Never loose Hope! (Part 2/2)
Hope walks up and down in her lab. This time, she’d go herself! Those warriors of these weak people are weaker then the weakest peasant. Sailor Moon, and especially Sailor Earth, got stronger since the first time they met. Angie just finished her special potion. Meanwhile, the scouts are still trying to get the green stuff out of Reeny’s hair. It seems to be stuck there forever! Amy runs a scan on it.
Amy: “It seems to be constructed of antimony, sulfur, and some other unidentified chemicals. One of the unidentified chemical, it seems to be poisonous, is surprisingly active. My guess is that it’s causing Reeny’s hair to turn green.”
Serena: “Very nice, but how do we get it out?”
Amy: “I’m not sure…”
Florie: “Are you saying it’s… organic?!”
Florie had better not said that. Serena, Mina, Hathor, Lita and Robby back off from Reeny, yelling as if it was a rat or something. Reeny starts crying, and shouts they should get it out. Amy quiets everyone down.
Amy: “In a way, it is organic, but it seems to be dying.”
Star: “So the color will go out… right?”
Amy: “Not necessarily.”
Hathor: “Nasty! Reeny, I feel with you!”
Florie: “But it will be dead-”
Lita: “So you mean it’s alive right now?”
Raye: “Oh my Gosh! This is way gross!”
Florie: “Well- not different from the earth we stand on…”
Reeny: “Whaaaa! Get it out, get it out!”
Amy: “I don’t think that’s helping Florie!”
Mina: “Reeny, sweetie, we’re trying, stop crying…”
Robby: “Easy for you to say, you don’t have it in your hair.”
Amy: “If everyone would just shut-up-”
Florie: “… then we could help Reeny!”
Everyone stops talking and wait in suspension for Amy and Florie, who are working with books, the Internet and the Mercury computer, to solve the problem. After a while, Amy claps her computer together and runs with her hand through her hair.
Amy: “I don’t know why, but, I can’t get a solution.”
Raye: “What do you mean, you can’t get a solution?”
Hathor: “There’s got to be one!”
Florie: “She means that its genetic structure is too complex for her computer and that it doesn’t have a pattern.”
*Sweat-drop everyone except Amy, Luna and Florie*
Serena: “In English, that would say?!”
Luna: “It’s too heard to figure out for them!”
Artemis: “Oh no, but that means that we’ll need a specialist!”
Hathor: “There’s got to be one!”
Florie: “I have an Idea! I know this girl, Sandra Fukorokuju, she’s two classes higher then we are. She’s an expert in science, chemistry in particular. She’ll be able to help us.”
Hathor: “I know her! Klarissa studies with her sometimes. She likes science too!”
Mina: “Great Idea!”
Robby: *sarcastic* “Yeah, especially since Sandra will understand this whole problem!”
Star: “What do you mean?”
Robby: “Look, Amy can’t do it! Amy’s involved in the scout business and an expert in science! Who says this Sandra will do it? Maybe she’ll ask how it happened, what then? What if she finds out who we really are?”
Raye: “Robby’s got a point!”
Robby: “Exactly! I gotta run, cheerleading practice, you know.”
Serena: “You’re thinking of that now?”
Raye: “Oh Serena, shut-up! You’re only jealous of Robby because she made Cheerleading and you didn’t!”
Serena: “Am not!”
Raye: “Are too!”
Robby: “You guys fight, I’ll go! See you later!”
Luna: “Raye, Serena! Stop! You are behaving like kids again!”
Artemis: “Luna’s right! We need to work on this. I have got to admit that Robby does have a point, but we do have to give it a shot. School starts in two days… and I don’t think green hair is a trend nowadays.”
Reeny: “Oh no! Whaaa, we’ve got to get it out!”
Lita: “Sweetie, we’re working on it! Where does this girl live?”
Hathor: “Close by were I live! I can show you!”
Lita: “What are we waiting for?”
Raye: “Wait, we can’t all show up!”
Mina: “Yeah, it’ll be weird!”
Floire: “How about this, Reeny, Amy, Hathor and I will go. Since I know her and Hathor does, we’ll have an excuse. Amy can be just a friend coming with us. Reeny will have to come with us…”
Reeny: “No way! I’m not going out like this!”
Lita: “We’ll find you a hat or something.”
Serena: “Yeah, and what about us?”
Raye: “We’ll stay at the Café.”
Serena: “But-”
Mina: “No buts Serena!”
Amy: “We could cut off a lock of hair from Reeny, that way she can stay home, and we can maybe even find some excuse.”
Lita: “Nice Idea.”
Star has been quiet until now, but now she stands up and walks to the window. She looks sad in a way.
Star: “Guys, we’re so desperate, we’re pulling an innocent person into our fight. Hope will find out about this. No matter what we do to hide it. She has spies everywhere.”
Raye: “She doesn’t have to find out though!”
Star: “How are we going to do that? They are everywhere!”
Floire: “I’ll sense them!”
Star: “You have never before! There’s a lot we don’t know about your telepathy, and maybe they found a way to cloak themselves from you.”
Hathor: “You suggest we give up?”
Star: “No, but you have to admit, until now, Hope and Hera have always known where we where.”
Lita: “Maybe we should ask her over here. It won’t be as obvious. Hathor invite Klarissa and Sandra to come over tomorrow.”
Hathor: “That’s a great idea Lita!”
The next day, Sandra and Klarissa are invited to visit Florie’s Café. Sandra is somewhat surprised, though. Klarissa has been there before, and she knows Carla, one of the girls who works at the café, so she’s less surprised. Sandra immediately is fascinated by Reeny’s Hair, since Klarissa expresses her astonishment about it. Quickly, while she’s explaining them their problem with the chemical, Amy takes them up, to where Florie is resting on the couch. As soon as they come in, she stands up and leads them to the Study. There, they have put up the chemistry stuff. A lock of Reeny’s hair is cut off, and Sandra examines it, together with Amy, Florie and Klarissa. The other scouts meanwhile are sitting in the Living room and wait impatiently. When they come out, Sandra looks puzzled.
Sandra: “I… I have no Idea… I don’t know… I don’t know what it is!”
Reeny: “Oh no! so you can’t get it out?”
Lita: “Poor Reeny! How should she go to school that way?”
Serena: “Lita, don’t make her cry even more!”
Darien: “Yes, Reeny, sweetie, just calm down, we’ll find a way to get it out.”
Mina: “Don’t cry Reeny, please!”
Florie: “Oh! I’m so mad at Hope!”
Klarissa: “Who? Why?”
Star: “She meant to say… she’s mad at…Ho…uanda, a friend, because… she spilled the chemical! Her nickname is Hope…”
Robby: “That’s right, right guys? Houanda! We’re all so mad!”
Hathor: “Oh yeah, absolutely!”
Klarissa: “Hathor, you’re hiding something! I can see that!”
Amy: “No, we’re not hiding anything, Star is right.”
Raye: “Uh-uh! Trust me… I mean, us! Haha!”
Robby: “Yeah!”
Reeny: “Houanda? I thought it was-”
Serena quickly covers Reeny’s mouth so she can’t speak. She excuses Reeny, using that ‘kids-don’t-know-what-they-are-saying’-excuse she heard so often from her mom. Then she takes Reeny away into the kitchen. Sandra is suspicious.
Sandra: “What did Reeny think of?”
Florie: “Uh… what do you mean?”
Raye: “Some more tea anyone? Klarissa? Sandra? I’m sure you do!”
Raye uses the moment. She spills hot tea all over Sandra’s shirt. She gets angry, but Robby is already there, and she brings her to the bathroom. Star lends her another shirt. Serena looks puzzled at Raye. Florie just smiles at Raye. Mina and Hathor giggle. Klarissa doesn’t know what’s going on. That’s when Lita starts talking about Martial Arts. Florie, Raye, Lita and Klarissa begin to discuss their different techniques. Then, Amy and Sandra again start talking about school, and the work they have to do. Darien storms into the room.
Darien: “Did Sandra get Hope’s mixture out of Reeny’s hair?”
Sandra: “Uh, no… I’m sorry, aren’t you at the university?”
Darien: “Yes I am, why?”
Sandra: “I was just wondering how you knew Florie and the gang…?”
Darien: “Oh, uhm…”
Serena: “He’s my Boyfriend!”
Sandra: (with a puzzled look) “Your… what? But he is so much older then you are! Wait a minute… you know a lot about chemicals too, don’t you?”
Darien: “Yes, I do, it’s part of my studies…”
Sandra: “So if you, Florie, Amy, Klarissa and I work together, we might be able to find a solution!”
They enter the study and stay there for the next hour and a half. Suddenly, Amy storms out of the room, she looks very concerned.
Amy: (breathless) “She… she’s… in there!”
Lita: “She?”
Amy: “Ho…that monster… you know!!!”
Raye: “WHAT??? No way!”
Hathor: “Oh no! Klarissa, get out of here! Where is Sandra?”
Florie now also storms out of the room.
Florie: “Hathor, get Klarissa and Reeny out of here, and then go get Robby!”
Klarissa: “What about Sandra? And you guys?”
Florie: “We’ll be fine…”
Klarissa: “Where is Sandra?”
Florie: “The monster got her.”
Klarissa: “WHAT? Yeah right, you’re just trying to scare me! I don’t believe in Monsters! I demand to know where Sandra is!”
Florie: “Hathor, get her out of here! Klarissa, trust me, please!”
Klarissa obeys, seeing it’s no use to fight her sister and Florie. Hathor runs with Klarissa and Reeny to Florie’s school to get Robby. Meanwhile, the rest of the girls change.
Florie: “Ok, let’s do this! Earth Magical Power!”
Star: “Right! Star Magical Power!”
Serena: “Moon Crystal Power!”
Mina: “Venus Star Power!”
Lita: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
Raye: “Mars Star Power!”
Luna: “Artemis and I will distract her as long as possible!”
Jupiter: “Wait! Last time the warrior said Hope had made some new chemical. Luna, Artemis, it’s too dangerous!”
Artemis: “We aren’t afraid!”
Mercury: “Jupiter’s right, this is our fight! No offense!”
Luna: “All right then, you guys watch out.”
Earth: “Of course! It’s ShowTime! Let’s go!”
The scouts run into the room, seeing Hope just escape into Robby’s room, and then around the corner to the window on the end of the hallway. There she turns around for a ‘later suckers!’ and jumps out of the open window. The scouts follow her. Because Hope needs to carry an unconscious Sandra over her back, she’s slower then normally. By the time she reaches the park, the scouts have surrounded her. Then, Sailor Moon givers her speech.
Moon: “I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice and protector of the innocent! And I say, on behalf of the Moon, I shall punish your wrongdoings and triumph over your evil plans!”
Hope: “Nice speech Moon face, now I suppose you want your friend back?”
Earth: “Wrong slime face! I want her back too! I am Sailor Earth, defender of life and death on this wonderful planet! In the name of flora, fauna, and the spirit of the earth, I will destroy all evil, like you!”
Hope: “Oh, I’m shaking in my little space boots!”
*big sweat-drop on Hope’s head*
Mercury: “Uhm, you’re not wearing any space boots…”
Hope: “What does it matter? I will destroy you all anyway!”
Venus: “Not only is she evil and has a big mouth, but she is also stupid!”
Hope: “Hey, I heard that!”
Star: “Black Hole Crush!”
Hope: “Ha, you think that will hurt me? Hahahaha!”
TM: (throws roses) “Take these!”
The roses scratch Hope’s face, who lets Sandra fall. Luna and Artemis are sitting up in a tree and are watching everything. Sandra slowly comes to herself.
Hope: “No! You are not supposed to live! DIE!!!”
It looks as if Hope is crazier today then usually. She keeps kicking Sandra in her stomach, then she turns as she hears Sailor Earth’s Scepter attack. She is thrown into a tree. Strangely, Hope doesn’t get up. The chemical is spilled all over her. She’s crying and then she yells to the scouts.
Hope: “Haha, now… that you will… kill me,… you might… want to know… why… I chose that girl… over… over all of you…”
The scouts look at each other. She chose Sandra?
Hope: “That… that girl… is my good part… she holds the star seed… my star seed… But when I die… so will she… and when she dies… the senshi inside of her… dies… There is only one… one way to reunite us… and I will never… never tell you! This chemical also was only a bluff… or Angie… sabotaged it…!”
Then, Angie appears. She looks scornfully at Hope. Then she looks at Sailor Earth and Sailor Moon.
Angie: “Quickly! You need to make them become one, we need the scout inside of her… to rescue us!”
Earth: “How? Who are you?”
Hope: “That… that is my… so called assistant, Angie. She… misused … my trust! I will never reunite with that… that part of me!”
Angie: “You need to make them run into each other! They only need to hug each other! Now that the chemical is spilled! Quickly! I am drawn back to my world! Please, save us! That senshi (pointing to Sandra and Hope) will know how… please!”
With those words she disappears into thin air. Then, Sailor Earth lifts up Sandra and puts her arms around Hope’s neck. The two bodies get drawn into each other and the end result is… Sandra. Good always wins over evil.
Shortly after that, Sailor Orion, Reeny and Sailor Love arrive where Sandra is lying unconscious.
Orion: “Well, it looks like you saved the day without us… where is Hope?”
Venus: “Right there…”
Reeny: “But that is Sandra! What did Hope do to her?”
Moon: “We don’t know…”
Love: “But you guys where here!”
Sailor Mercury quickly explains to them what happened. Then, Sandra wakes up slowly. She sits up and is not at all surprised what happened. She explains.
Sandra: “I remember it clearly now… when the Negaverse attacked, I could not come… I was busy defending my own planet, Sekhnet. It was hopeless, although… that is very… uncanny… because I am the senshi of Hope and forgiveness. As we lost, I was taken, but the Nega Galaxy only succeeded in taking part of me. My star seed was taken by someone named Boshko, and I was send to Earth, where I was reborn.”
Earth: “Boshko?”
Sandra: “I know, he saved you, too. The other part of me, the one without the star seed, turned evil, while the part with the star seed turned pure. All this time, I was the one Hope was after, while I was unconsciously trying to prevent her. I kept in hiding ,all my memory was erased, that way we could be sure that Hope could not even find me through a dream passage. My star seed could not have hidden itself forever, neither could Hope search forever, we both need each other. Now that I am reunited with… myself again, I will help you free all the slaves of the Nega Galaxy… I am now part of the Lost Senshi…”
Sandra now helps the senshi to prepare a serum to get the green out of Reeny's hair. Soon, the green begins to fade out of her hair...
The End