The Sun Shines Again
The lost senshi are sitting together in the Café, while the other senshi are at Raye’s. Sandra still looks a little pale, but she seems happy.
Robby: “So, I see that you clearly enjoy being… uhm… whole? again!”
Sandra: “I am…”
Star: “Do I hear a but coming?”
Sandra: “Well, you see, I live alone with my mother. My mother hasn’t been too well, although she seems so happy when she’s working. She always is under a lot of stress, but we always manage to talk.”
Hathor: “How is that bad?”
Sandra: “It’s not… I guess I’m just afraid I’ll blurt everything out about being a senhsi and so forth.”
Florie: “Possible, but highly unlikely. I mean, come on! You are one of the most sensible people I have ever met, including Amy!”
This compliment, coming from her new ‘leader’, clearly is a boost to Sandra. She turns a little red and looks down on the floor. Just as she looks up again, Darien and Reeny enter the room. Reeny immediately goes over to Hathor, showing off her new Sailor V comic, while Darien takes his seat next to Robby. They continue talking, when suddenly Serena storms into the room.
Serena: “Hey! Robby, get your fingers off my boyfriend, go get your own!”
Robby: “For your information, meatball head, I’m not even touching your so-called boyfriend!”
Serena: “You are just jealous that I have a boyfriend and you don’t!”
Raye: “Move it, Marshmallow brain, no one even wants to take your Darien away!”
Artemis: “Look who’s talking! Who was the person who wanted Darien so badly in the beginning?”
Raye: “Well, that was a long, long time ago. Now I’ve got someone else!”
Serena: “Who? Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaad???”
Raye: “No way, Chad and I are just friends!”
Serena: “Yeah, sure!”
Lita: “Uhm, I hate to break this to you, but could you two bicker inside please, and not in the middle of the doorway?”
Robby: “Yeah, and could you now please move away from the TV screen Meatball head? I’m trying to watch something here!”
Serena: (starts crying) “Oh! Why do you always need to be so mean to me????”
Sandra: (looking at Luna) “How do you put up with this?!? Does this always happen or do they just have a bad day?”
Artemis: “Nope, this is all routine… in about one minute Star is going to try to make peace, Mina and Lita helping her, while Florie and Amy will just continue talking about some form of school. Then, Darien will try to calm Serena down, while Star talks to Robby and Mina and Lita will keep Raye quiet.”
This does all exactly happen as Artemis predicted, and Sandra had a thoughtful look on her face.
Sandra: (thinking) “This here is a pretty tight group… I wonder if I’ll fit in… but they are all so nice to me… I like them.”
As Sandra sits there, pondering, she doesn’t notice what a strange look she has on her face. Luna thinks it might be because it’s her ‘first time’ hanging with the senshi.
Luna: “You get used to it, don’t worry!”
Sandra: “What? Oh, yes, of course. It’s just hard to believe that the same people who defeated Hera and the emperor can be like that. (laughing) And I always thought my family life was strange.”
Meanwhile, back in the Nega Galaxy, in the palace, Angie watches how a civil war just broke out. Blood, fire, guns, bullets, dead and wounded civilians as well as debris are scattered throughout the city. It is the same city that once was so proud, but now its pride is broken and its streets are red from all the blood. Angie wipes a tear away, after all, she has been living here all her life. She hardly remembered Earth, until she saw it again and her spirits rose. But now, the humans were fighting the Nega Galaxy’s people, but it was in vain. Even if they would win, they could not go to Earth, unless someone freed them. That someone was Sailor Earth and the rest of the sailor senshi.
She knows Hope is still inside of Sandra, and she knows Sandra would do anything she could to free all these people. Angie just hopes it won’t be too late…
Raye sits in front of her fire, the rest of the senshi sit behind her. She has been trying to find a reading on Angie, or what they are supposed to do, but the fire isn’t giving her any answers. Serena stands up.
Serena: “I’m going to see Reeny, Hathor and Darien.”
Lita: “Ok, I’ll tell Raye as soon as she… wakes up…”
Serena leaves for Darien’s apartment while Amy says she’ll go for a quick swim. Lita and Mina stay with Raye, just in case she might get a reading. Meanwhile, Star and Robby are doing their best to keep the Café under control. It has become one of the most popular hangouts for all the Teenagers who live near it. Lunch is the most hectic time of the day, next to the mornings before school starts.
While they handle the Café, Florie is training in the training room and Sandra watches.
Sandra: “You guys seem to be a pretty tight group…”
Florie: “Well, I guess we are… but there still is… some difference… Star, Hathor and Robby would follow me blindly into any danger, even if it might kill them. I am sure they would stand by any decision I might take, they know how I think… they trust me. I am not sure if they would do the same for Sailor Moon…”
Sandra: “Would you?”
Florie: “Of course!”
Sandra: “There seems to be a special bond between you two… isn’t that right?”
Florie: “Well, yes there is. You see, I have a sort of… strange History. I am her sister.”
Sandra: “WHAT?!?”
Florie: “You see, I was the Queen’s first born. But the security chief in the palace, Boshko, took me with him when he knew there was great danger. When I was old enough, he trained me as Sailor Earth. He also took Robby with him, and trained her as Sailor Orion. But when Hera found Orion she changed her into a cat… ahh, that’s a long story. Anyway, the Queen didn’t see this as a warning. A year later Serena was born, and no one thought that I was still alive. That is the reason they don’t know who I really am, they never spoke of me. So now, I have still not told them… I think it might make things weird and unbalanced. You know, right now, I am a leader and she is, and no one gets favors. But if I would tell them, I am her sister, they might think I would try to protect her more then what, or who, I am supposed to protect.”
Sandra: “I see. That is very noble of you. I was two when you were born… I don’t remember any of it. I think it is nice to remember the Moon Kingdom. It was so beautiful… of course not as beautiful as Sekhnet, my planet… well, that is my opinion.”
Florie: “Tell me about it.”
Sandra: “Well, it was green, with blue rivers, and the sky was always a hint of magenta. That happened because of our Star. We were on the outskirts of the Kingdom, and the only reason we existed was because some farmers and merchants volunteered to go out, explore and to find aliens with whom to trade. Well, we didn’t find aliens, but we did find Sekhnet… I became princess of it because I was the first child to be born on the planet. They planted a star seed inside of me. They were happy people…”
Florie: “Of course they were, they were your people, they had a princess who stood for hope, the one thing one must never give up believing in! The Nega Galaxy attacked your planet, right? Well, they must have wanted to have you as a symbol, right?”
Sandra: “Florie, did anyone ever tell you that you are the best one to cheer one up?”
Florie: (laughing) “It’s a terrible Job, but someone must carry the burden…”
They both laugh together, and Sandra’s doubts of fitting in are wiped away. In the café, a very pretty girl sits at one table. Star comes to her table, while she politely asks what she would like. The girl speaks with a very heavy Scottish accent.
Girl: “I would like to have some tea, please.”
Star: “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are you Scottish?”
Girl: “Well, my father is, my mother is British.”
Star: “Are you just visiting Tokyo?”
Girl: “Oh no, I live here. I go to Grass Valley Junior High.”
Star: “No way! Do you know Mina?”
Girl: “Mina? I think so… she’s in my Grade.”
Star: “She’s one of my very good friends!”
Girl: “Really? Oh, I forgot my manners! I am Caprice Summer.”
Star: “I am Starnisha Nephthys, but my friends call me Star.”
Caprice: “I love your name!”
Star: “I love your name too! Now, I forgot my manners, you asked me to get you some tea, didn’t you?”
Caprice: “Yes… but if you want to take it with me, that would be nice, too!”
Star brings the tea and she chats a little more with Caprice. Sandra and Florie come down to the café to help Robby and Hathor, and Florie immediately gets a vibe from Caprice. She just has a feeling… but she doesn’t like it at all. She walks over there, and Star introduces them to each other.
Florie: (a little suspicious) “Oh, that’s nice. Well, Star, we need you, Hathor, Robby, Sandra and I are working as hard as we can, but we do need you.”
Star: “Sure.”
The rest of the lunch hour the five girls run from one end of the café to the other, with help of Carla, Monica and Rowena. They are too busy to notice that Caprice has stayed at the café all this time. At three O’clock, she is still there. Florie walks over to her and asks if she wants anything else. She smiles and nods her head slowly.
Florie: “What would you like?”
Caprice: “I… I want to speak to someone.”
Florie: “Who would you like to speak with?”
Caprice: “S… Star.”
Florie: “She is kind of busy, but I’ll ask.” and I’ll be sure to keep an eye on you
Florie walks into the kitchen and tells Star Caprice wants to talk to her. Star stands up and Florie warns her, she’s getting vibes from her. Star just shrugs her shoulders and goes to Caprice.
Caprice: “I have something to tell you… but can we go somewhere more… private?”
Star: “Yes, sure.”
When Florie sees them stand up and walking out of the door, she tells Luna and Artemis to go after them and to keep an eye on Star, while Florie races over to Raye’s to tell her what’s going on. Caprice and Star walk to the park, once there, Caprice sits down under an old oak tree and asks Star to join her.
Caprice: “Star, do you believe in… Miracles? Or at least that our future is predestined?”
Star: “To both; yes and no. For some people it’s not predestined, and some do not have miracles, but I do believe it exists. Why?”
Caprice: “Since I came to Grass Valley, I have had the same dream. I dream nearly every night of a beautiful princess, she has a lover. But I am always hulled in darkness… I seem to be observing her, but I don’t ever show my face to her. Then, at the end of the day, I go to a Queen, and I tell her, ‘Everything is alright,’ and the worried expression on her face fades away. I then go into a battle, but I fight in darkness, sabotaging the enemy. There is a traitor amongst my people, and he stabs me in the back… I never get to see his face. Then, I die. But when I fight, I have strange clothes on, and strange powers… I don’t know what they mean… but for some reason, I am drawn to that café… I am drawn to that girl, Serena, also Florie. She doesn’t trust me… you do.”
Luna and Artemis are sitting in the tree under which Star and Caprice are sitting. Luna turns to Artemis.
Luna: “I don’t like this… I don’t like this at all. Go get Florie, I’ll stay here. Florie will contact Serena.”
Artemis: “Right.”
While Artemis jumps out of the tree on the other side and runs away, Raye has gotten a message from the fire. Mina and Lita stand up, while Raye yells some strange things.
Raye: “She… she is good. No Sailor Earth, she is good! Don’t fight her, she can’t win against you!”
After that, she falls to the ground. Mina calls Raye’s Grandpa and Chad while Lita carries Raye to her room. Artemis just arrives at the café. Breathlessly, he explains what has happened, and soon the Lost Senshi are together, Darien and Reeny are there, too. Darien offers himself to go to Raye’s. The senshi agree and soon, transformed and ready, they make their way to the park.
At the same time, Darien hears of Raye’s discovery. Darien tells them what the lost senshi are up to, and Raye, still weak, together with Lita and Mina are on their way to the park. Serena has gone to pick up Amy.
Raye: “You guys go on, I’m just slowing you down!”
Lita: “No way! We’re not leaving you behind! That’s crazy!”
Mina: “Yeah, Lita will go ahead, I’ll stay with you! Hurry Lita!”
Lita: (with a quick nod) “Right!”
Raye: “Good Luck!”
Sailor Earth stands in front of Caprice and Star. She looks angry, she of course thinks Caprice is from the Nega Galaxy and trying to take Star.
Earth: “Slime ball, let my friend go!”
Caprice: “I… I am not… holding her… captive!”
Star: “She’s not! What has gotten into you Sailor Earth?”
Earth: “Orion, love, Hope, watch out, I think she has her under some sort of spell!”
Star: “Sailor Earth, this is madness! No one is holding me captive and I have not been brainwashed. So come to your senses… please!”
Earth: “I am perfectly fine! Now, get read to fight lowlife!”
Star: “Sailor Earth, don’t!”
As Sailor Earth sets on for her first attack, Caprice becomes tense. She’s eye to eye with Sailor Earth and is trying her best to block Sailor Earth’s first punch. She dodges a few more blows, hits, kicks and punches, but Caprice is not a skilled fighter like Sailor Earth. Soon, she is badly wounded and tired. Just as Sailor Earth wants to give her another blow, Star jumps in front of Caprice and receives the blow. Sailor Earth stops, shocked. However, Star regains her composure soon again and looks at Sailor Earth.
Earth: “Star… I’m so… so sorry!”
Star: “Also for what you did to her?”
Earth: “Star, she is evil!”
Star: “How would you know? Just because you are the leader doesn’t mean you are always right!”
This is a totally new Star to Sailor Earth… but it just might be that it’s a whole new Sailor Earth to Star. Sailor Orion and Sailor Love exchange a glance. This might not be so pretty. Sailor Hope tries to break up the fight, but Orion holds her back and shakes her head.
Orion: “No, don’t. This is between them.”
Hope: “But who knows what they will do to each other!”
Love: “We’ll see! Now, I’ll go to find Sailor Moon.”
Hope: “Alright, but hurry!”
Star transformed during this time, and Caprice is so pale. Hope just knows she is innocent. Without further ado, she walks over to Caprice and looks over her wounds. Then, she sees the mark of a senshi on her forehead. Her anxiety must have made it come. She calls the scouts, who quickly gather around Caprice. It’s a heart with a dot in the middle. Then, she transforms. Caprice, obviously, doesn’t know what happened to her. Luna jumps down from the tree.
Luna: “Well… I’ll be… you are Priestess Caprice! You are Princess Serena’s observer! You always were there… hulled in shadows, but there!”
Caprice: “You… you are right. I remember you… you are… her friend!”
Caprice points to where Sailor Moon stands now. She is stunned. Then, Luna initiates a Luna Mind Melt. Caprice begins to remember who she was… who she is. She then falls unconscious to the ground. Sailor Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are standing around her. Then, Tuxedo Mask, Raye and Sailor Venus arrive. Reeny with Artemis closely behind them. When she sees Caprice, she cries out. However, it is a happy cry.
Moon: “Reeny, you know her?”
Reeny: “Yes, she’s the Priestess… but I think she rather wants to tell you. See, she’s waking up.”
Earth: “I… I am sorry… for mistrusting you… I-”
Caprice: “It’s ok, I guess I can understand… I was acting very… suspicious.”
Earth: “No hard feelings?”
Caprice: “None!”
Darien: “Who are you?”
Luna: “Let me introduce to you the person who did the most damage during the war and who is least credited: She is Sailor-”
Caprice: “Solaris.”
Star: “A Sailor of the sun? But how…?”
Solaris: “Well, it’s not so easy to explain… I am not the Princess, but the Priestess. People chose me as the one who was send from the sun to watch over them. I was, however, a holder of a strong star seed. The Queen and I were friends, as well as with Luna and Artemis. I soon became her… spy… I always had a close eye on Princess Serena on her orders. She was afraid she might be kidnapped like Flora Fauna. When the Negaverse attacked I fought against them, sabotaging their army and weapons. Me and my followers did our best to keep them as far as possible from Princess Serena and the Queen. I was betrayed by one of them… stabbed in the back. Boshko, however, did something got me so I would reincarnate into some human body… and I did.”
Earth: “Well, Hope, seems you’re not the only newcomer… welcome to the Lost Senshi Sailor Solaris.”
Solaris: “Why, thank you Sailor Earth.”
Earth: “Well, Star, seems I still owe you an apology, don’t I? I shouldn’t have mistrusted you like that… I was just-”
Star: “Worried, I know. So, who’s up for some hot chocolate and muffins?”
All: “We are!”
That is how we find yet another senshi. Now, the senshi just have to find a way to save all those people who still live in the Nega Galaxy. Angie also sees that they have found another scout. ‘Good, they can use all the help they need… we need… Sailor Earth, please hurry! Our time is running out and you are the only one who can help us now… please hurry!’.