A Whole New World
Angie looks worried. She’s sitting in the Emperor’s throne. In front of her are three warriors and seven servants. They all bring status reports. The palace is the only neutral place left, and everyone inside is going to make sure that it stays that way. From every planet come in casualty reports. ‘The numbers are too high,’ Angie is thinking, ‘but then again, any death for this useless war is unnecessary! If only the senshi could help us! Now there are six of them! Please, please, come rescue this Galaxy, for the people who live here have no where else to go!’
Caprice and Sandra sit in Mina’s living room, the rest of the Inner senshi around them. Raye serves tea, and finally, they begin speaking of what is on their mind.
Caprice: “We should be on a mission right now instead of drinking tea. Since only Sandra and my memories are fully restored, and since Sandra lived in the Nega Galaxy, we are the ones who should tell you this. We have to free the people who were taken as Nega Slaves. I was there, in shadows, so to speak, and I know how the Nega Galaxy thinks. I know that the people who were brought there need to come here, and the people who are native to that Galaxy need to stay there. The people are revolting against each other now that there is no dark, omniscient and all-powerful force anymore. We need to help them.”
Sandra: “We are telling you this because it is of importance. It is vital that we bring those people back, there are so many people here in mourning for them, even though they should not be! It was our fault they got captured. You are not really part of this… yet we need to ask a big favor of you.”
Caprice: “It actually are two… one is that you will help us in our fight to free those people.”
Serena: “Of course we will! We senshi stick together, if we are the Lost or the Inner senshi! We help each other, always!”
Sandra: “That is very noble of you, Serena!”
Raye: “It is the least we can do, you saved our butts a couple of times too…”
Caprice: “You?… Meaning the Lost senshi… right?”
Mina: “Yes, the team where you are now part of. I understand you might need to get used to it, but they are a nice bunch. They are happy to get more help!”
Caprice: “I guess you are right…”
Lita: “What is the second favor? I’m sorry, I meant the favor, since that one didn’t count, did it?”
Amy: “Certainly not Lita! We are glad to put our skills and brains to work for the innocent. We also don’t want to be seen as the Inner and the Lost… we are all senshi, we all carry star seeds and we all come from the same Kingdom. We are all friends!”
Luna: “Amy is totally right! You two are going to fit into your new lives soon, and then you will see there is only one difference between the Lost and the Inner senshi!”
Artemis: “What? I see no difference at all. They both got noble leaders, loyal team mates, good trainers, and not to mention, a history of fighting evil…”
Serena: “The past… our past is very different. You, Caprice, fought for our good, but in the shadows, we fought in the light. Star fought using the Council, and we fought using our strength. There are so many differences in our past…”
Artemis: “I see your point… now, what was that favor you asked us for?”
Sandra: “Well, we have an idea. We are going to use the dream passage to go to the Nega Galaxy. You did that once before… with the help of… the four sisters? Now, once we are there, we are going to help the people there as much as possible… the favor we ask of you is to talk to them. We don’t know them, and we also don’t know what they will do when we ask them… and you need to support us. If the others think it’s a crazy idea, you need to tell them it’s the only way. We need you to stand by us.”
Serena: “We’re happy to help you! What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
At the same time, Florie is having the same discussion with the rest of the Lost senshi. They are to save the people who were captured, and they'll go there the same way as when they went to fight the Emperor. Florie asks that her team will support her as much a possible if Sandra, Caprice and the Inners think it's a crazy idea. Just after they all agree, Sandra and Caprice enter the room, followed by Reeny with her Luna-P and the cats.
Caprice: “Florie, we have decided we will save those people! Serena and the others have gone to ask the four sisters for help. They support us and they agree we should-”
Robby: “Wait a minute! We just discussed the same thing! We thought you might-”
Hathor: “Great, we think alike. Florie was afraid you two might not want to... you know... want to help us. But I always thought you two would help us... don't ask why!”
Star: “Well, it’s good we see eye to eye on this matter.”
Florie: “Then... lets go!”
Florie and her team go to Katsy’s shop. In the shop are already the Inner senshi. Katsy directs them to the same room they were in before, the first time they went to the Nega Galaxy.
Katsy: (smiling) “This time Florie, try to come back...”
Florie: “I’ll do my best.”
Birdy and Ivory quickly explain what happened last time Florie entered the dream passage.
Serena: “Katsy, take good care of Reeny... Luna and Artemis, keep an eye open... Lets do this scouts!”
Florie: “Right! Earth Magical Power!”
Serena: “Moon Crystal Power!”
Raye: “Mars Star Power!”
Robby: “Orion Magical Power!”
Mina: “Venus Star Power!”
Star: “Star Magical Power!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
Sandra: “Hope Magical Power!”
Lita: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Caprice: “Here it goes... Solaris... Magical... Power!”
(Darien transforms too, but I dunno what he says)
The senshi undergo the same ritual as the first time (I won’t bother describing that again ^_^) and soon they are in the dream passage. Sailor Earth smiles to Sailor Moon. She takes her hand, with the other, she holds Caprice’s hand. Sailor Moon takes also Tuxedo Mask’s hand. They slowly walk towards the door. Once there, it gets opened, and Angie’s friendly face looks at them.
Angie: “We have been expecting you!”
Angie takes them through a couple of rooms, nearly emptied, into a cozy room, with many plants and a nice, warm fire, as well as a huge couch and pleasant armchairs. Sailor Hope is a little taken.
Hope: “I see you did some... redecorating.”
Angie: “Yes, it looked so gloomy... most of the furniture was sold, given to the poor...”
Hope: “The plants... Hera’s experiment?”
Angie: “I’ve improved a little, but indeed, her idea.”
Hope: “It looks... nice. Is that what you did with the serum?”
Angie: “Oh, yes. I know I... betrayed you... but-”
Hope: “You saved me!”
Moon: “How can we help?”
Angie: “Oh, yes of course. Ever since you destroyed the Emperor, killed Hera and uhm... cured Hope, there has been no leader. I have tried my best to keep order, but it is too late. The slaves have started a rebellion, and I, as former slave, cannot help them. But it is useless, we need to open the portal into your... our dimension... but they won’t listen, neither party. Here, in the palace, we co-exist peacefully, forgetting if we are slave or master. Throughout the Galaxy, wars have broken out. We can’t seem to gather an army for peacekeeping. The palace has been used mostly as an hospital. We need your help... you need to make peace on this planet, then the others will follow. But we can’t do it without you...”
Moon: “We’re glad to help, and we’ll do anything in our power to save your world.”
Angie: “Thank you! There is no time to waste. The people have organized a group, former palace members have joined them, they have the ultimate weapon, Hera’s most powerful serum, created to change a person into a demon. It was actually made so she could make one to destroy you...”
Solaris: “But now they took it, and if they know how to use it...”
Star: “That basically means we’re toast.”
Mars: “No way! I am not going to think that pessimistically. Now, there has to be some way to... make an... an... what’s it called?”
Mercury: “Antidote.”
Angie: “Yes, but we don’t have time! Every second we wait, hundreds of people die!”
Orion: “Well, is there a way to destroy such a demon?”
Angie: “Yes, your powers... I do hope they are strong enough.”
Venus: “Ok, then, what are we waiting for?”
Angie: “Oh, senshi, I must tell you this! Everyone says it is unwise to do so, but... I have to!”
Jupiter: “What? I mean, how much worse can it get?”
Love: “We lose, die painful, slow deaths, the Nega Galaxy and our Galaxy get destroyed, and everyone will die.”
Jupiter: “Thank you for that ray of sunshine, Love, next time I feel the need to be depressed, I’ll give you a call.”
Love: “My pleasure Jupiter.”
Angie: “Well, Love is right... but I just think it is better if you know.”
Earth: “Know what? Spit it out Angie!”
Angie: “Well, there are two more senshi that belong to the Lost senshi.”
Earth: “How do you know?”
Angie: “I... I just do. There is no time to explain. Please, you have to fight the war!”
Star: “We will, but as soon as we get back, we’ll talk... right?”
Solaris: “That sounds good to me!”
Orion: “Right on!”
Moon: “Wait! We need a plan!”
Earth: “I think it is best if we split up, the Lost senshi and the Inner senshi.”
Mercury: “Maybe it is better if we all stay together…”
Jupiter: “No, if we find the monster we’ll call you, you call us if you find it. We have to split up Mercury, there is so much to be done!”
Star: “Jupiter’s right!”
Earth: “All right, let’s go!”
As soon as the senshi leave the palace, they go to different directions. Soon, however, they see that they need to split up even more! The people, as well as the slaves, have created demons. Earth quickly tells Sailor Moon, and soon, they split up in pairs of two. Sailor Orion and Sailor Hope, Sailor Love and Sailor Star, and Sailor Solaris and Sailor Earth. The Inner senshi also split up. Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter go together, Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury team up in threes.
The first challenge (3 demons) faces Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars. (The demons aren’t pretty, just as in the real Sailor Moon series ^_^).
Mars: “There is one! Sailor Moon, behind you!”
Mercury: “Mercury Aqua Super Freezing!”
Mars: “Just in time! Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!”
Mercury: “He is all yours Sailor Moon!”
Moon: “Moon Scepter Escalation!”
While that demon disappears, a new one appears. Jupiter and Venus aren’t having much more luck.
Jupiter: “There’s another one Venus! Jupiter Plasma Thunder Sizzle!”
Venus: “Venus Love Tears Drop! Jupiter, there, another one!”
Sailor Orion and Sailor Hope are not having more luck.
Hope: “Hope Blessing Rip!”
A light green triangles emerge from Hope’s open arms that are pointed to the sky and surround the enemy. After they attach to its body, they start to tear it apart, and the demon can’t move. Sailor Orion looks impressed. Sailor Hope explains.
Hope: “If you leave them on long enough, they will eventually destroy it.”
Orion: “Awesome! But, now look what lil’ol’ me can do! Orion Constellation Stars Combine and Destroy!”
Meanwhile, Sailors Love and Star also have the same problem of too many demons.
Love: “Watch out! Love Nebula Blind! That will keep them busy for a while!”
Star: “Yup! Black Hole Crush!”
Sailor Solaris sets on to her very first attack, Sailor Earth, while using her Scepter, watches. She stands with her hands open, pointing to the ground, at a slight angle of her body. She looks down, then, she slowly raises her head.
Solaris: “Solaris Spicule Burn!”
Then, from under her feet, rising over her body, a huge flame comes forth. Then, it travels in a straight line towards the demon. Sailor Earth applauds.
Earth: “Not bad for a Beginner.” ^_^
Solaris: “Who are you calling a beginner?” ^_^
This goes on for a little while, until Sailor Mars has enough of it. She tells Sailor Moon they should use a Sailor Planet Power. She agrees, and soon all the Inners are standing in a circle, while they lured most of the demons towards them. Then, they set on to the Sailor Planet Power.
Mercury: “Mercury Star Power!”
Mars: “Mars Star Power!”
Jupiter: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Venus: “Venus Star Power!”
Moon: “Moon Crystal Power!”
All: “Sailor Planet Power!”
As hundreds of demons get destroyed at once, Sailor Earth quickly summons her own team and they lure all demons close to them. Then, they try the Lost Senshi Power.
Orion: “You guys ready? Love? Ok, Orion Magical Power!”
Love: “Love Magical Power!”
Star: “Star Magical Power!”
Hope: “Hope Magical Power!”
Solaris: “Solaris Magical Power!”
Earth: “Earth Magical Power!”
All: “Lost Senshi Power!”
Also the Lost Senshi Power has it’s effect. The scouts finally think they are done, when the sky seems to become even darker then it already is, the crimson of the blood becomes redder, the skin of the dead becomes even paler, the look on their faces more tired and broken, and the thought of death becomes scarier. Sailor Earth turns so pale, her gray blue eyes are looking more like stormy waters then ever. Her mind races at the speed of light, her eyes widen and her breath becomes shallower. A huge (and I mean HUGE!!!) silhouette becomes visible on the horizon. It is huge, dark, and scary. With each step the shadow takes, the black earth trembles. The senshi can’t believe their eyes. It is at least five stories high… Sailor Solaris takes Sailor Earth’s trembling hand, she nods reassuring. ‘Yes, we will fight it with you. We will die with you!’ Sailor Earth finds also comfort in Sailor Moon’s eyes. Then, she nods to the Lost Senshi, and they again try a Lost Senshi Power, as Sailor Moon does the same. It isn’t strong enough, they are too tired. Then, Sailor Earth takes Sailor Moon’s hand, and Sailor Orion takes Sailor Mars’ hand.
All: “Senshi Attack!”
This time, with this attack, the demon receives a huge blow. Its body slowly turns to dust, as rays of pink, green, blue, brown, red, black, yellow and orange burst through its stomach and his scream is swallowed by the huge light that makes the whole town glow. The blackness slowly vanishes, and gradually, as the whole planet is covered with the senshi’s colors, the senshi let go of each others hands, then the colors disappear again. But now, now the planet is full of life. Plants and animals are everywhere one looks. The palace isn’t black anymore, now it is green and blue, rivers flow around it, and a huge garden surrounds the palace. The corpses are gone, now, a small street with people and shops is created. Children are running happy through the streets, and old men sit on benches in front of the shops. The Nega slaves are gone, too. They are send back to Earth. Sailor Earth smiles to Sailor Moon.
Moon: “It… it’s… beautiful!”
Mars: “Yeah, unlike anything I’ve ever seen!”
Mercury: “It seems we’ve done it! We actually did it!”
Venus: “Awesome! I never thought we were capable of such things! This is really… great!”
Jupiter: “Great? It’s fantastic! It’s unbelievable, grandiose, just plain impressive!”
Star: “Yes, it is! I never thought… we all together did this, not as Inners and Lost, but as senshi, all together… I’m so proud of us!”
Orion: “I am too! You guys are all… all so super!”
Solaris: “Yeah, we really rocked… together. I feel… at home… as if this made us better friends!”
Love: “In a way… in a way it did, didn’t it? It made all of us work together, and even Hope and Solaris! Haha!”
Hope: “You know what, pipsqueak, you’re absolutely, totally, completely right!”
Love: “Hey!”
Laughing, they walk into the palace where Angie is awaiting them. She looks very happy. The senshi are a little stunned.
Hope: “Shouldn’t you be gone too?”
Angie: “Well, as the portal opened in front of me, I thought: ‘This is it! This is what you’ve been waiting for, for so incredibly long!’ But it wasn’t! I don’t want to leave, I want to stay here. The people have even thought of me as their Queen…”
Hope: “Oh, Angie, that is magnificent! I’m so happy for you!”
Moon: “So am I! but we really ought to go back…”
Angie: “Yes… oh, and two more things! The people who were here have no memory whatsoever of this place nor their adventures here… it is as if they just… disappeared, and now they reappeared. And the second thing: there still are two senshi who are… lost… for you to find!”
All: “Arigato [Jap. For Thank you]!”
After that, a portal opens, and with one last hug, the senshi are gone too. Once home, they thank the sisters for all they have done and then leave for Florie’s place. There, muffins, tea and pancakes are served. The senshi discuss the last two Lost senshi.
Amy: “I think we should look for them… it might be hard now though, since we have no opponents.”
Hathor: “Well, then we’ll just have to dress up as Nega Trash and pretend to be bad!”
Robby: “Alright, I want to be Hera!”
At that comment everyone has to laugh. Robby as Hera, who transformed her into a cat, fighting for the dark side. But Sandra soon is serious again.
Sandra: “Amy is right, we will have to find them, one way or another. I say that is our new mission… what do you guys think?”
Serena: “Oh, another mission? We’ve just finished one!”
Robby: “That, my dearest bubble head, is why we need a new one. That is what we were reincarnated for!”
Raye: “Yeah, Meatball head!”
Serena: “Oh, why do you two always have to be so mean to me?”
Hathor: “I think it is because you’re asking for it!”
Serena: “Oh! You little fungus!”
Reeny: “Hey Serena! Hey you guys! Guess what, I think I can go back to my mommy! Luna-P said so!”
Serena: “What? Oh, hi Reeny, I didn’t hear you come in… back? Already? Oh, honey, I’m going to miss you!”
Reeny: “I’ll miss you too! And Darien!”
Darien: “Oh, but Reeny, sweetie, we’ll see each other soon again!”
Reeny: “Yeah, well, I’ll see all of you in the future!”
All: “Bye Reeny!”
After that, Reeny yells: ‘Time Key, take me home!’ and soon after that, she starts to vanish and she is gone. Serena can’t help crying, and Hathor also has tears in her eyes. Darien holds Serena while Robby holds Hathor. Florie tries her best to reassure them that they’ll see each other in the future again. Caprice agrees with Florie. And after that, Lita serves another plate of muffins, and Serena is consoled a little.
The End