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Chapter 20

Everybody needs a place
To rest
Everybody wants to have
A home
Don’t make no difference what nobody says
Ain’t nobody like to be
Alone …
-Bruce Springsteen, “Hungry Heart”

Iris looked in her mother’s full-length bedroom mirror for the hundredth time that day while Taryn sat on the bed and watched in amusement.

Iris was still unsure that her outfit, a black DKNY sweater and black and white checked, knee-length skirt, was right. The Zac Hanson was going to walk through her door in fifteen minutes. And her mother hadn’t allowed her to tell anyone, not even her best friend Melissa.

“Are you sure I look okay?” Iris asked.

“You’re adorable,” Taryn said, enveloping her daughter in a hug. “You’re always adorable.”

“Mom, please,” Iris said, wriggling out of her mother’s embrace and smoothing her perfect French braid. “You’ll muss my hair.”

“Heaven forbid!”

Just then, the doorbell rang.

“Oh my God,” Iris whispered fiercely. “It’s THEM!”

Taryn nodded. “It very well could be. You want to go let them in?”

Iris’ eyes grew wide. “Okay,” she croaked.

Taryn followed her daughter from several paces back, and stopped to watch Iris take a deep breath and smooth down her sweater before she flung open the door to reveal all three Hansons standing in front of her. “Oh, wow,” she said, before she could help herself.

“You must be Iris,” Isaac offered.


“I’m Isaac.”

“I know.”

Taryn decided everyone had squirmed long enough.

“Hey!” she said, stepping up behind Iris. “Let me take your coats.”

After the coats were safely stashed in Camilla’s bedroom, Taryn and Iris showed the Hansons to the living room. The three young men took quick stock of their surroudings: deep mahogany paneling, stone fireplace, white overstuffed furnishings.

Taylor was struck by the shiny white lacquer baby grand piano, which sat regally in a corner under a large window.

“Wow,” he said. “That’s beautiful.”

“I take lessons on it,” Iris piped up.

Taryn smiled. She knew Iris’ tongue wouldn’t stay tied long. She was also making a mental note that Isaac and Zac seemed quite interested in the framed Monet and Picasso prints that hung on the wall. She thought perhaps she would suggest a trip to an art museum later in the week.

“I’m going to go get my mom and introduce you,” she said, heading for the kitchen.

Taryn walked down the hallway and stuck her head through the swinging kitchen door. “Hey, mom, our guests are here.”
Camilla Mathews smiled and wiped her hands on a towel.

“I’m doing this for you,” she said. “But I’m not convinced that Tori isn’t right about this.”

“Not tonight, Mom,” Taryn said gently.

As Camilla and Taryn approached the living room, they could hear the faint tinkling of the piano. They quietly peeked in to see Iris sitting next to Taylor on the piano bench. Zac had pulled up a chair next to Iris, and Isaac leaned on the piano. Taylor was playing, and they were all singing Iris’ favorite Hanson song, “More Than Anything.”

Taryn and Camilla watched the beautiful moment silently as they sang their hearts out, all four of them lifting their young voices to the sky.

I’d do things
That can’t be done
I’d fly to the moon and then
Around the sun
If you’d just say that
I’m the one
I’d do anything …

When the quiet last notes of the song faded out, Camilla and Taryn gave the quartet a round of applause.

“Hey, that was great,” Taryn said. “Guys, this is my mother, Camilla. This is Isaac, Taylor and Zac.”

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Isaac said, extending his hand. He then subtly motioned for his younger brothers to follow suit.

“Thank you very much for having us,” Zac said obediently, his brown eyes sparkling.

“You are very welcome, sweetheart,” Camilla said. Taryn could tell she had fallen in love with all three boys, but that she might just develop a soft spot for Zac.

“Dinner’s ready. Should we eat?”

On to Chapter 21
Back to Chapter 19