Cheering Dilemma
Ms. Gold comes into the Café, looking very happy. A tall, handsome guy is following her. Florie and Star greet her joyfully. Robby just nods to her and the guy, but returns again to her work in the storage room. Ms. Gold and the guy behind her seem exited.
Ms. Gold: "Hi girls! This is Roger Howell, my boyfriend."
Roger: "Hi! Call me Roger! My order is two coffees and two chocolate chip muffins please!"
Star: "Uh, sure! *to Florie* What a hunk!"
Florie: "He's alright."
Star: "There you go, Ms. Gold and Mr. Howell."
Roger: "Please, call me Roger."
Ms. Gold: "Hmm, delicious. Who bakes these?"
Florie: "Oh, usually me, but Lita and Star also often cook."
Roger: "Yes, my compliments."
Star: "Florie is far to generous! She made these, and she makes them the best! Lita and I don't nearly come close to hers!!!"
Lita: "I pretend I didn't hear that! Hi guys!"
Florie: "Hi! Hey, Serena, I left some cookies over from teatime. They are in the kitchen upstairs. I'll join you, Lita and Amy ASAP."
Serena: "Ok!"
Lita, Serena and Amy get the message. Florie has news for them. When Serena and her friends reach the apartment over the café, they hear it from Raye.
Amy: "Raye, shouldn't you be in school? We usually get out earlier then you do..."
Lita: "Yeah!"
Raye: "I uh... I had to... I mean, I was doing some scout business."
Amy: "And...?"
Raye: "Ok, I didn't go to school, but I did some meditating!"
Serena: "And Florie let you?"
Raye: "During the day I was in the Mall. I'm here only since an hour, since her reading period with Ms. Gold fell out. I got some news! I think there is something exiting, but dangerous, ahead!"
Lita: "Like what?"
Amy: "An Alien invasion?"
Lita: "A starvation epidemic?"
Amy: "Or total Computer crash downs, like the Y2K bug?"
Lita: "Or an empty bowl of cookies because Serena ate them all?"
Serena: "Too late, that just happened!"
Raye: "No! A person, who is hulled in darkness, but has a ray of light shining on it! And Earth, Orion, Star and Love got new communicators."
Serena: "Cool!"
Florie: "Hi guys! Sorry it took me so long, but we had some problems...!"
Robby: "Yeah, Star is still saying her bye-byes."
Serena: "Who is that guy anyway?"
Star: "Ms. Gold's boyfriend! Isn't he a hunk?"
Lita: "Hi Star! Uh, where's Mina? And the cats?"
Star: "Gee! I forgot! Cheerleading tryouts! I gotta go!"
Serena: "I'll come with you!"
Lita: "Wait up!"
Raye: "Cheerleading? Serena, they'll never take such a dits like you!"
Robby: "Yeah, no bubble heads allowed."
Serena: "Stop calling me that! I'm coming!"
Robby: "This I gotta see!"
On their way out they meet Hathor and Reeny. Quickly Raye tells them what's up, and the other two girls follow Robby and Raye. Florie and Amy decide to come too. On the field there are a lot of girls. Serena, Molly, Lita and Star get dressed. Mina is already dressed and waiting for her turn. Reeny, Hathor, Raye, Amy and Florie seat themselves on the benches.
Raye: "Where's Robby?"
Florie: "What? I thought she was with you?"
Amy: "She's there! In the uniform!"
Raye: "What? That can't be! Traitor!"
Hathor: "He he, she'll never make it! Why aren't you trying out Florie? You'd make it."
Florie: "I'm not going to jump up and down, shouting and yelling, like a bubble head!"
Reeny: "Hey! It's Serena's turn! She's doing pretty bad, huh?"
Amy: "Yes. Oh no, she got send away! This is way harsh. That girl was great, but they didn't take her because she's overweight!"
Hathor: "No way! They didn't accept Lita because she's too tall with the others!"
Raye: "Molly got send away too, because she's a total disaster!"
Florie: "Mina wasn't much better either. But Star's doing great! Oh, Star didn't get accepted! Her hair stands too much out! But Robby! Robby got accepted!"
Reeny: "Poor Serena and the others! That was way harsh!"
Hathor: "I wonder how Mina's taking it!"
They walk over to Molly, Lita, Mina, Star and Serena. They all look kind of down, but they keep their heads up. The others tell them they did great, but the judges where just looking for girls who look all similar.
Star: "Well, at least I'm happy for Robby!"
We switch scenes to Hera's place. She seems angry. In her private Lab there are a lot of Scientists. In one corner there is a door. Hera opens it, and walks in. She switches the light on. In the middle of the room there is a chair with a older girl in it. There is only a spotlight on her, the rest of the room is dark. She has green hair and looks very exhausted She's tied to the chair. She has a leather rope around her forehead, neck, middle, arms, wrists, legs and ankles. She suddenly she opens her eyes. They are bright green. Hera looks amused.
Hera: "Good morning, Hope!"
Hope: "Grr! Why do you keep me tied up? I haven't hurt anyone... yet!"
Hope fights vainly against the ropes, with no success. Hera laughs out loud. She has created this Monster, and is proud of it! Hope looks so angry at her, that if looks could kill, Hera would be dead long ago.
Hera: "You waste your time and energy. You nearly killed one of my Scientists, so I had to tie you up."
Hope: "Yeah, but next time I'll succeed!"
Hera: "Ha ha ha! I'm sure you will. Anyway, your true enemies are the Sailor Scouts! Especially Sailor Moon."
Hope: "That bimbo can't harm anyone! Why do you need me to kill her?"
Hera: "Don't underestimate her! She's pretty strong... but only with Sailor Earth together! If you can distract her, I can kill Sailor Earth, and you can kill Sailor Moon!"
Hope: "Why are they my enemies? They have never done anything against me!"
Hera: "Oh, but they will."
Hope: "Ok, they are your enemies, so what? You can't hold them off yourself, that's why you need an ally. But why me?"
Hera: "Who cares?! Just help me out here!"
Hope: "Why should I?"
Hera: "Because I will fulfill you your greatest wish if you help me!"
Hope: "And what would greatest wish be?"
Hera: "Your freedom!"
Hope turns pale. She stops fighting against the ropes and looks at Hera in disbelief. Her freedom is all she ever wanted. Hope tries to overplay her emotions for Hera.
Hope: "Well, it's a good enough offer. Fine, I'll do it."
Hera: "Good! Now, you hungry?"
Scene switch again to Florie's Café. The girls, except for Robby, are there. Robby had to get her uniform. Serena eats her sadness out on muffins. Lita and Star try to cheer Molly and Mina up. They didn't really expect to get picked. Raye and Amy try to cheer Serena up. Hathor and Reeny also try to cheer everyone up. Luna and Artemis are trying to hammer into them they don't have time for cheerleading anyway. Until, finally, Robby comes back. Everyone looks up to her.
Serena: "Well... at least Robby got picked!"
Darien enters the café. Serena jumps up and falls into his arms. Darien holds Serena a little away from himself, and discovers she has been crying. He asks her what's wrong. Serena tries to tell him, but she stops every minute to cry. Finally, the story's out. Darien looks dismayed.
Darien: "Way harsh! Well, Serena, it's ok! You just aren't such a bubble head like all those cheerleaders!"
Robby: "What? Excuse me! I am such a bubble head!"
Darien: "Yeah! Right. I forgot. Sorry. I just don't have a high opinion of girls in short skirts, jumping up and down, shouting and yelling stuff."
Robby: "Whatever!"
Robby get's up and leaves. Star jumps up and takes off after her. The others all look on the floor. Mina and Molly also wanted so badly to become cheerleaders. Darien quickly excuses himself, but Serena stops him, telling him she understands. Then, a scream. They jump up, and Florie goes to the window. A girl in a green dress is firing green leaves at people. The leaves attach to the foreheads and the people fall down unconscious.
Florie: "Nega creeps!"
Wordless Florie runs out of the Café. On the way down she transforms. Reeny, Luna and Artemis stay upstairs with Darien. The girls transform and run downstairs too. Then they tell that ‘girl' some manners.
Earth: "Hey! Yeah, you! May I ask what you are doing?"
Hope: "Why do you care?"
Earth: "Because I am Sailor Earth! Leader of the Lost senshi! And I am send to destroy all evil, and you are definitely evil! For Haven's sake you'll be destroyed!"
Moon: "And don't forget about us! I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice! On behalf of the Moon... "
Mercury: "... and Sailor Mercury..."
Mars: "... Mars..."
Jupiter: "... Jupiter..."
Venus: ".... and Venus..."
All: "We will punish you!"
Orion: "I am from the unknown star of my constellation Orion; Isis. I am Sailor Orion, and I'll punish you for destroying my star"
Star: "I stand for all the beautiful things that twinkle up in the sky! I am going to make you twinkle, I am Sailor Star!"
Love: "I know I'm just a kid, but that doesn't stop me for doing good things! You did something wrong, and I'm going to do something about it! I'm Sailor Love!"
Hope: "And I am Hope, Hera's helper!"
Earth: "And where's Hera?"
Hope: "Nor do I know, nor care, where she is! I just have to kill Sailor Moon! Get ready! Hope leaves of death!"
Mercury: "No you won't! Aqua Super freezing!"
Love: "Love Nebula blind!"
Hope: "Hey! My leaves froze! Now I can't see either! Well, take this! Green hatred Illusion!"
The scouts all get Illusions that everyone hates them. Moon even get's the Illusion of the judges from the Cheerleading tryouts. Then, Hope leaves.
Moon: "Was that weird or what?"
Orion: "Yeah! Ok, I'll go back upstairs to do my homework."
The next day, Robby has Cheerleading practice. Florie and Star stay at the Café, and help Carla, Rowena and Monica. The Café is packed. Lita is in the kitchen, baking, cooking and cleaning. Serena is helping Raye in the storage room. Amy is calculating bills on her pocket computer. Hathor and Reeny are sitting at the bar with Klarissa and Michelle, who is a Martial Arts student too. Hathor eats all the chocolate chip cookies she can get, while Reeny eats pancakes. Klarissa, Michelle and Florie talk about upcoming Martial Arts contests. Serena and Raye come out of the storage room with handfuls of soda cans. Florie helps them putting it into the fridge. Lita brings just then a plate full of cookies and muffins. A little boy sees her, and tries to take his eyes off the plate, with no success. Lita gives him a muffin, which he eats in a few bites. Then he smiles at her. Suddenly, her communicator goes off. Also the other girls's communicators go off. Lita puts the muffins and cookies down, while the others excuse themselves by Carla, Monica and Rowena. They decide Hathor, Reeny and Star stay here with a quick gesture. Then, they take off. While they are running, they transform.
Earth: "I think Robby's in some kind of trouble!"
Moon: "Yeah! Probably Hope again! Let's go faster!"
Mars: "This time, I want some fun!"
Earth: "Sure Mars! Jupiter, come with me, we'll come from the other side!"
Mercury: "Good Idea! There is already the field! Faster!"
Venus: "I can see already, Orion is using her belt! It's a monster, not Hope!"
Finally, Mercury, Mars, Moon and Venus arrive at the field. They start with speeches, but they get disrupted by Orion, telling them to fight, not to talk.
Mars: "Right! Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!"
Mercury: "Aqua Super Freezing!"
Venus: "Venus Love Tears!"
Jupiter: "Jupiter Plasma Thunder!"
Moon: "Moon Scepter Escalation!"
Earth: "Earth Scepter of Life and death, Power up!"
Orion: "Orion Star Belt Secure!"
The Monster stands no chance against that attack. He is vaporized (I think it was a he :). Orion thanks them all.
Orion: "And I'm glad to be alive! Ok, let's go home now. Where's Star and Love? And the cats?"
All: "At the Café!"
Another day passes, with no people lost to the Nega Galaxy! 3 hurrahs for the senshi!