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The Enemy Within

Ms. Gold sits with Florie, Robby, and Star and is having another of her reading lessons. Lita and Serena burst in during the middle of a recital by Robby, which she isn’t too happy about.
Robby: “Why, thank you Bubble head, because of you I just forgot the line I was on!”
Serena: “Well, pardon me, you are way to serious about that Poem though!”
Robby: “Why? Because I was reciting it and want a good grade, and actually get one, that’s normal right? Oh, but then again, you don’t, you just don’t care, do you?!”
Florie: “You guys, stop it. What are you doing here anyway?”
Lita: “We were thinking you’d like to go with us to the Principal’s office.”
Star: “Correct me when I’m wrong, but doesn’t Serena hate the Principal’s office? A point where I totally agree with her! How is it fun to sit in front of an old man with a big belly and no hair who just scorns at you all the time?”
Ms. Gold: “Star! He is a very charming man…”
Star: “No, he’s boring!”
Serena: “So, can we go?”
Ms. Gold: “Oh, yes, I totally forgot about that! Yes, you three should go!”
Florie, Star + Robby: “WHAT?”
Robby: “You know about this, don’t you Ms. Gold?”
Ms. Gold: “I? I do not know of anything!”
Shortly after that, the five girls are sitting in the Principal’s office. He actually is an old man with a big belly and no hair. He greets the girls friendly and soon comes to the reason of this ‘meeting’.
Principal: “Well, we are getting a new student. She’s not from around here, and the Karinin-San has a room for her. But what this kid needs is a couple of friends. Her father died a couple of years ago, and her mother ran away when she was little. She is Japanese, but she’s lived most of her years in China with her aunt. Now, she decided to come back to Japan, and she’ll attend this school. I was thinking we need someone who is going to show her around. I was thinking of Amy, but she needs to study, so I decided on Florie, Robby and Star. But Lita and Serena can also kind of… help her out. You guys seem to be pretty tight.”
Lita: “We’d love to help you out!”
Serena: “Of course! I just hope she likes muffins!”
Robby: “Even if she likes muffins, that doesn’t mean she stuffs her face with them like you do Bubble head!”
Serena: “Oh! I hate you Roberta!”
Robby: (sticks out her tongue) “At least I don’t stuff my face with muffins!”
Star: “Anyway, where is that student now?”
Principal: “Uh, in the other room. Her name is Cassandra Kim. ”
Florie: “Well… let’s get introduced, shall we?”
Principal: “Ok, Cassandra, would you please come in here.”
From the other room emerges a girl, not much taller then Serena. Her hair is long and black, it falls over her shoulders and it looks very soft. Her eyes are also black and they look sad. She looks very delicate in her school uniform. She isn’t like anyone any of the five girls have ever met. She doesn’t talk much, and when the Principal tells her that these girls are going to show her around, she doesn’t even show emotion.
Florie: *thinking* “Wow! she’s pretty cold. Must be cause what happened to her parents.”
Star: “Well, Cassandra, come on. We’ll show you to your room.”
Cassandra merely nodes. Then, she follows the five girls. She is quiet all the time, however, she does listen to what Lita and Star tell her. She even smiles when Robby and Serena are arguing. On the way to Drew, the one who manages the uniforms, they meet Amy. She’s in a hurry to get to class, and only manages to nod and give them a strange look. Finally, they arrive at Drew’s. He can, of course, fit Cassandra into a Uniform without knowing her size. She still looks different though. She’s so delicate… Amy disrupts the complementing by bursting through the door and making wild gestures while she tries to catch her breath.
Lita: “Amy! What’s up?”
Star: “Yeah, is there something big happening out there? What’s going on?!”
Serena: “You look exhausted!”
Amy: “Well… Mr. Howell… the lounge… Ms. Gold… fighting…”
Serena: “Do I speak for all of us if I say: huh?!?!”
Amy: “Mr. Howell, her boyfriend, just told her he’s breaking off the engagement!”
Robby: “What engagement?”
Star: “Why?”
Amy: “They just got engaged this morning, I have no idea why!”
Serena: “Maybe he loves someone else… maybe he’s found his soul mate, just not in Ms. Gold…”
Robby: “Bubble head, first, that is way harsh, and second, they are made for each other!”
Amy: “No, Ms. Gold thinks he has a Mistress…”
Serena: “Mr. Howell? No way!”
Star: “Let’s not fight about it, let’s just go look!”
Cassandra: “Who is she?”
The girls, except Amy, are shocked. This is the first thing she’s said since she came. Her voice is so soft, so breakable. Serena quickly explains to her who Ms. Gold is.
Cassandra: “We have to save their engagement.”
With those words, they were nearly whispered, she runs out the door and away tot he playground. She’s fast and very athletic. Serena, Amy and Star have trouble keeping up with her. Florie, Robby and Lita on the other hand, are right behind her. When they finally get to the playground, they are surprised at what they see. Cassandra takes the hands of Ms. Gold and Mr. Howell, while she whispers soft words no one can understand. After that, they fall into each other’s arms and kiss. The senshi are amazed.
Lita: “Boy, Mina and Hathor are going to cook when they hear this!”
A little while later, when school is out and Serena’s out of detention, the senshi invite Cassandra over to Florie’s café. She accepts and they walk all together. On the way down they meet Hathor, Artemis, Mina and Caprice. Raye, Luna and Sandra are already at the café. They introduce each other and then, after a little small talk, they finally get to the point.
Mina: “So, are you a senshi? A Sailor Scout? The Sailor of Love Healing or something? You can’t be the Sailor of Love you know…”
Luna: “And certainly not with those powers…”
Artemis: “Yeah, that’s way weird… so, who… what are you? A traitor?”
Cassandra: “N…No, I am not the Sailor of Love Healing, nor the Sailor of Love, nor a traitor. I am Sailor Invidia.”
Florie, Luna and Amy’s eyes widen. They stare at each other. Then, they look back at Cassandra.
Luna: “The Sailor of Jealousy? I never knew there was a senshi for a dark power! That can’t be!”
Cassandra turns red and begins to pluck at her sweater.
Cassandra: “Well, I see you learned your Latin. Yes, I am the Sailor of Jealousy.”
Mina: “Oh, but that isn’t too bad. I mean, there is a Sailor for Hope, who can make people lose or gain hope… it’s maybe the same with jealousy. Or like you said, invidious.”
Amy: “Invidia.”
Mina: “Huh?”
Amy: “Invidia, not invidious.”
Mina: “Haha, I knew that, I was just testing you!”
Artemis: “Riiiiight… what Planet are you on?”
Mina: “Oh, be quiet Artemis! I never had Latin before!”
Hathor: “Looks like now we’re three that deal with love.”
Serena: “Hey! That is my power, too!”
Luna: “If only you knew how to use it…”
Serena: “Hey! I was the one who defeated Queen Beryl!”
Lita: “Only with our help…”
Raye: “Let’s not fight about that! Anyway, how long have you been a senshi?”
Cassandra: “Uhm, since I can remember… That is why my parents died… they knew too much.”
Florie: “Oh, I am sorry!”
Cassandra: “It’s ok.”
Robby: “But, now we have no enemies anymore… so… what are we going to do?”
Cassandra: “I wouldn’t be too sure of that. Look there!”
It’s true, outside stands a hideous monster who is draining the energy of all the people on the street. The senshi run upstairs and change.
Florie: “Earth Magical Power! Luna, Artemis, watch your backs!”
Luna: “Sure thing. Be careful.”
Artemis: “Yeah, wouldn’t want to see you with a broken leg…”
Serena: “Thanks for your faith and encouragement, Artemis! We’ll be sure to save your butt!”
Luna: “Better stop chatting and transform…!”
Serena: “Ok ok, Moon Crystal Power!”
Star: “Star Magical Power!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
Robby: “Orion Magical Power!”
Lita: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Hathor: “Love Magical Power!”
Mina: “Venus Star Power!”
Caprice: “Solaris Magical Power!”
Raye: “Mars Star Power!”
Sandra: “Hope Magical Power!”
Cassandra: “I call upon emotion Invidia! Invidia Magical Star Power!”
Florie is a little alarmed with her transformation, since she’s using the Inner senshi transformation phrase and the one of a Lost Senshi. Except for the first part of course. But she ignores it, running downstairs followed by the rest of the senshi. Then, they start to attack, only to discover that there are at least 11 more demons. That means for every senshi there is a demon. Sailor Earth nods to the senshi, giving them the sign to split up.
Earth: “I’ll take that one! Let’s get them out of the city!”
Invidia: “Sure thing!”
They lead them out of the city, and as soon as they are out, they attack.
Mars: “Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!”
Jupiter: “Jupiter Plasma Thunder Sizzle!”
Mars: “It’s no use, they are to strong for one senshi alone!”
Jupiter: “Let’s team up! Mars?”
Mars: “Love to!”
Solaris: “Solaris Spicule Burn! Hope?”
Hope: “I’m with ya! Hope Blessing Rip!”
Love: “Orion?”
Orion: “Orion Star Belt Secure! Your turn! I’ll hold him!”
Love: “Heart Crystals Fly!”
Orion: “Orion Stars Combine and Destroy!”
Love: “Dream Team! Next?”
Mercury: “Venus?”
Venus: “Actually, I’ll try to go with Invidia.”
Mercury: “Uh, ok. Star?”
Star: “Black Hole Crush!”
Mercury: “Mercury Aqua Super Freezing!”
Invidia: “Invidus Oculus Acutus!”
Venus: “Cool! Venus Love Tears!”
Moon: “Moon Scepter Escalation!”
Earth: “I’ll take the other one! Earth Scepter of Life and Death, Power Up!”
At the end, only Sailor Moon, Earth, Invidia and Venus, and Love and Orion destroyed each a monster.
Hope: “Four down, seven to go!”
Invidia: “Let’s try this: Melior Invidus Oculus Acutus!”
Love: “Wow! Correction, five down, six to go!”
Earth: “Earth Scepter of Live and Death, Power Up!”
Luna: “See that Artemis! They have worked well together up to now. Invidia is quite something.”
Artemis: “Yes, but I don’t have a too good feeling about her. She seems… I don’t know… evil. We better keep an eye one her!”
This battle goes on, and a new one starts, the battle between Sailor Earth and Sailor Invidia. The rest of the senshi try their best to keep the monsters busy. When the battle is finally ended, they are breathless.
Invidia: “Well, seems like the lost senshi have gotten a new leader, huh?”
Earth: “WHAT? What the hell are you talking about? I am the leader!”
Invidia: “No, the best should be the leader, the strongest, and that is me!”
Earth: “No way! And my friends would never allow that! Right?”
Earth: “WHAT? You guys are on her side?”
Invidia: “You’re jealous!”
Earth: “Am not!”
Invidia: “I know jealousy when I see it!”
Earth: “Guys, say something!”
Venus: “I think you are jealous. She is the stronger one of you two, she should be the leader!”
Earth: “Stay out of this Venus! You are not a Lost Senshi!”
Invidia: “Well, see, that is the problem. You make such a difference between Lost and Inner Senshi.”
Earth: “Is that so? But I was the first of the Lost Senshi! I am the real Princess of the Moon! I am the one who should have married Darien! I am the one who-”
Moon: “Earth, what are you talking about? I am the Princess of the Moon!”
Invidia: “See, she’s crazy… she’s not thinking straight! She can’t be leader!”
Sailor Earth throws a look through the circle. Luna throws a look to Artemis, they come down to the senshi, but they stay quiet.
Earth: “Orion, Star and Hope know! Ask them!”
Orion: “Well, you always said you weren’t the Princess anymore…”
Hope: “Yeah, and you don’t even like Darien…”
Star: “And you also never wanted to act like Sailor Moon’s sister.”
Moon: “Sister?! You’ve got to be kidding? An ice block as sister! And never telling me! Thanks a lot! What, am I too klutzy for you, or too ditzy?!”
Earth: “No! No way! I just thought… it would make the others uncomfortable-”
Mars: “Gee, what a sis you’ve got there, Sailor Moon. I wouldn’t want her to be my sis either!”
Solaris: “Who wants Invidia as leader?”
Everyone but Sailor Mercury’s hand goes up.
Love: “Well, it seems we’ve got another traitor here!”
Mercury: “I am not! You guys are all nuts, that is what you are!”
Just as Love is about to slap Mercury, a rose brushes over her hand, which she pulls back immediately. Tuxedo Mask is standing a little further away.
TM: “Shame on all of you! Turning against your friends! Sailor Earth is right, she was the first Lost Senshi, and I believe what she said! Sailor Moon, come to your senses. The only traitor here is Sailor Invidia! She’s transformed you all to enemies of Sailor Earth!”
Luna: “Yes, that is right1 You guys shouldn’t fight! It’s Invidia who you should fight! Earth is your leader!”
Star: “No way! She’s way too bossy anyway!”
Mars: “Yeah, even over us!”
Mercury: “That’s not true! You guys-”
Invidia: “I promise, I will join the Inner and Lost Senshi together!”
Moon: “A leader of all of us! Yeah! Who wants her?”
Artemis: “Stop this!”
Again, everyone except Sailor Mercury and Tuxedo Mask raise their hands. Sailor Earth looks disappointed.
Earth: “Fine! You guys become a team! I will not! I’d rather die!”
Artemis: “You guys are all crazy! I will stay with Sailor Earth!”
Luna: “And so will I!”
Artemis: “Yeah! Let’s go Sailor Earth.”
Moon: “And you, Tuxedo Mask? Who will it be? The senshi or the traitors?”
TM: “The senshi!”
With those words, he turns and walks away together with Sailor Mercury and Sailor Earth.
Venus: “Sorry Tuxedo Mask, we’re enemies now!”
Sailor Earth, Sailor Mercury, Luna, Artemis and Tuxedo Mask walk back to Florie’s Café. There, they transform back. Florie takes a few boxes with her up to the apartment.
Amy: “What are you doing?”
Florie: “I’m packing my stuff.”
Amy: “I can see that, but why?”
Florie: “They’ll be back any minute. Could you please take that wallet over there.”
Amy: “Yeah.”
Florie: “How much is in it?”
Amy: “300’000 Yen are in here.”
Florie: “That’s 3’000 dollars, yeah, that should be enough.”
Darien: “I’ll get my car, you can stay at my place.”
Florie: “That’d be nice.”
Darien: “See you in a little while.”
Amy: “This is so strange. I mean, with our friends turning against us… You’ve got an idea about that, don’t you?”
Florie: “Yeah, I do. Leave the money on the table, give me my wallet please.”
Amy: “You’re going to leave them the money?”
Florie: “Yeah, it’s not them. I think its Invidia. Jealousy can make best friends enemies.”
Amy: “Yeah, that’s true. Now, the only problem is to find out how we can de-brainwash them. Maybe the new senshi could help us, when we find her.”
Florie: “Let’s just hope she isn’t evil.”
Amy: “Good point.”