. He looks worried.
Darien: "Oh, hi Serena."
Serena: "You didn't see us?"
Darien: "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now... can I talk to you later? I really have to go! Thanks for the coffee Star."
He pays and then leaves. The girls try to cheer Serena up, but it doesn't really work. Then, they leave. Florie takes some time off to go training. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, the third graders have Recess. A little girl with Orange hair is talking to a crowd of kids. She just tells a super-wicked-cool story, when she gets interrupted by the bell. The girls go inside. Then, the orange-haired girl walks over to another girl.
Hathor: "Hi!"
Lucy: "Oh, hi. So, we're going off to Social Studies. Sorry, couldn't hear your story, I really had to be in the Drama room... rehearsals."
Hathor: "Oh, okay! Was it fun?"
Lucy: "Yeah, especially when Karen-"
Lucy doesn't get to finish. The principal walks into the classroom with a new girl. All the students stand up, and say hello to Mr. Sheller. The girl has pink hair and red eyes. She doesn't seem to be a third grader, she's so small!
Hathor: "Hi Mr. Sheller. Is that a new student for the third grade?"
Mr. Sheller: "No, sorry Hathor, she's a first grader."
Hathor: "Then... what's she doing here?"
Mr. Sheller: "Well, she said she's looking for Mrs. Galley."
Lucy: "Why?"
Mr. Sheller: "That is none of your business! Reeny, come on over here."
Reeny: "Oh, there she is! I'm looking for her, and that's all you have to know, Ms. Busybody!"
Hathor: "Hey! You little-"
Mrs. Galley: "Hello kids! Oh, Reeny! There you are. I got the address from that girl. Isn't it just great I know so many high school Students?"
Reeny: "Sure is! Thank you Mrs. G!"
Mrs. Galley: "So, kids, let's start our lesson!"
Florie comes out of the English class, followed by Serena. Serena is moaning about her test... she got a 20 % and a big, red F is on her paper!!! Florie just waves it off, saying she should have studied harder... or studied at all. Serena looks so down, that even Robby is trying to cheer her up.
Robby: "It isn't the end of the world! After all, your parents have come to expect lousy grades from you!"
Serena: "Oh, gee, thanks, that made me feel so much better!"
Florie: "Robby didn't mean it that way... say, I gotta go... I am going to the gym, training a few kicks. Anybody wanna come with me?"
Serena: "No, but have fun."
Robby: "I don't want to work-out in my free time!"
Florie runs off to the gym. Once there, she dresses into her white martial arts gei. Then, she warms up. She makes hundred pushups, hundred sit-ups and hundred jumping jacks. Once done with that, she begins punching a sandbag, just to get into shape. Over at the door, Reeny peeks around, with the floating Luna P over her head. Behind her, Hathor Bulder, the girl with the orange hair, sneaks up to her. Reeny doesn't notice her, since she's staring at Florie. Hathor wonders what could be so interesting about a martial arts gym, and decides to watch that girl, too. There are only three students in the gym, so it isn't hard for Hathor to see at whom Reeny is looking. The girl sizes the bag challenging, then leaps out at the bag, striking it with her knee and then pushes off with a reverse kick. The girl, obviously knowing someone's watching, continues. Immediately, she leaps out at the bag again, punching it in its mid-section followed by a backhand strike that sends it spinning off in another direction. It becomes obvious to Hathor that girl is very good, whereas she sends combination after combination of punches, kicks and various blows at the bag without stopping in-between. The girl becomes at times so fast for the two girls, that neither can follow her. Finally, the girl strikes out with one final blow, sending the bag swinging far out on its line that suspends it. The girl turns, to face the bag as it swings back towards her and kicks out at it, cutting a gouge out in it's side with her heal. The girl stands there for a moment, balancing on one leg, with the leg she kicked with still in the air. The girl stares at the bag for a moment, before pulling her hand back, only to strike at it one last time, causing the bag to explode. Reeny noticed she's being watched, and turns around quickly, forcing the door to close behind her with a loud clap. Hathor takes a step backwards.
Reeny: "What are you doing here?"
Hathor: "I could ask you the same thing!"
Reeny: "Well, I came for someone!"
Hathor: "Me too!"
Reeny: "Well, then go ahead!"
Hathor: "Ok! Hi Klarissa!"
Klarissa: "Oh, hi sis!"
Florie: "Klarissa, you done for today?"
Klarissa: "Yup, what about you? By the way, this is my sis, Hathor."
Florie: "Oh hi! Yeah, I'm done too."
Hathor: "Hi, I saw you practicing... not bad."
Florie: "Thanks. I'll see you!"
Klarissa: "Yeah! Bye!"
Reeny: "Excuse me, but are you Flora Fauna Lilith?"
Florie: "Call me Florie. And who are you?"
Reeny: "Uh, I'm Reeny. I want to talk to your guardian cat, Orion."
Florie: "Guardian cat? Talk to a cat? Well, I have no cat, and a guardian cat not for sure! You have been reading too many fables, cat's can't talk little Girl."
Reeny: "Don't play dumb with me, Sailor Earth!"
Florie: "Sailor who? Never heard of her. Listen, where's your mommy, so I can bring you to her?"
Reeny: "Oh! I hate teens, they think I'm stupid! Haya!"
Floire: "Stop that!"
Reeny jumps up at Florie so that she falls down, and she tries to pin her down. Floire just lifts her away from herself, and stands up. She holds Reeny in a firm grip, but loosens it when she starts yelling.
Florie: "Would you mind?! What do you want?!"
Reeny: "Let me go!"
Just then, Serena and Darien walk in. Serena goes pale. Darien stumbles. They both recognize that hair and that Luna P!!
Serena: "R... Reeny?"
Reeny: "Serena! Darien!"
Reeny get's rid of Florie's loosened grip, and runs into Serena's arms. Floire stands there, not knowing what happened. Hera has to be part of this celebration, too. She always comes when least expected. She floats down from a balance beam she stood on.
Hera: "Oh, a guest? What a surprise, I wasn't introduced. I'm the mean old witch Hera! How rude Sailor Earth, not to introduce me earlier!"
Florie: "Uh... Hera! Serena, get Reeny away from here! I can manage Hera!"
Reeny: *thinking* "So, she is Sailor Earth!"
Darien: "I'm still here!"
Florie: "Yeah, whatever! Earth Magical Power!"
Florie and Darien transform, when the other scouts burst in. Mercury just wants to warn Earth, but it's too late, she already notices Hera, and get's the party started with an aqua super freezing.
Jupiter: "Way to go! Jupiter Plasma thunder!"
Mars: "Wait! Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!"
A double attack against Hera sends her spinning all around. Then, Earth leaps at her, like at the bag, and strikes with her knee in her stomach. Then, she pushes off with a reverse kick. She sends a couple of blows and kicks, before punching Hera on her chest, sending her into the wall. The other scouts watch unbelieving their eyes, as Earth beats Hera in a hand on hand fight. A blow there, a punch here. Then, Sailor Earth does a new trick.
Earth: "Earth Magical Staff materialize!"
A staff, green and brown, emerges from a little bundle... and then Earth starts fighting. Hera makes herself a staff out of dark thunder. But Earth nearly beats Hera, when she disappears, suddenly, without waning. Earth stands in disbelief, breathing hard. The scouts, including Serena, Reeny and Tuxedo Mask come over to her.
Serena: "Wow! Wicked!"
Earth: "Yeah, just like her (pointing at Reeny)! Earth Magical Power return! How did you know I was Sailor Earth?! Who are you? What do you want? Form where are you?! How do you know Serena and Darien?!"
Serena: "We'll get the answers. Can we go over to yours?"
Florie: "Sure!"
When they arrive at Florie's, Carla is just about to close up. She looks kind of worried, and is relieved when she sees Florie.
Carla: "Oh, there you are! I am just leaving, I really gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow!"
Floire: "Ok, bye! Come on in! You guys want something? It's free..."
Serena+Reeny: "Double Strawberry Milkshake and Pancakes."
Star: "Ok, the others tea? I'll bring some muffins too."
Robby: "If you want to sleep over, you can call your parents, or if you'll get home later."
Then. Reeny starts talking. When she came back to crystal Tokyo, her mother and father were very happy to have her back, but soon, the nega-galaxy opened into our Dimension, and overtook Tokyo. Neo-Queen Serena fought back, but was captured. Neo-King Darien was already killed in a fight. Their Army had fallen a long time ago. The Sailor Scouts were too late, and the only one to save them were the lost senshi, who were scattered after great darkness had overcome them, and took on covers. Now, Reeny came back in time once more to warn the scouts. Sailor Pluto had send her, as her last hope, to find Sailor Earth and to warn her of great darkness ahead, whatever that meant. Reeny tells, and tears stream down her face. Serena puts her arm around her, and Reeny buries her head in Serena's lap. Darien strokes over her hair.
Darien: "Poor Reeny. You have been through a lot!"
Serena: "Reeny, we will help you, we always will! You've already found Sailor Earth, now you also warned her. Don't cry honey, everything will be alright!"
Florie: "I think for the time being she's the safest here, in the twentieth century."
Luna: "Florie's right. We need to plan this one out before we strike. Hera's a smart opponent."
Artemis: "Yeah! "
Star: "Ok, but we're new to this. How did she know who you guys where? She didn't know me and Robby."
Reeny: "Flora Fauna I knew because I saw pictures of her in my moms drawer. I have never seen you and that other girl. Serena and Darien are my mommy and daddy!"
Star: "WHAT??? You gotta be kidding! This is just too weird!"
Florie: "I admit, it is weird! Serena or Darien never told us..."
Serena: "No! In the future!"
Robby: "Ha! You guys can think about this, but I'm bombed!"
Star: "You're what?"
Mina: "Oh, I really have to go home! I'm way late! Where's the phone? Thanks!"
Raye: "Aaaah! Grandpa! Hurry Mina!"
Lita: "Good thing I live alone! Haha!"
Serena: "Reeny can come home with me I guess. You can do that same thing like you did before on my parents... you were my cousin Reeny..."
Reeny: "Ok. Thanks Serena! Night Guys!"
Serena: "Darien, can you give me a lift?"
Darien: "Sure!"
Serena: "Thanks!"
Amy: "I guess I have to get home too. Lita, wanna walk with me?"
Lita: "Sure."
Darien: "Good Night girls!"
When everyone has left, Florie and Star clean up, since Robby fell incredibly fast asleep. Star asks Florie what's on her mind, because she is very quiet.
Floire: "Well, I don't know about Reeny. She seems a nice girl-"
Star: "So, where's the problem?"
Floire: "Yeah, she SEEMS nice... I don't know..."
Star: "Well, we'll find out soon enough if we can trust her!"
Floire: "I guess you're right." *thinking* ‘I hope so!'
With these words they go upstairs and also fall asleep instantly when they hit the pillows.