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Search for Earth

Raye is sitting in the shrine, consulting the great fire. It's been a week since they had destroyed the Nega-galaxy's commander-in-chief Hera. But in the process, Sailor Earth got lost. Actually, she had given her life to destroy Hera, they don't even know for sure if she's dead. Raye's communicator stars blinking. Raye picks it up. On the screen Amy appears.
Amy: "Raye! Have you found something?"
Raye: "No. Sorry Amy! It's like she's disappeared."
Amy: "Ok, try a little more! My computer hasn't found anything either!"
Raye: "Sure!"
Scene switch to Serena, Reeny and Darien. They are with the four sisters. Sailor Earth's body is being stored in towels with green fluid, to keep it alive. Serena is crying. Darien and Reeny do not really know what to do. The sisters can't help either.
Serena: "There has to be something we can do! I'll call Star and Robby, maybe she send them some message telepathically?"
Prisma: "It's worth a try!"
Katsy: "I don't know..."
Ivory: "What?"
Katsy: "She might not even know where she's sending it..."
Birdy: "I'd try!"
Katsy: "I didn't say they shouldn't!"
While Katsy and Birdy fight, Serena takes out the communicator. Robby's face appears on the screen. She looks tiered and sad. Serena asks if she's found anything.
Robby: "No. She hasn't given even a sign!"
We go to Lita's apartment, where Star is sitting on the couch. Lita enters with tea. Star's communicator starts blinking. She takes it out of her bag, and sees Luna. Luna and Artemis are at Raye's shrine. Luna sounds excited.
Luna: "Star! I think we got something. It's small, but it might be a sign! Call Robby and Lita, I'll get the rest!"
Star: "Sure!"
Star shortly explains to Lita what happened and calls Robby. Fifteen minutes later they are at Raye's. Serena is the first one there with Reeny and Darien. Hathor arrives last with Mina. They go directly to the great fire room. Raye stands up and greets everyone.
Raye: "Sit down everyone! I have something to tell you. I saw in the fire two birds,, flying from tree to tree. It could be anything, but I think it are Hera and Earth, jumping from dimension to dimension."
Artemis: "It really isn't much..."
Hathor: "Oh, I wish so bad we could help Sailor Earth!"
Mina: "Maybe it means she's alive too?"
Luna: "I certainly think so."
Lita: "She has to be... but then... Hera's alive too!"
Serena: "I have an Idea! Reeny, sweety, can you lend me your Luna-P? Thanks. Now, I just hope this will work!"
Reeny: "Touch the nose."
Serena: "Ok."
Luna-P: "Reeny?"
Serena: "Nope, it's Serena, Reeny's future mother..."
Luna-P: "Ah, yes."
Serena: "Luna-P, we need your help! Reeny has found Sailor Earth, and warned us, but now we need to speak to Sailor Pluto! She's the only one who can help us now!"
Luna-P: "Ok. One more thing, take good care of Reeny... we all miss her so much!"
Serena: "Don't worry Luna-P!"
Luna-P: "So, I'll make sure Pluto will talk to you!"
With these words Luna-P's eye becomes normal again. Soon after that Sailor Pluto appears in the Luna-P.
Serena: "Sailor Pluto, tell us, can you tell us something about the future?"
Pluto: "Depends what you want to know."
Serena: "I have top know is Sailor Earth is alive!"
Pluto: "I'd love to help you, but I'm afraid I can't help you."
Robby: "Why not?"
Pluto: "Because I am not allowed to and I don't know!"
Lita: *angry* "Well, thank you very much!"
Pluto: "I am very sorry!"
Darien: "It's ok, thank you anyway!"
Sailor Pluto disappears again, and Luna-P is the old one again. Serena and the others look disappointed. Raye once more tries to consult the great fire. Then, in a blink of a second, she feels something. The others notice how Raye turns pale, and then falls unconscious to the ground. The last thing she sees are her friend's faces over her. She hears a distant voice calling her name, but then everything turns black.
Star: "Oh my god! Raye!"
Robby: "We've got to get her grandpa!"
Lita: "I'll get Chad!"
A few minutes later Raye lies in her bed. Slowly her Eyes open, to see Serena, Amy, Robby,. Luna-P and Luna with concerned faces looking down on her. She needs a minute to realize what happened. She remembers that feeling -or was it a scene?- what caused her to turn so pale. Raye sits up.
Raye: "I know it! Sailor Earth is alive, and her next jump will be to this Dimension!"
Amy: "How would you know?"
Artemis: *whispering* "This must have been as little too much for her!"
Luna: *whispering* "Artemis!"
Raye: "I got a vision! Amy, can you calculate how long she can stay in this dimension, and how we can keep her here?"
Amy: "When will she come?"
Raye: "In about... four hours."
Artemis: "And the fire told you?"
Raye: "Yes!"
Robby: "Ok, it's worth an attempt to see if it is the truth."
Mina: "Then, Amy and Raye can do the math, and we will find out where she'll be!"
Lita: "And how should we do that?"
Luna: "We ask the sisters!"
Hathor: "Then let's go!"
Thirty minutes later, Serena, Lita, Mina, Hathor, Robby, Star, Luna and Artemis are again at the sister's shop. Reeny went with Darien and Luna to his apartment. The sisters look surprised.
Birdy: "I'd say she'll be where she went away, unless she's moved her position..."
Katsy: "Probably, when she's fighting Hera..."
Birdy: "Yes, of course!"
Serena: "We have to get her back!"
Lita: "Maybe Amy and Raye have something. I'll call them over the communicator! Amy, Raye, come in!"
Amy: "Oh, hi Lita."
Lita: "Hi Amy! How's it going?"
Amy: "We have found out she'll come in exactly three hours, twenty-six minutes and twenty-eight seconds. She'll stay here for exactly five minutes and forty-two seconds. We think putting a force field, strong enough to stop the unstuck-matter to pull her into the next dimension. We just have to find a strong enough material to stop the flow of time -or what it is- to get her stuck into this dimension again."
*big sweat-drop everyone*
Lita: "Uh, great Amy and Raye! We have an other problem though. We don't know where she'll be landing in this dimension. You wouldn't be able to... uh..."
Raye's face appears on the screen. She looks extremely mad and yells so loud that Lita has to turn the volume down.
Raye: "What do you think we are, your personal scientists?! Haven't we done enough?!"
Serena: "Well, what did you do? I think Amy did all the work!"
Amy: "Ok, she'll be landing at the following coordinates:"
Raye's and Amy's face disappear from the screen and instead they see a map on which a point is located exactly on the mall.
Lita: "Ok, thanks Amy! We'll meet you there ok?"
Amy: "Sure, in twenty-five minutes."
Lita: "See you then!"
Prisma: "Oh, I wish you good luck!"
Ivory: "Maybe we could help..."
Birdy: "How?"
Ivory: "With the Force Field maybe."
Katsy: "We can try!"
Twenty-five minutes later they meet at the mall. Amy is there with a plan, and the for a force field idea.
Amy: "My plan is to transform and then evacuate the mall! Then, when Sailor Earth appears, we'll be ready with the force field. I have the exact location of the place, so it won't be a lot of work. I also know where Hera will be. I think I also know what to do for her. We'll battle her. Or better, Orion, Star, Love and Tuxedo Mask will battle her. Which brings me to Sailor Earth's force field. The others will use their combined power to make a force field."
Serena: "Well I'll be... I'll do it!"
Mina: "That's when we should say: follow the leader!"
Raye: "Right!"
Lita: "Let's kick some butt!"
Hathor: "Coooooooool!"
Robby: "This is going to be fun."
Star: "What are we waiting for!"
Artemis: "I'll get Luna and the others."
The scouts transform and then give the order over loud speakers to evacuate the mall. When Darien, the cats and Reeny reach the mall, it is empty.
Darien: "Looks kind of... empty!"
Reeny: "That's good... right?"
Darien: "Yes, just unusual!"
Luna: "Well, it isn't an usual day, is it?"
Artemis: "Nope, it's a big day for us all!"
Luna: "You think they'll make it?"
Artemis: "Yes. They are strong, and willing to rescue Sailor Earth. Reeny, come with us, it's dangerous here!"
Reeny: "Sure, bye Darien, good luck, also to Sailor Moon."
Darien: "I'll tell her!"
Darien runs into the building, while Luna, Artemis and Reeny walk into the park As soon as Darien enters the building, he transforms. Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus stand ready to battle. Sailor Orion, Star and Love are practicing a little. Finally, Mercury tells them it's time. A bright light shines out of nowhere, and a portal opens. Sailor Earth comes out, followed by Hera. They both look exhausted and are badly wounded. Well, kind of normal when you have been battling someone 24/7! As soon as they're both landed, the Inners run around Sailor Earth, and call up their powers, while Love, Orion and Star start fighting Hera. Hera, badly wounded, isn't a too big match for the three Senshi.
Mars: "Mars Star Power!"
Mercury: "Mercury Star Power!"
Venus: "Venus Star Power!"
Jupiter: "Jupiter Star Power!"
Moon: "Moon Crystal Power!"
All: "Sailor Scout Power!!!"
Love: "Love Nebula Blind!"
TM: *throwing a rose* "Take that!"
Hera: "You again! Take this beam!"
A very weak beam evolves from Hera's hands. Sailor Love encounters the beam with her Hearth crystals striking Hera's hands. Hera yells out the pain, and falls to the floor. Sailor Star, Orion and Love put their powers together to, once and for all, put Hera out of her misery. When the portal reopens, nothing enters it. The Inners fight with all they have got to save Sailor Earth. When the portal closes, they are weak, and have to sit down. Sailor Earth falls to the floor. Sailor Love, Orion and Star kneel over her. They decide to bring her to the four sisters. Once there, the sisters lay her where her body has been. The body... is gone! The sisters explain that Sailor Earth came back to this dimension, and claimed her body again. Sailor Earth automatically transforms back to Florie, and the sisters start putting Band-Aids around her. The Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Luna, Artemis and Reeny stand around, looking. Then, finally, the sisters send them back home.
Katsy: "You can't do anything! Go home, get some sleep!"
Birdy: "Yes!"
Robby: "Yeah right! No way, I'm staying here!"
Ivory: "No, you go home! You can come here first thing in the morning! We'll stay here, deal?"
Star: "Well..."
Serena: "Ok...."
Five minutes later, the room is empty, except for Florie and the sisters. The next morning, at six, Robby, Star, Serena, Luna and Reeny stand again at the door. The sisters let them in. Florie looks bad, but better then the night before. She's happy to see them again, and can't thank them enough.
Serena: "Hey, just doing our job! Ha ha!"
Luna: "How are you feeling?"
Florie: "Would... awful be descriptive enough?"
All: "Ha ha!"
Robby: "I'm sure you feel better then you look!"

The End