Earth's Revenge
Hera is in her lab. She's very angry. The Emperor was very furious. He had embarrassed her in front of all these people! She blames the scouts for this, especially Sailor Earth. 選 should have finished her off when I had the chance!' she thinks, 腺ut I'll make them pay! Watch out Sailor Earth, soon you'll be joining your pesky little friend Amanda!' With these thoughts she leaves laughing the lab. Meanwhile, Hope is with the Emperor.
Emperor: "So, you think Hera is unstable and you should take her place? Well, she's a good ally, and out of a wealthy and influential family. Only for those reasons I keep her employed."
Hope: "Don't you think she's been employed long enough?"
Emperor: "Are you questioning my judgement?"
Hope: "What if I am?"
Emperor: "Usually I kill people who do so, but for my personnel it's a long and painful death."
Hope: "Well, I am already dead, so there's nothing you can do to me..."
Emperor: "Ha ha ha! I like your sense of humor. Very well then, I'll give you a position in my council... as aid to Hera."
Hope: "Ah, and when something happens to Hera... I get her position..."
Emperor: "I dare you to kill her..."
Hope: "Ha ha!"
Hera leans against the wall. She's heard the whole conversation and is disappointed in her Emperor. Tears stream down her face. 選 have always been loyal... and this is the thanks! Oh, I'll kill Sailor Earth and her lost senshi! I'll kill all the scouts!' she thinks to herself. In vain she leaves the palace. She walks into a shop. An old man is behind the counter.
Hera: "Lucius, I need a Nega Bomb and-"
Lucius: "Wait a minute, this is not for the Emperor, is it? He didn't order anything!"
Hera: "No, for the scouts, now give it! I also need a force field."
Lucius: "I hope you know what you're doing!"
Hera: "Yes, redeeming myself to the Emperor."
Lucius: "There you go... be careful! If you're seen with such a bomb-"
Hera: "I know, I know, I'll be thrown in the brig. I work with the law! Thank you for being such a great friend Lucius. I'll never forget you!"
Hera walks out of the shop with a box under her arm. Then, she walks into her lab. Hope is there too. Hera doesn't see her at first.
Hera: "Ok, here we go..."
Hope: "Hi Hera..."
Hera: "Oh, hi Hope..."
Hope: "What's in the box?"
Hera: "Why do you care?"
Hope: "Well-"
Hera: "It also isn't any of your business, so leave!"
Hope: "It's my business, after all, I'm your aide now-"
Hera: "Sais who?"
Hope: "The Emperor!"
Hera: "Yeah right! And I'm in love with Tuxedo Mask!"
Hope: "You can go ask him!"
Hera: "Huh? Uh, I don't have time right now!"
Hope: "Ha, so tell me, what's in the box!"
Hera: "I won't tell you! You're just my aide, which doesn't give you the right to know everything! Now, I have to have you help my scientist, ok?"
Hope: "Very well then!"
As soon as Hope leaves, Hera goes back to her force field generator and Nega bomb. At the same time, the scouts are at Raye's shrine. Raye has read something in the fire. Great darkness to come.
Serena: "Hm, maybe Katsy would know something about it?"
Lita: "We can ask!"
Amy: "Let's go!"
The scouts walk over to the sister's shop. Prisma and Birdy are in the shop. Katsy and Ivory just come out of the storage room. Their eyes widen when they see the girls, and even more when Reeny enters the shop. Reeny steps closer to Serena, while Florie, Robby and Star stay a little in the background. Fast, Amy explains what happened, and who-who is. Then Raye tells her about her vision.
Katsy: "Great Darkness to come? Yes, I have heard of that."
Birdy: "Oh no... not again! It's a festival, every millennium."
Ivory: "The Festival takes place on Earth... it will destroy everything!"
Prisma: "They will attack on New Years Evening and try to kill everything on this planet..."
Florie: "So, it's an Armageddon (End of the world)?"
Birdy: "Basically..."
Lita: "I'm sure Hera's going to lead them!"
Ivory: "Hera? Did you just say Hera?"
Mina: "You know Hera too?"
Prisma: "Know her? She's... well..."
Katsy: "Hera is our mother's mother!"
Robby: "Your grandmother?"
Katsy: "How about you stay here, Prisma, and we go somewhere more private, ok?"
Prisma: "Ok!"
The scouts, Reeny, Katsy, Birdy and Ivory go into the storage room. There is a door. Behind the door there is a nice living room.
Hathor: "So, Hera is your grandmother? But she doesn't seem that old!"
Katsy: "I know, in the Nega dimension, people live longer lives. Hera is now 170 or 171 years old."
Serena: "Talking about a grandma!"
Star: "But...how old is the Emperor then?"
Ivory: "I think about 815 years old. We haven't been counting."
Robby: "Are you over a hundred too?"
Birdy: "Ha ha, no, we are now human, so we are normally aged."
Prisma: "Sorry to interrupt, but you've got another guest."
Serena+Reeny: "Darien!"
Darien: "Serena? Reeny? Scouts?"
Florie: "10 minds, one though, huh?"
Robby: "Hi Darien... Anyway, what can we do about that Festival?"
Katsy: "I'm afraid you can't do anything."
Darien: "What Festival?"
Quickly, the scouts, with help from the sisters, tell him what this meeting is all about.
Darien: "No way! I had a dream about that... that's why I came!"
Florie: *sarcastic* "Like I said, 10 minds, one thought. By the way, you have interesting dreams! They always seem to warn you. Can you teach me?"
Darien: *sarcastic* "Ha ha ha!"
Amy: "Ok, but now... there's going to be a Festival, that's going to cause an Armageddon, and we can't do anything about it?"
Birdy: "Well, there are two ways, but very risky!"
Ivory: "Birdy! These ways are merely impossible!"
Serena: "Nothing is impossible for the scouts! We will save this world, and if we die trying, so be it! Right scouts?"
All: "Right!"
Amy: "So, what are the two ways?"
Ivory: "One way is to conquer the Nega galaxy."
Lita: "And how should we do that? Isn't that a little of a big job?"
Katsy: "By conquering their main planet; Chaos, and all it's people. Then, you have to conquer the throne from the emperor. When you are the Emperor, or Empress, you can decide you don't want the Festival of Revenge to happen. But getting there is a bit of a problem..."
Raye: "I don't think the inhabitants will be too happy about that!"
Hathor: "Why do I get the Feeling this is a Festival about the time they got banished into a different Dimension?"
Ivory: "How did you know that?"
Hathor: "Simple, I am the only scout with complete memory, and I remember that!"
Darien: "Anyhow, what is the other way?"
Birdy: "The other way is to go through the Dream passage. There you will face memories, death, enemies and anything else that is in your mind."
Darien: "So, basically, you're going against your mind?"
Ivory: "Yes, but you go against their God, Dayhawk, who uses your mind against you. This one is very tricky, but easier then the other one, and less bloody. But whatever happens, you're not allowed to kill! Then, the dream passage collapses and you get stuck in it, or rather unstuck... Or your spirit. Your body dies then too."
Florie: "Unstuck?"
Ivory: "Well, right now you're stuck in this dimension, in the dream passage, you're stuck there, but if it collapses, you aren't stuck there anymore!"
Artemis: "Tough choice, in one you have to kill, the other one you get unstuck!"
Luna: "Quiet, Artemis! Don't discourage them!"
Raye: "Well, we have to decide. How do we get into the dream passage anyway? Or into the other Dimension?"
Katsy: "Prisma, Ivory, Birdy and I know how. We have the materials too."
Florie: "So the question is, which way? Who's for killing, and who's for the don't-kill-but-get-unstuck-method?"
Darien: "Whatever way we take, we have to all agree, because we have to work together on this one!"
Florie: "Wait a minute, who said you're coming with us?"
Serena: "I say so!"
Reeny: "After all, he's Neo-King Darien in the future!"
Florie: "So? He can be the Emperor, I don't care!"
Darien: "What is it with you against me? What have I ever done to you?"
Raye: "Guys stop!"
Amy: "Yes! Florie, Darien has to help us, we need all the help we can get!"
Robby: "But Florie's right, we don't really care who he is in the future!"
Lita: "You can't mean that!"
Star: "Guys! If we fight now, we can't fight against the Nega galaxy!"
Mina: "Star's right! We have to fight together, not against each other!"
Florie: "Fine, then let Cape-boy come with us!"
Darien: "Stop calling me that..."
Amy: "ENOUGH!"
Serena: "Huh?"
Amy: "I have had enough with your fighting! Serena and Raye, Serena and Robby, Florie and Darien, Hathor and Robby, Reeny and Hathor, Reeny and Serena, Darien and Serena! We can't fight together that way!"
Katsy: "Amy is right! You have to work together, now especially! In the Dream passage there won't be anyone to help you either!"
Star: "Right! So, who's for the Conquering way? No one? Who's for the dream passage way? Everyone!"
Florie: "So, how do we do it?"
Katsy: "Leave that to us. Birdy, Ivory and I have to get back to work. Come over tonight. It's a full moon, that's good. I'll prepare everything."
Raye: "Do you need any help?"
Prisma: "Not really. You must go now. Do whatever you think is right now, ok?"
All: "Yes!"
After this, they all spread out in different directions. Serena and Reeny go home, Star and Robby to the caf�, Lita to cooking class she just joined, Amy to computer class, Mina and Hathor to the mall and Florie and Darien to the gym. In a way they think this is the last time they'll do these things...
Florie: "Look, cape-boy, you know I cannot really stand you, but I'll try my best fighting with you, instead of against you, if you do so too!"
Darien: "Fine!"
Florie: "Fine!"
That evening, they all meet at Katsy's. They go through the storage room into the living room. Serena is actually the first one there with Reeny.
Serena: "So, good luck everyone!"
Katsy: "One more thing, as soon as they'll find out you're in there, they'll send someone in there too!"
Florie: "Understood! Hathor, Robby, Star, transform! Earth Magical Power!"
Robby: "Orion Magical Power!"
Hathor: "Love Magical Power!"
Star: "Star Magical Power!"
Serena: "Let's go scouts! Moon Crystal Power!"
Raye: "Mars Star Power!"
Amy: "Mercury Star Power!"
Lita: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Mina: "Venus Star Power!"
Scouts: "Scout Power!"
TM: "Ok, good night..."
Earth: "... and Sweet dreams! Or nice no-killing-dreams..."
Orion: "You and your black humor!"
Luna: "Enjoy it while you can!"
Love: "Bye Reeny. Take care."
Reeny: "Bye everyone. Good luck!"
TM: "Bye Reeny."
Artemis: "Take care! Don't get unstuck!"
Katsy: "Ok, Prisma, Ivory and Birdy... here we go. I hope we can still do it..."
Katsy takes out some herbs and towel-like things. Then, they take out lots of big flasks with some green fluid out. They spread it over them with the herbs and whisper ununderstandable words. The scouts get to drink something that tastes awful, but a few minutes later, they are asleep. Reeny watches together with Luna and Artemis fascinated what happens. Again, the sisters mumble words Reeny and the cats can't understand. Then, they put the towel-like things that are soaked in the green liquid over them. Reeny sits in the corner, hugging luna-p.
Katsy: "Now we can only wait and Pray."
Birdy: "Do you think they'll make it?"
Katsy: "I sure hope so!"
Ivory: "I think so, after all, they saved us!"
Prisma: "Yes, and they tried to save Sapphire."
Reeny: "Oh, Luna-P, do you think they'll make it? Please, answer me! Luna-P, please!"
Luna-P starts glowing, and Sailor Pluto becomes visible! The sisters watch fascinated. Reeny is overjoyed.
Pluto: "Small Lady, you have to be strong right now! Your friends will make it if you believe in them!"
Reeny: "But I do! I do believe in them!"
Pluto: "Then they'll make it. You sisters have done the right thing, and in the name of all scouts, we thank you!"
Birdy: "It's ok, we love to help."
Meanwhile, the scouts are inside the dream passage. Sailor Mars already had her first enemy, that annoying kid, Sarah, from the US. They all have to resist to fight these people, because otherwise the dream passage will collapses, and they get unstuck. Sailor Earth sees Amanda, but she keeps focused, since she knows it's an illusion. They all fight to fight these people. Then, Sailor Moon faces Queen Beryl, her worst fear and enemy.
Moon: "It's Queen Beryl! She isn't real... is she?"
Beryl: "Do you want to find out?"
TM: "Sailor Moon, don't fight her, or at least not with your scepter!"
Moon: "You're right!"
Earth: "Yes, this is our dream scape, we form it! So if we believe in it, we can make her vanish! You're dreams make this dream scape!"
All the scouts think of her destroyed, and yes, Queen Beryl disappears. In the Palace, Hera is just called to the emperor. She arrives nearly at the same time she get's called. In one hand she's holding a Nega bomb, in the other a force field generator. The Emperor ignors those things, and tells her she must stop the scouts who have entered a dream passage.
Hera: "But... But if I do so, I'll get unstuck!"
Emperor: "I know."
Hera: "Send Hope!"
Emperor: "Are you questioning my judgement?"
Hera: "Of course not! I'll go!"
A little bit later, Hera meets the scouts in the Dream passage. They of course think it's an illusion, but they soon realize she isn't. Hera tells them everything that happened.
Hera: "And finally, I have to get unstuck! I hate you all! Do you know what this is? A Nega bomb! I'll use it against you all! Ha!"
Tears steam down Hera's face. She's just about to throw the bomb down when Earth stops her.
Earth: "Hera! You know I despise you, but you can pay it the Emperor back! If you let us get through!"
Hera: "Never! I won't let him down! I love him, and if he wants me to die, so be it!"
Mars: "Hera, we understand you've been hurt!"
Love: "But don't do this! You'll be forever in this dream scape!"
Mercury: "Not even you deserve that!"
Moon: "Yes, come with us, or let us through!!"
Orion: "He's not worth it!"
Star: "Certainly not if he wants you to die in here!"
Jupiter: "Or get unstuck."
Venus: "Yes, make your own decision!"
Hera looks at them, surprised. She thinks for a while, until she finally looks up. She is crying, but through her tears she's smiling. It's a mean, angry smile.
Hera: "I wouldn't do this for you, even if you are the last human beings! I'll kill you all! I am living for the Emperor's will! I'll rather live in one of the many other dimensions, where there's no one else then letting you survive!!"
Moon: "But our mission-"
Earth: "She wouldn't care about it!"
The scouts simply run past Hera as soon as Earth gives the cue. She had send the plan out telepathically. Hera looks dismayed. The scouts run as fats as they can to the end of the scape. Once there, they open the door. As soon as the last one is out, they realize Sailor Earth keeps fighting Hera. Sailor Moon wants to go back, but Tuxedo Mask stops her.
TM: "This is her fight! Let her!"
Moon: "But... But... she'll get unstuck! She'll die!"
TM: "I know! But she chose it!"
Moon: *crying* "Why would you know! You hated her!"
TM: "No! Look deep inside your heart, and you know I'm right!"
Moon: "I guess so... it's just hard to let someone die..."
TM: "I know! Let's go!"
Sailor Earth is meanwhile fighting Hera, trying to keep it without the Scepter or the other fighting manners she has. Then, Hera's bomb slips out of her hand! Sailor Earth just destroys it before it reaches the ground, but it still causes a big explosion. On Earth, Sailor Earth's body starts smoking, because it got so hot. The sisters do their best to keep it cool.
Katsy: "This is bad! I hope she's all right!"
Reeny: "Oh, please, please Luna-P, help my friends!"
Pluto: "Don't worry, they are fine! I can feel it!"
The scouts have landed safely in the palace, right in front of the Emperor's throne. Hope is standing next to him, or what should be him, since he's hulled in shadows.
Emperor: "So, you made it... I didn't think you could pass Hera! "
Moon: "Well, you underestimate us! Let's do it scouts!"
Love: "Love Nebula Blind!"
Mars: "Good job! Encircle them!"
Mercury: "I'm picking up guards! The door is computerized, I think I can close it though!"
Orion: "Good! Now to you, Orion Star Belt Secure!"
Star: "Hey you! Black Hole Crush!"
While Orion and Star keep the guards outside, the other scouts encircle the throne. Hope stands protective in front of her Emperor.
Hope: "What shall I do my Emperor?"
Emperor: "Get help!"
Hope: "Got it! Gotta go!"
Hope vanishes, while the Emperor shows himself. He's an exact copy of Darien! Sailor Moon looks confused from one to the other. Orion first regains control.
Orion: "I knew we couldn't trust him! See! What did I say!"
Mars: "Oh, shut up!"
Jupiter: "Not now!"
Venus: "They look exactly alike!"
TM: "But I'm not him! Take this!"
Tuxedo Mask leaps forward and starts fighting the Emperor. Sailor Moon trys to help a little with her Scepter, until Tuxedo Mask gets slammed into the wall.
Venus: "Guys, let's try it with the Sailor Planet Power!"
Mercury: "Good Idea! Jupiter, Mars and Moon, come on!"
Mars: "Right! Mars Star Power!"
Jupiter: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Mercury: "Mercury Star Power!"
Venus: "Venus Star Power!"
Moon: "Moon Crystal Power!"
All: "Sailor Planet Power!"
Orion: "We have to help to!"
Love: "How about our powers combined, like them!"
Star: "We don't have Sailor Earth! We aren't strong enough!"
Orion: "We at least can give it a shot! Orion Magical Power!"
Love: "Love Magical Power!"
Star: "Right! Star Magical Power!"
All: "Lost Senshi Power!"
The Scouts have their Planet Power, which weakens the Emperor already, but he fights it. Then, the Lost Senshi's Power combined sends him nearly to his destruction. Hope watches all of this happy. Now she'll be the Empress, since she's the highest ranking officer with Hera and the Emperor out of the way! But the Emperor isn't dead yet! He suddenly gives up, and disappears! At home, Katsy, Birdy, Ivory and Prisma feel he's gone, too. Also Pluto and Reeny feel they haven't totally won. Luna and Artemis glance at each other, and know the scouts are ok. Then, in the palace, the Scouts are also not totally happy. They are sad because of Sailor Earth. They now only have to find a way back... but then they start to vanish!
Moon: "What's happening? We're vanishing!"
Venus: "We're going back!"
And yes, they vanish back into their bodies. When they wake up it's day, and the sisters, Reeny, Pluto and the cats are over them. They transform back and tell everyone what happened.
Lita: "One question stays though! How did we get saved?"
Birdy: "Well, we got you back with a little black magic!"
Earth is now battling Hera. She shoots there and then here. They are in some dimension, but the scene changes every five minutes! Will they ever find a way home? In Tokyo, they are all praying for Sailor Earth, and that she's alive. In the Palace, Hope is sitting on the throne and smiles. She's happy. Hera is gone. It's beautiful weather, and the scouts are sad. Then, they decide to go to the Caf�, and sit outside. Just to assure themselves Sailor Earth's alive.
*The End*