Starcrossed Destiny
A normal Sunday at Floire's. The Scouts and Amanda are gathered in Florie's big living room. Serena is trying hard to read some English comics, while the others are talking about their experiences as scouts and who or what they had battled in the past. Amy confirms to what Florie tells about Hera. They had the same problem in Japan, only it was Trulum who caused the trouble. The name of Trulum catches Serena's ear and she looks up from her comic.
Serena: "Did you say Trulum? I thought we finished that creep off-"
Raye: "Thanks to Florie!"
Serena is still mad about Florie not trusting her in the beginning. She had disliked the thought, and even protested, against her being Sailor Earth. Raye and the others had taken it for a fact though, and they where glad for reinforcements.
Serena: "Yes, Yes, but that's not what I asked!"
Robby: "Well, if you had paid attention you'd know!"
Serena: "WHAT? How dare you-"
Raye: "Serena! Cut it out! She's right, you DON'T pay attention!"
Serena: "But... Wahhhhhhhh"
Robby: "Gee, I really hate blonde bubble heads! Serena, stop that terrible noise! I can't believe you guys have such a dits as leader! She should take an example of Florie!"
Florie: "Robby-"
Raye: "Well, you kind of get used to her..."
Amy: "Cut it out you guys!"
Star: "Well, Robby's got a point: How do you put up with her?!"
What Star said makes Serena cry even louder, until the neighbors come complain. Florie takes action, and stands up for Serena. She got a feeling it won't help a lot, though.
Florie: "Leave her alone! I think she proved she was a good leader by trying to battle that creep Loki!"
Lita: "Why can you guys never get along? Raye, be nice to Serena!"
Star: "Robby, be nice to Serena too! She's a guest of ours!"
Raye: "Well, if I have to!"
Robby: "Do I have to?"
Star+Florie: "Yes!"
Mina: "So, are you guys going to Japan?"
Floire: "We're thinking about it..."
Amanda: "Gee, I wished I was a scout! I could be Sailor.... Sailor of Love... or Sailor of Light... or Sailor of Crafts, or Sailor of the sea, or sky, or-"
Robby: "Or Sailor of Ideas for a Sailor! There is a twienzy wienzy problem though... you don't have a Star seed!"
Amanda: "Yeah.... that's so unfair! Why do the people who don't appreciate get it!"
Star: "Who's not appreciating it?"
Amanda: "I don't know... You aren't! Remember as Gaia! And Sailor Gaia?"
Amy: "Gaia? The Spirit of the Earth? And Sailor Gaia, Sailor of the Earth?"
Star: "Not Exactly. Gaia was the Spirit of the Earth alright, but Sailor Gaia was the Sailor of the Spirit of the Earth... me! Kind of complicated, huh?"
Luna: "Sailor Gaia?"
Artemis: "Star... is Gaia?"
Star: "Yes, I know what you're thinking! It was different... but anyway, Amy, you have a pattern for Hera's attacks?"
Amy: "I'm afraid not, her attacks are totally Random! I can't get a lock on them! She only strikes when the time is right, or when she knows we'll come..."
Florie: "That's ok, I wonder why she hasn't tried this earlier. Anything else?"
Robby: "Nothing here! The R.W.C.H.C. (Rescuer of Wild-Cats and House-Cats) had a meeting yesterday, but everything was normal... except I missed it..."
Star: "Nope! All teachers I had seemed like Aliens, so nothing new there, and in the mall and the Astrology club everything couldn't be more average."
Raye: "The open fire in your apartment has nothing to say either. I really miss the great fire..."
Mina: "Nothing unusual in the Gym!"
Lita: "Everything clear in the cooking class!"
Amanda: "All friends, teachers, family and places I have visited are all ok."
Amy: "Computer class, chess club, GT program and the after school Newspaper have nothing weird or unusual to tell!"
*big sweat drop everyone else* ^_^
Florie: "Ok, everything's fine where I was. What about you Serena?"
Serena: "What? How should I know anything? These comics are quite funny though."
Florie: "Well, no hope there, what about you Artemis? Luna?"
Serena: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Florie: "Nothing! So, Luna? Artemis?"
Artemis: "Nope, nothing!"
Luna: "The mall and the Arcade are clean and clear."
Star: "We have to find out where Hera will strike, we HAVE TO!!! I don't want to battle anymore daemons of Revenge!"
Florie: "We won't have to! I promise! Now, we have to make a new plan. Everyone get's one section of the city close to school, and we'll see!"
All: "Right!"
Serena: "But the city is huge!"
Robby: "That's why we also only take sections CLOSE to school, bubble head!"
Florie: "Robby! Stop that right now!"
Raye: "You are kind of close with bubble head, though!"
Amy: "Attention everyone! I'm getting something weird in computer!"
Florie: "So do I!"
Lita: "Huh? How? You don't even have a computer!"
Florie: "I'm telepathical!"
Amanda: "But don't worry, she won't scan you!"
Mina: "She better not!!!"
Suddenly, a daemon looks through the window. The girls jump up in shock. Serena starts yelling, while the others transform.
Florie: "Earth Magical Power!"
Amy: "Mercury Star Power!"
Robby: "Orion Magical Power!"
Raye: "Mars Star Power!"
Star: "Star Magical Power!"
Mina: "Venus Star Power!"
Lita: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Mars: "Well! Serena, come on! Transform!"
Serena: "Oh! I hate the Nega galaxy! Moon Crystal Power!"
Orion: "Way overdue! Let's kick some butt! Orion star belt sec-"
Earth: "NO! Not in my apartment! Take the fight outside!"
Orion: "Ok, but have you got a plan?!"
Earth: "Cool with me! Let's go! Sailor Moon, Mars, Orion and Star, come with me! Mercury and Jupiter, try scan it, protect Mercury while she's scanning! Luna, Artemis, and Venus get Amanda out of here!"
Venus: "No problem! Let's go Amanda!"
Artemis: "don't hurt yourselves!"
Luna: "Be careful!"
Amanda: "Right! Good luck!"
Jupiter: "Mercury, let's scan this thing!"
Mercury: "Sure!"
The Sailors all take their positions. The daemon turns out to be a huge Octopus. Sailor Earth tries to scan it her way. Jupiter tries her luck...
Jupiter: "Jupiter Plasma Thunder sizzle!"
Now, the Scouts get shocked a couple of times. Sailor Mars is outraged!
Mars: "Water and Thunder don't mix Jupiter!"
Mars shows her how it's done instead, with her bola Napalm, with no luck either. Jupiter uses the same voice that Mars used before.
Jupiter: "Water and Fire don't mix Mars!"
Earth: "Guys! This thing has hardly no energy!"
Mercury: "She's right! Water and Water mix! Aqua Super Freezing!"
The Waves engulf around the Octopus, and freeze it.
Mars: "Where are you waiting for? Sailor Moon! Today please!"
Moon: "All right!"
Star: "Wait! Watch out! He's breaking it!"
Sailor Star is right. The Octopus breaks free of the Ice, and is now really mad. He turns facing the scouts, and throws one of his gigantic Arms on them. The scouts manage to escape barely, but part of the mall is destroyed. Star and Orion just stare, and if Jupiter and Mars hadn't rescued them from a next attack of it's arm, they'd been lunch for sure! Earth tries her luck with her Scepter, but it doesn't really work, even when Sailor Moon comes to help her. The thing just isn't going away.
Mercury: "I'm getting some weird readings! Uhuh! Guys! It's not there!"
Orion: "What? How do you mean it's not there? It's right there!"
Mercury: "No! It has no matter!"
Star: "Quit talking like a textbook, and tell us in English, or Japanese, please!"
Earth: "You mean it's just an illusion? But it destroys things... that can't be illusions!"
Mercury: "It's like a distraction... it's an illusion that destroys things... it goes against all rules of Matter!"
Hera: "Am I interrupting anything?"
Earth: "Hera?"
Hera: "That's me! How are you? Long time no see!"
Moon: "What do you want?"
Hera: "I think I have something YOU want!"
With these words, she suddenly holds an unconscious Venus up at her throat. The Scouts are beaten.
Star: "Let her go!"
Hera: "You want me to drop her fifty feet? Fine with me!"
Mercury: "Wait! What do you want?"
Hera: "I already told you... nothing! I wanted to thank you for getting Trulum out of my way.. Oh, there is one thing! I want Sailor Earth... dead!"
Earth: "Why?"
Hera: "Just because!"
Moon: "Well, you're NOT going to get her! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!"
Hera: "Which reminds me! I also got your pesky little friend!"
She let's Venus disappear, and instead she holds Amanda up. Amanda is struggling to get free, until she sees she's floating fifty feet up in the sky.
Amanda: "Sailor Earth, don't let me die! Please!"
Earth: "You won't die! I promise! Hera, let her go, you can have me!"
Hera: "Fine! I want a fight to the death!"
Earth: "Fine!"
Hera sinks to the floor, and she lets Amanda go. She also gets unconscious Venus back, and let's her go. Then, she gets ready for a one-on-one fight. Sailor Earth, a perfect Judoka (Judo is a self-defense program originally from Japan, but today nearly everywhere available), gets ready to fight. Hera attacks, but Sailor Earth counters with a kick in Hera's stomach. Then, she makes a quick turn and kicks her under the chin, causing her to tremble back. Then, Sailor Earth punches Hera right on her nose. An easy looking air-kick, gotten out of a spin, and then, an easy looking, air-kick causes Hera to fall down. Sailor Earth pins her down with her knees on Hera's Arms. Hera kicks Sailor Earth in her back, so Sailor Earth falls head over heals over Hera. Sailor Earth rolls out, and stands up, ready to strike again. Hera gets one of these black beams, similar to Trulums' beam. When the beam evolves from Heras Hands, Sailor Earth wants to jump away, but she's too slow. The beam strikes Sailor Earth in her stomach, and blows her into a wall. An other beam comes, Sailor Earth can't really realize what happens, but Amanda yells and stands in front of Sailor Earth to protect her. The beam hits her square in the chest. Amanda, not used to fighting, stumbles back, and falls over Sailor Earth. She is nearly unconscious. Sailor Earth, barely realizing what happened, stands up, and finally get's the energy to look up. She checks up on Amanda, and then takes her Scepter. She uses it against Hera, and Hera get's away just in time. She took a blast of it anyway, and she reappears a couple of feet further. She is wounded, and promises, like always to be back. Sailor Earth now turns with all her strength left, to Amanda, who is barely living.
Amanda: "Florie... I... I always wanted... to tell you something!"
Earth: "Anything! Just don't..."
Amanda: "I will... but before I go... I wanted to tell you... I am... a guardian... of you... I just never... admitted it to myself! Florie... don't sorrow because of me... it's my destiny!"
Earth: "No, No... Amanda... just don't...... NOOOO! AMANDA!"
Sailor Moon places a hand on Earth's shoulder, just like she'd done for her before going into battle with Whisperer. Then, she leaves her alone, just like the others.
Star: "I can't believe it! Amanda... gone forever! How to tell her parents?"
Moon: "Florie will find a way!"
Mars: "I just think we shouldn't leave her alone right now!"
Moon: "I told you, let her solve it!"
Venus: "I think she needs someone to talk to!"
Mercury: "No! Let her do it!"
Orion: "I agree, she has to grief alone! She will find a way!"
Jupiter: "But if she needs someone-"
Moon: "IF she needs someone, she will search for someone herself!"
Mars: "If you think so..."
Moon: "I know so!"
Sailor Earth returns to Florie, and she takes Amanda's dead body over to her parents. Florie tells she found her that way... she was barely alive. Then, she sais Amanda had told her how much she loved her family, and she wished everyone not to grief over her dead. Her mother burst out in tears, and her father brings out a sad thank you. Florie leaves, tears streaming down her face. When she comes home, she just tells the scouts she decided to go to Japan.