No Monkeyshine* Allowed!
*Monkeyshine is another word for Horseplay
A wonderful Morning in Tokyo. The elementary school is visiting the Zoo. Hathor, Greg and Reeny are looking fascinated to the Monkeys.
Greg: "Wow! Those Monkeys are fast!"
Reeny: "Yeah! And funny! Melissa! Come on over here. Aren't they cute?"
Melissa: "They sure are. That one is so silly, hanging upside down and eating a banana! Ha ha ha."
Meanwhile, Hope is watching over the city. She senses young, happy and positive energy from a park-like place. Many children are starring at one cage with strange, humanoid animals. The kids are laughing about their stunts.
Hope (to herself): "Those stupid Animals can be of use. The kids spend a lot of energy laughing about them."
Voice: "Hope, return to our dimension!"
Hope: "But-"
Voice: "Hope! This is an order!"
Hope: "Grr! Fine!"
Scene switch to Juban Jr High. Serena's class is half listening to Ms. Haruna. Florie, Star and Robby are delighted. They get to see for the first time the Zoo in Tokyo. They have heard so much about it!
Florie: "So, Ms. H, is it a big Zoo?"
Ms. Haruna: "It sure is!"
Serena: "And there are the cutest Monkeys!"
Robby (to Serena): "Yeah, aren't you happy you get to see your relatives again?"
Serena: "Huh? You're so mean!"
Robby: "Just doing my job. Ha ha ha!"
Ms. Haruna: "Roberta, is there something funny?"
Robby: "What? Oh, no Ms. H!"
Ms. H: "Good, so we can continue? Class, please be quiet!"
The rest of the day is rather boring. Finally, they get dismissed. On the way to the shrine (they decided to meet at Raye's for a change) they meet the Elementary school, who just got dismissed too. Sammy, Greg, Melissa, Reeny and Hathor storm to the Girls. They have so much to tell.
Serena: "Oh, those Monkeys sure seem to be cute!"
Hathor: "They are!"
Sammy: "They remind me of you, Serena."
Robby: "See, told ya!"
Serena: "Oh! How dare you! Wait til I'll get you!"
Star: "There's Mina! Hi Mina."
Robby: "Oh, shoot! I gotta go, see you guys later."
Mina: "Let me guess... Cheerleading practice."
Robby: "Right on! Bye, tell Raye I'll be there ASAP."
Lita: "Ok. Reeny and Hathor we're going to Raye's, so you know."
Reeny: "Is Darien going to be there?"
Serena: "Huh? No, Reeny, Darien is sick."
Reeny: "Can we go visit Darien? He sure must feel lonely! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"
Serena: "Well, ok. Tell Raye I'm off with Reeny."
Mina: "Ok, Nurse Serena and Nurse Reeny."
Melissa: "Bye Reeny, see you tomorrow."
Sammy: "I'll tell mom you're with some guy!"
Serena: "SAMMY!!!"
Florie: "Sammy, do you have to be so mean?"
Sammy: "Why, yes, of course! After all, I'm her brother!"
Lita, Florie, Amy, Hathor, Star, Mina and the cats walk over to Raye's shrine. Raye of course asks first where Serena, Reeny and Robby are.
Luna: "Well, I can tell you she isn't in detention."
Raye: "Well, that's something new!"
*Big sweat drop everyone*
Artemis: "She and Reeny went off to Darien, he's sick."
Raye: "Well, great leader, isn't even here during a meeting!"
Florie: "Oh, Raye, stop picking on her for a minute! She's in love."
Raye: "Sounds like you know all about it?!"
Mina: "You guys..."
Star: "... Please stop..."
Lita: "... You drive us crazy with it!"
Amy: "Yes! In the time you guys argue I could have done my homework!"
*big sweat drop everyone again*
Luna: "Ok, let's review what we know. Any unusual sings?"
Lita: "Nothing here. I have been downtown and everywhere else, but no suspicious sings."
Mina: "Me and Star have nothing unusual to tell either."
Florie: "The Café and it's people are as clean as normal."
Hathor: "Elementary school is shiny and clean too. No Nega dirt in sight."
Amy: "My Mercury Computer only knows that Hope is... well... dead."
Artemis: "Dead? She seems pretty alive to me!"
Amy: "Well, yes, her cells got relived. Which means that..."
Florie: "... Hera took her from the dead!"
Hathor: "Creepy!"
Mina: "Way gros!"
Lita: "Tacky!"
Artemis: "Serena and Robby should know about this."
Florie: "Yes. I'll call Robby and Serena on my Communicator."
A few minutes later, Robby and Serena also hear the news. Serena tells Darien and Reeny right away about it. Reeny and Serena react the same way to the news, while Darien calmly thinks it through.
Darien: "You know... with that technology you can do a lot of things... good things."
Serena: "Yeah..."
This makes Serena think of Queen Serenity, Nephlite, Prince Diamond, Sapphire, Amanda and Neo-King Darien.... For them it would be good. On the other hand, she thinks of Trulum, Queen Beryl, Jedite, Zoisite, Malachite, Rubius and Emerald. Only thinking of them makes her shiver. She turns pale too. Reeny and Darien ask what's wrong.
Serena: "Oh, nothing, just a thought."
Reeny: "About what?"
Darien: "About that technology? Me too. On one hand... the good guys should be relived, but the bad guys..."
Serena: "... Demand more work."
About the last comment they all laugh. They seem like a happy family... oh, yeah, that's right, they are a happy family ^_^. At the same time, Hope descends into the Monkey-cage. Instantly, the animals start to inspect her. They climb all over her. Hope tries to defend herself as well as possible, which is very hard, since the monkeys are very flexible.
Hope: "Get off of me, you little monsters. Fine, do it the hard way! Oh, Monster of Monkeys, appear!"
A huge, funny looking monkey appears. It disguises itself as a normal monkey. Promptly, all the other Monkeys's eyes turn to a ruby red and they become Nega slaves.
Hope: "Now, Lord Monkey, get me as many children for our Nega galaxy, understood?"
Lord Monkey: "Yes!" (Who said Monkeys can't talk?! ^_^)
The next day, Serena's class goes to the Zoo. Something weird is with the Monkey cage. All the people around there are on the ground and unconscious. Serena, Lita, Amy, Star, Robby and Florie sense the Nega galaxy. The next moment they don't know what happens. One big monkey comes out of the cage, and transforms into Lord Monkey. The scouts instantly go to Ms. H and excuse themselves, telling her they all have to go the bathroom. Ms. H looks surprised, but lets them go.
Ms. H: "How can you think of that right now? But ok, go!"
Once there, they transform. Then, Mercury calls the other scouts. The speeches part. I skip that, because we all know that part. Orion starts with a Star belt, but the other Monkeys are smarter then she thought. They are fast, and jump into the Trees. Jupiter just wants to fry them, when the Zoo owner comes. He tells her she cant fry them, because they still are his monkeys!
Jupiter: "Listen-"
Mercury: "He's right! We have to vaporize that Lord Monkey."
Jupiter: "Ah! Well, that can't be too hard! I mean, they're only monkeys!"
Star: "Yeah, he's- He's gone!"
Earth: "He changed into a monkey! Oh no!"
At the other side of town, Mars, Love and Venus battle Hera's Monster, who tries to steal humans from our World. Love contacts the other scouts, telling them she needs backup. Earth sends Sailor Moon and Star to her. Mercury has an Idea.
Mercury: "Earth, can you identify Lord Monkey Telepathical? I can try with my computer."
Earth: "Good Idea! Here I go. But please, I'm kind of easy-to-kill when I do so..."
Jupiter: "I get the message!"
Mercury: "Mercury bubbles blast!"
Jupiter: "Ok, you two go ahead!"
Orion: "There's one monkey! Orion Star Belt Secure!"
Owner: "Oh, my monkey!"
Orion: "Quit whining!"
Earth: "I think I got it!"
Jupiter: "Which one?"
Mercury: "Does it match with mine?"
Earth: "Yes! It's that one!"
Jupiter: "Cool! Hey you, big Monkey! Jupiter Plasma Thunder!"
Mercury: "I'll go ahead to Sailor Moon!"
Earth: "Ok! Orion, take your belt off that Monkey!"
Orion: "But- Oh, fine! Orion Star Belt Return!"
The belt returns to it's owner. A Scepter-of-life-and-death-power-up-moment later, Lord Monkey is Lord Dust. Sailor Earth, Jupiter and Orion run to Mars & Co. They're too late though, because Sailor Moon is heard talking to Hera. The other scouts use this to their advantage.
Earth: "Earth Scepter of Life and Death Power up!"
Hera: "Huh? What the -ah!"
Earth: "Busted!"
Hera: "Don't you know it takes more then that to get rid of me? Dark Energy beam!"
The beam jolts Sailor Earth into a Tree. Then Hera disappears, still cursing Sailor Earth. With that, the day is saved again, and this time, Hera didn't get any humans for slaves.