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Love is in the Air

Ms. Gold and the girls are having a Picnic in the Park. Everything is so pretty! The girls enjoy their Wednesday afternoon. Ms. Gold reads them out of a Japanese book, ‘The Moon Princess'. Everyone enjoys the tale. Ms. Gold puts the book down and starts quizzing them on it. After all, it's actually school material, and Lita, Serena, Molly and Amy should be in class. Nevertheless, because of Ms. Gold they got out of Mrs. Haruna's Math class. Star, Robby and Floire have this reading hour once a week.
Ms. Gold: "So, Serena, what was the Princess like?"
Serena: "She was kind, big-hearted and beautiful from the inside and outside."
Ms. Gold: "Yes. What was the Prince like. Yes, Lita?"
Lita: "He was a hunk. He was handsome, smart and attractive. In a way he was also self-centered though, because he always wanted all the attention."
Ms. Gold: "Right! So, Florie, do you think the King was right to Wedd the Princess to her love, instead of the Prince?"
Florie: "Yes! I mean, you have to live with that person, so you should love him!"
Ms. Gold: "Interesting! What do you think Amy, what was the Irony in her saying to the Prince his singing she would never forget?"
Amy: "Well, because he sung awful. Very rotten. She would never forget it because it was bad, but he thought it was because she liked it, and loved him. Ironic, because the reader knows something the character doesn't know."
Ms. Gold: "Yes! So, Molly, why do you think the story takes place somewhere in Arabia, instead of Japan, since it is written by a Japanese author? "
Molly: "I think so because he wanted it to seem far away, in a land where a princess has nothing to say!"
Ms. Gold: "Very well! Now, our time is over, so girls, enjoy the afternoon. I have to go back to the College. I'll see you guys later!"
All: "Bye Ms. Gold, thank you for a wonderful afternoon!"
Molly: "That story was so Romantic!"
Serena: "Yeah!"
Lita: "Hey you guys! Why don't we go over to the mall and see if there are any cute guys!"
Floire: "Go ahead, I'm staying here!"
Star: "Me too!"
Amy: "Count me out!"
Robby: "I'll go!"
Lita: "Then let's go! Anyone else?"
Molly: "I think I'll go, but not for the guys! I have some money, so I can go shopping!"
Robby: "Ok, I have some money too!"
Lita: "Fine, make that three of us! Let's go!"
Serena: "Shopping, huh? Sounds like fun."
Molly: "Then come with us!"
Serena: "No, can't. I have to get Reeny from school. Have fun guys!"
Lita, Robby and Molly leave. The other girls stay on the grass, thinking, dreaming or just resting. Serena then stands up, and asks if anyone feels like walking with her to get Reeny. Star stands up, to go with her. Amy and Floire stay behind.
Amy: "Shall we go to your Café? I'm sure it's packed, Carla can't handle it alone."
Florie: "That's why I also installed Monica and Rowena. They are good workers."
Amy: "Guess you're right. So what do you want to do? I have no classes today, I have no homework either."
Floire: "You finished it during lunch too?"
Amy: "Sure did."
Floire: "Then, let's go swimming!"
Amy: "My Idea! Let's go!"
At the same time, Hera looks over the city. She looks a little nervous. She got two loads of Nega-slaves. She could distract Sailor Earth so easily, but now they are all split up, so she has to come up with a new plan. Maybe, yes, maybe she can use their separations to her advantage. If she sends one monster to the Mall, one to the Pool, and one to the elementary school. Maybe two to the Elementary school and Pool, since Sailor Earth and Moon are there. Yes, she will do that!
Hera: "Well, to the Pool I'll send Poseidon and his younger sister, Nautica. They are strong, since water is their element! For the others, I'll see."
Meanwhile, Molly, Lita and Robby are looking at every display window in the Mall. Molly finds the cutest shoes, Lita finds a new cook-book and Robby buys a stuffed animal (You can probably guess that it is a cat ^_^). Then, Molly asks if they want to go into her mom's store. When they come in, they are horrified. Molly's mom is pinned at the wall by some kind of Monster. Molly falls unconscious and is in a state of shock. Lita and Robby waste no time.
Lita: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Robby: "Orion Magical Power!"
Monster (it has no name): "Ha! Try this! Diamonds can cut through anything! They'll cut through you and your attacks like a knife through butter! Haha!"
Orion: "We'll see about that! Orion Star belt secure!"
Jupiter: "Jupiter Plasma Thunder sizzle!"
Monster: "Ha, try these Diamonds!"
The Diamonds really cut trough their attacks easily. Now, the two scouts get chased all over the place. Scene cut to the pool. Florie and Amy are just diving to start a race. Suddenly, two monsters, a he and a she, come out of the water. Everyone scrambles to get out. Amy and Floire run right into the dressing room, just to transform.
Floire: "Earth Magical Power!"
Amy: "Mercury Star Power!"
Nautica: "Well, well, well, who do we have here! Ready Earth? Ready to die?! Haha!"
Poseidon: "So, You're Mercury! Take this!"
Poseidon starts to attack Mercury with his pointy staff. Then, Earth and Mercury switch opponents. Mercury battles Nautica with her Super Freezing, while Earth tries her luck with her staff. Poseidon is a worthy opponent for Earth. He is skilled in fighting. Nautica isn't that worthy for Mercury. Nautica may seem strong, but she really has no attack, except for a water wall, that keeps falling apart because Mercury freezes it, until Mercury freezes Nautica. At the same time, Earth uses her scepter against Poseidon. Scene cut to the school. Serena and Star just come out with Reeny. Suddenly, two Monsters appear from nowhere! Star and Serena tell Reeny to hide with Luna and Artemis. Then, they transform.
Star: "Star Magical Power!"
Serena: "Moon Crystal Power!"
Monster #1: "Haha! Sailor Moon, you are no match for us!"
Monster #2: "Prepare to die!"
Star: "Thanks... but I'd rather not!"
Moon: "Ok, I can do this! Moon Scepter Escalation!"
Monster #2 disappears mysteriously (actually it isn't that mysterious), while Star prepares to attack. Monster #1 seems to be stronger though.
Star: "Black hole crush!"
Moon: "It's no use! Moon Scepter Escalation!"
This time, Sailor Moon's pinkish beam is much weaker, and Star's black hole starts to collapse too. Then, a kid in an orange and red Sailor Outfit comes to the rescue.
Sailor Love: "I know I'm just a kid, but that doesn't stop me for doing good things! You did something wrong, and I'm going to do something about it! I'm Sailor Love!"
Monster #1: "Ha, another scout?"
Love: "Love Nebula Blind! Now Sailor Moon!"
An orange-red nebula sinks over the whole school. Then, Sailor Moon Uses her scepter on the Monster. This time it is gone. When the nebula clears up, they get their first good look at Sailor Love. She isn't much older then Reeny and she seems kind of familiar.
Moon: "So, who are you? You don't seem to be an Inner scout!"
Love: "I am Sailor Love! Defender of Love!"
Star: "But I thought Venus's theme was love?"
Love: "Sailor Venus? I am from her lost moon, that's all you have to know!"
Moon: "Why don't you transform back and come with us?"
Love: "Uhm, I don't know about that! We just met..."
Moon: "Yeah?"
Star: "Maybe she's right. Maybe she should-"
Love: "No! I'll come with you! But like this!"
Moon: "Ok, I'll call the scouts!"
Star: "I'll get Orion and Earth."
Moon: "The scouts are on their way!"
Star: "Oh no! Orion and Jupiter are in trouble!"
Moon: "Let's go then!"
Sailor Moon, Star and Love run towards the Mall. On the way to the mall, they meet Earth and Mercury. Earth and Mercury look confused, but don't ask, they haven't got the time for that! Sailor Jupiter and Orion are in big trouble. Jupiter has gone on a one-on-one fight apparently and lost. She is nailed on the wall, unconscious. Orion is also pinned at the wall, and held by a Monster. Sailor Earth and Moon immediately try their scepters, while Love makes another Nebula. Mercury and Star attack at the same time. Now, he's really gone! Hera appears. She doesn't notice Sailor Love.
Hera: "Haha! Thanks for the slaves!"
Then she disappears again. Reeny, the cats and Tuxedo Mask enter the store instead.
TM: "I missed all the fun?"
Earth: *Sarcastic* "No, Cape-boy, you're just in time!"
TM: "What's your problem with me?"
Moon: "Don't you dare calling him names! At least he's honest!"
Earth: "Hey! I'm the one saving your butt, not him!"
Moon: "Otherwise he does!"
Sailor Moon, Sailor Earth and Tuxedo Mask start this huge fight, until Orion comes between them. Artemis chuckles.
Orion: "Could you three just stop! Tuxedo Mask HAS saved us many times, so did Earth!"
Artemis: *whispering to Luna* "Well, see who's talking!"
Luna: *whispers back* "You shouldn't be unfair to them!"
Artemis: *whispering* "Like you aren't!"
Luna: "Let us not start too!"
Love: "Who was that anyway?"
Star: "That was our major enemy, Hera."
Orion: "By the way, who's that?"
Love: "I'm Sailor Love!"
Jupiter: "I though Venus was the Scout of Love!"
Love: "You only need to know that I'm from the lost Moon of Venus. By the way, where is Venus?"
Star: "In school, so is Mars."
Orion: "Ok, but who's behind the disguise?"
Love: "You'll find out when the time is right!"
Reeny: "Have we met? I think you might be... what was her name? Hathor?"
Love: "Who?! Never heard of her!"
Reeny: "Well, she's as arrogant as you are!"
Love: "Why, you little monster!"
Reeny: "I'm small Lady to you!"
Orion: "Ok! We get the point! Anyway, we should tell Mars and especially Venus! Let's go!"
They wait at Florie's Café. They walk up the back stairs to Florie's Apartment. The scouts transform back, except for Earth, Star, Moon and Orion. Finally, Mina and Raye arrive. They enter also through the backdoor to Florie's apartment. They at first don't see Sailor Love, when they do, Mina stumbles back.
Mina: "Sailor... Love?"
Love: "I had to help them!"
Moon: "You know her?"
Mina: "I know her since I was in England. What are you doing here? I thought you where in Ireland?"
Love: "We moved!"
Mina: "Well, you can trust them. They are the other scouts."
Love: "I know, but I wanted to make sure. Love Magical Power return!"
Love starts spinning, when she comes to a halt, she's Hathor Bulder! Reeny looks with her ‘I knew it' face. The others glare at Hathor, except for Mina and Reeny.
Reeny: "You where saying? Never heard of her? Haha!"
Hathor: "Grr! Be quiet! Little Monster!"
Mina: "Enough! Can you two just get along? Now, Hathor, or Sailor Love, isn't one of us. I mean, she isn't a scout like me, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. She probably is one of the lost senshi."
Earth: "Ok. But why didn't you tell us?"
Mina: "Because! She had to tell you! She decided!"
Earth: "I'll take it! Now, I have to know, have you been properly trained?"
Hathor: "Yes, I have."
Star: "Peachy! Star Magical Power Return!"
They all transform back and go down to the Café. The rest of the afternoon is fun, except Reeny and Hathor have occasional fights. ‘This is going to be one heck of a Scout' Florie thinks ‘as soon as she is tamed.' Mina and Hathor seem to be getting along great, so do the others. If only she could bring Reeny to like Hathor. ‘Funny, Reeny reminds me of me when I was little' she thinks ‘I also always wanted to be the center of Interest and hated anybody else in Spotlight. But times change, I hope so do these two.'