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Lita’s “B*witched” crush (Part 1/2)

Luna comes by to visit Florie. She’s back in her apartment, with a broken leg and a concussion. Carla, Monica and Rowena are busy working, so they don’t notice Luna. Florie is resting in her wheelchair, watching TV.
Luna: “Being lazy?”
Florie: “Me? Never! ^_^ So, how’s it going?”
Luna: “Oh, we’ll have a scout meeting today, right here.”
Florie: “I wish I could play sports, or do some training...”
Luna: “Is it healing ok?”
Florie: “Well, I only have it since a week, but the doctor said I’ll be fine...”
Luna: “That’s great!”
Florie: “... in about a month!”
Luna: “What?! This is bad!”
Florie: “But next week I’ll get crutches.”
Just then, the scouts enter. Lita, Mina and Robby are looking very excited. Artemis follows, then Reeny, Hathor, Darien, Serena and the rest.
Lita: “Hey! Guess what?!”
Florie: “Huh? Well-”
Robby: “We’re going to take you out!”
Florie: “I do not like the sound of that!”
Luna: “Neither do I!”
Artemis: “I don’t like it!”
Mina: “Oh, be quiet Artemis! It will be fun!!!”
Star: “Anyway, we’ve got tickets!”
Florie: “Tickets to what?”
Raye: “You’ll like it!”
Florie: “I will?”
Hathor: “Sure you will!”
Florie: “Tell me! It’s not good to torture the tortured ones!”
Mina: “Whatever that means ^_^.”
Robby: “We’ve got...”
Lita: “... seven tickets...”
Mina: “... to the B*witched concert!”
Florie: “WHAT? NO WAY!!!”
Raye: “Yes way!”
Florie: “But only seven?”
Lita: “One for Amy, one for Raye, one for Mina, one for Star, one for Robby, one for you and one for me!”
Florie: “What about Reeny, Hathor, Serena and Darien?”
Darien: “Thanks for caring!”
Serena: “Well, you have to be at least 12 years to go there, and I wouldn’t go without Reeny and Hathor.”
Darien: “I wouldn’t have much fun there, without Serena.”
Artemis: “And we aren’t allowed to go.”
Florie: “Well, then... cool!”
Lita: “And after all, we do deserve it, right?”
Mina: “Sure!”
Serena: “Well, after saving the world...”
Florie: “By the way, where is Amy?”
Raye: “Computer class.”
Florie: “This is so cool! Thanks guys!”
We have a scene switch to the Nega-Galaxy, where Hope is sitting in the lab. She looks bored, and starts playing with a test tube. In the tube there is some reddish fluid. One of Hera’s scientists comes running over and takes the test tube away from Hope. Hope turns around and looks angry at the young woman.
Scientist: “I’m sorry, but this is nothing to play with! One drop on your skin, and who knows what will happen!”
Hope: “What do you mean?”
Scientist: “Well, this is a new chemical. Hera was working on it...”
A tear becomes visible on her face. She wipes it away quickly, hoping Hope didn’t see it. Hope did see it, but only mutters something what comes closest to ‘Yeah, whatever, that old witch.’
Hope: “Enough already. Tell me more about that chemical!”
Scientist: “Well, she only has done one test so far, on a plant. The plant went through radical changes.”
Hope: “What kind of changes?”
Scientist: “Well, you best see for yourself!”
The Scientist brings Hope to Hera’s private lab, which is nearly cleared out. In the middle there is a green plant! On Chaos the only green plants are plants in special labs for special purposes. Hope looks outside, and yes, on the Balcony of Hera’s lab there stand many different kinds of plants. All are as green as... she can’t find the right word.
Hope: “Wow! I never knew Hera had this!”
Scientist: “She kept it secret, because deep down inside, she hoped that once Chaos would be a beautiful planet, with sunshine and plants, instead of night. But you know how the Emperor thinks of those kinds of things...”
Hope: *Sarcastic* “Well, what a beautiful dream!”
Scientist: “Well, I should get back to work!”
Hope: “Yeah, sure! By the way, what’s you’re name and rank?”
Scientist: “I’m Angie, First in Command of Hera... now you.”
We’re back at the café, where Rowena is cooking together with Lita in the kitchen. Star drops by sometimes to help, but goes to a truckload of new supplies. Amy’s calculating the expenses and what they’ll have to pay for this month’s bills. Florie meanwhile sits upstairs, looking out of the window. Luna and Artemis are sleeping on the couch. Serena, Darien and Reeny come walking down the street. Florie waves to them, with a sad smile. Luckily, they don’t see it, since she’s too far up. Luna just wakes up with a loud yawn.
Luna: “Good Afternoon!”
Florie, who obviously has forgotten about Luna and Artemis, turns her wheelchair around. She looks kind of embarrassed. She didn’t expect the cats to wake up this early, and catch her being emotional. She puts up a fake smile.
Florie: “Oh, Good Afternoon Luna. I guess you slept well...”
Luna: “What’s wrong, why are you so sad?”
Florie: *angry* “Sad, me? Why should I? I’m just sitting in a wheelchair, not able to do anything! I can’t go to practice, I can’t help out! I feel so... useless! I’m happy we got that lift, so I can at least go down the stairs with this... this thing!”
Luna: “You aren’t useless!”
Florie: “Tell me, what can I do to help?!”
Luna: “Well, you do help Serena, Lita, Raye, Mina, Reeny and Hathor with their Homework and you help Amy with her computer! You do the bills, and you catch up on your sleep, which you really needed!”
Florie: “Well, I guess your right! Sorry...”
Luna: “It’s ok and understandable.”
Artemis: “Yaaaaaawn! Good Morning everyone!”
Florie: “Good Afternoon Artemis.”
Artemis: “Afternoon? Oh...”
They hear voices, and the door opens. Amy, Lita, Star, Robby, Raye and Mina enter the room.
Amy: “Hi Florie! Hi Luna, hi Artemis!”
Lita: “How was your day?”
Florie: “Lazy!”
Raye: “But you earned it! I mean, getting unstuck for us...”
Robby: *sarcastic* “... was really sweet!”
Star: *sweet voice* “Robby, you’d do the same thing for us, wouldn’t you?”
Robby: “Uh, let’s talk about something else, this must be depressing for Florie!”
All: “Hahaha!”
Lita: “Ok, tomorrow is the big day! Front row tickets!”
Amy, Star, Raye, Mina and Robby: “Psssssssst!”
Lita: “Ups!”
Florie: “That’s so nice of you guys!”
Lita: “Well, we all what we can to make you feel better!”
Raye: *ironic* “Yeah, even tell secrets!”
Mina: “Well, Florie, we came to get you! Carla, Rowena and Monica have something for you...”
Florie: “Oh, that’s not necessary.”
Downstairs, Rowena, Monica and Carla have a big Present for Florie. Florie starts unwrapping it, and under multiple wraps is a box. Florie lifts the top of the box off, and in the box is an inflatable chair with stole, transparent with colorful stars on it. Florie thanks them a gazillion times. That’s what she wanted for such a long time. After that, Florie has dinner with her friends in the café. The day ends happy. At the same time, Hope’s giving a job to her new warrior. She tells him to spill the red chemical over one of the scouts. Preferably Sailor Jupiter.
Hope: “She’s the strongest scout of Sailor Moon’s team and she has an obvious weakness!”
Warrior: “What’s that?”
Hope: “She thinks every guy looks like her old boyfriend... like I created you!”
Warrior: “I understand! Hahaha!!”
The next Morning, the seven scouts who are going to the Concert, are not paying as much attention like otherwise. The teachers don’t say a lot about it, because they think it’s due to that it’s Friday. Only in Lita’s History class, her teacher gets angry.
Teacher: “Lita, is it interesting what you’re reading?”
Lita: “What? Uh, yeah, sure.”
Teacher: “I’m sure, but now, please, do the same thing the rest of the class is doing!”
Lita: “I am on the right page...”
Teacher: “I was actually referring of you reading your book upside down!”
Lita’s face turns red, as she turns her book the right way up. The whole class is laughing, but soon they are silent again. At lunch, the scouts sit together. Molly and Melvin join them. Lita tells the others about what happened in class, and how embarrassed she was.
Serena: “Well, take it from a pro, you’ll get over it!”
Molly: “Yeah, Serena should know! Haha!”
Melvin: “Hehehe, sure, hehehe.”
Serena: *growling* “It wasn’t that funny!”
After school they split, each of the scout goes home. They agreed they’d meet at Raye’s shrine, where Chad will bring them to the concert and back with Mr. Hino’s new Mini-Van. They are all so exited! Florie has a doctor’s appointment, and gets crutches. Star and Robby spend at least an hour with the wardrobe and Make-up. When Florie gets home they are all fancy. Florie changes quickly, and, finally, they arrive at the concert. At the Concert it’s really busy. It starts off with B*witched’s song “C’est la vie!”. Then, a guest group preform. They’re called “The Black Stars”, and their lead singer is really cute. Lita falls form him at first sight.
Lita: “He looks just like my old boyfriend!”
*huge sweat-drop everyone*
The singer seems to have noticed Lita too. He gives her a sweet smile, and Lita nearly faints. Robby, who obviously likes him too, gives her comments.
Robby: “Oh, please! That was so cheap!”
Lita: “No it wasn’t!”
They stop arguing soon, since the next group is up. They are having a blast. At the same time, Darien and Serena are having dinner with Hathor and Reeny at Darien’s apartment. It’s like a big, cozy family. Luna and Artemis are sleeping in the corner of the room. Meanwhile, Hope is busy making more of the chemical together with Angie. Hope suddenly turns around and faces her.
Hope: “Are you a Slave of the Nega-Galaxy?”
Angie: “Uh… what do you mean?”
Hope: “You know exactly what I mean! Angie isn’t a common name here.”
Angie: “Yes, I was a slave, but because of my knowledge and skills Hera freed me.”
Hope: “Aha. So how do I know I can trust you?”
Angie: “Uh… I… I don’t know.”
Hope: “Finish this mixture and then you’re done.”
Angie: “So you trust me?”
Hope: “No, and if I ever catch you doing something suspicious, I’ll have you removed.”
The concert has ended. The scouts are buying all sorts of fan articles. Suddenly, the crowd starts yelling and screaming. The groups are coming out to sign autographs. Lita immediately goes to the cute singer of “The Black Stars”. He again smiles at her, and signs her autograph book and slips a backstage pass with it. Lita is so happy. She shows it to the other senshi. They all are happy for her. Florie feels a weird feeling… as if there’s danger. She ignores it though. She resists the temptation of scanning the guy’s mind. A manager comes in, and asks all the selected people with backstage passes to follow him. Lita follows him. At the same time, Darien, Serena, Hathor and Reeny come, followed by Chad. They of course ask where Lita is.
Florie: “Nothing to worry about, she got a backstage pass.”
Reeny: “Really? Cool! Where did she go?”
Star: “Over there. Anyway, how was your dinner?”
Serena: “Good.”
Serena, Darien and the others don’t pay too much attention to Reeny, so they don’t notice she follows Lita backstage. The senshi decide to go wait for Lita in the Lobby. Then Darien and Serena notice Reeny is gone.
Serena: “Oh no! Where did Reeny go? We have to find her! Oh, that little fungus! She always has to run away!”
Darien: “It’s ok Serena, we’ll find her.”
Serena: “I hope so!”
Mina: “Yeah, let’s split up! Star and me, we go to the bathrooms. Maybe nature called.”
Robby: “I’ll go with Raye to the shops, maybe she’s there.”
Amy: “I’ll go with Florie to the concert hall.”
Darien: “Hathor, come with us. Chad, take the Candy store across the street. She might have gone over there. Serena, Hathor, we’ll try to go backstage.”
Mina and Star are unsuccessful. Robby and Raye also can’t find her. Amy and Florie find nothing but trash in the concert hall. No one has seen her either. Chad looks everywhere in the Candy store, but can’t find her. Serena, Hathor and Darien are talking to a security guy.
Security Guy: “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you back here!”
Serena: “But Reeny went back here!”
SG: “I’m sorry, but no one has passed me by.”
Darien: “Reeny slips by everywhere. If you could just-”
SG: “I’m sorry, but I can’t!”
Serena: “Excuse me, but do you have any kids?”
SG: “Yeah. I guess you’re a little too young though.”
Serena turns bead red. Darien isn’t sure if she’s embarrassed or angry. Serena looks up to him. Then, she starts yelling hysterically at the guy. People stop and stare at them. Darien and Hathor back off a little.
Serena: “That’s not the point! The point is there is a little girl lost backstage! Who knows how scared she is! Now, let us through, or I’ll make a scene!”
*huge sweat-drop everyone*
SG: “I think you already did, miss. But fine, you may look. Marc, help the miss find the girl.”
Marc: “Very well.”
Serena, Darien and Hathor go around, looking for Reeny. At the same time, Lita and the singer are talking. His name turns out to be Alex. Lita is totally in love. Suddenly, his voice becomes deeper, and he changes into a horrible monster! Lita can’t believe it. Reeny storms into the door, followed by Luna-P. She stops abruptly. She yells. Lita uses the time to transform.
Lita: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Warrior: “Harhar! Finally, Jupiter! Are you ready to die?”
Jupiter: “No, but you are! Plasma thunder sizzle!”
Warrior: “Ah! You’ll pay! Take a hold of this chemical! It’s new, and untested. You’ll be Hope’s Guinea Pig!”
Jupiter tries to get away. She picks Reeny up and starts running. Behind the corner she gives Reeny the communicator to call for help. Then, she runs around the corner, and comes face-to-face with the Warrior.
Jupiter: “You are facing Sailor Jupiter, defender of Jupiter! Guardian Jupiter, I call upon you! Bring me Thunder, wind and storms! Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!”
Warrior: “Weaker attack? That’s not like you at all! Now, back to the chemical.”
Reeny can’t watch any longer. She runs forward, just as the Warrior spills the chemical! Reeny pushes Jupiter aside, and is caught in a Momentum. They both fall down. The chemical lands on the floor, except for a little bit that landed on her hair. Her hair starts turning green! She’s crying, but it doesn’t hurt. Then, the scouts make an entrance. Sailor Moon is shocked, and immediately turns against the Warrior. Mars takes action.
Mars: “Mars Bola Napalm Engulf”
Orion: “Orion Star Belt Secure!”
Love: “Reeny! You’ll pay for that buster! Love Crystals!”
TM: “Going against poor little children and a girl? That’s not warrior like! Take a couple of these!”
*throws roses*
Earth: “I think he’s gotten enough! Let’s end this. He’s all yours Sailor Moon!”
Moon: “Mh-mmh! Moon Scepter Escalation!”
Earth: “Reeny, are you alright?”
Reeny: “My- My hair! Whaaaa! It’s- It’s- green!”
Mercury: “Don’t cry Reeny, we’ll find something to make it pink again!”
Star: “Yeah, it could be worse! I mean, it might have become some ugly color!”
Reeny: “Green is ugly!”
Jupiter: “I like green!”
Venus: *sarcastic* “I wonder why! Reeny, come on, we’ll help you get it out!”
Moon: “Reeny, why did you walk away in the first place?”
Reeny: “I wanted to see what’s so great back here.”
Moon: “That was irresponsible!”
Reeny: *crying harder* “Whaaa, why are you always so mean!”
TM: “It’s ok Reeny, but you shouldn’t run off like that! It is wrong. Now stop crying munchkin, everything will be alright.”
We switch to the Nega-Galaxy. Hope is angry that her test failed. Angie comes out from one of the test rooms.
Angie: “I analyzed the data. Just before our Warrior was destroyed, we received some data from it, and some human DNA. If we add a little more of antimony, pure sulfur, and the poison of the Naraguia [Nah-RA-Guhya] Plant, it could make a pure heart evil.”
Hope: “Very well, do it!”
Angie: “Ok, but there is a little thing you should know. It can have the opposite effect, making a evil hear pure.”
Hope: “Well, I guess I’ll have to be careful then, don’t I? Hahaha!”
*Part 2 coming soon!*