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Chapter 21

There are places I remember
All my life
Though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some are gone
And some remain …
-The Beatles, “In My Life”

The conversation at dinner was lively, and Taryn could tell Camilla was having a good time in spite of herself.

After they were finished eating, Taylor and Zac insisted on doing the dishes, and Iris insisted on helping them. As they scurried off to the kitchen, Camilla, Taryn and Isaac sat around the table talking.

When the dishes were done, they all retired to the living room, where Iris suggested a rousing game of Uno.

“Oh, not for me,” Camilla said, stifling a yawn. “It’s been wonderful meeting you, but I think I’m going to excuse myself and go watch TV in bed until I fall asleep.”

On impulse, Zac gave Camilla a quick hug. “Thank you again,” he said.

“Yeah, Mrs. Mathews, thanks so much,” Taylor called from where he lay on his stomach on the living room floor.

“It was very nice to meet you,” Isaac added.

Camilla smiled. “I hope we can do it again soon. Goodnight.”

Taryn and Isaac also begged off the card game, so Iris, Zac and Taylor sat in a circle on the floor and began dealing cards. Isaac helped Taryn build a fire in the stone fireplace, and they sat together on the overstuffed white couch.

"Do you think we passed the mom test?" Isaac asked.

Taryn smiled. "With flying colors," she said. "Especially the little one."

Isaac leaned back on the couch and looked at Taryn.

“So, what happened at work today that was exciting?”

“Oh, not much,” Taryn said.

Isaac sat up straight.

“Taryn, is something wrong? You’ve been acting kind of funny.”

Taryn sighed. “Kind of.”

Isaac felt the panic rise in him. "Is is me?"

Taryn looked somber. "In a way, yes."

“Tell me.”

Taryn gave Isaac a long look. “We got the invitations for our black tie Christmas party at work today.”


Taryn rolled her eyes. “And, I’m depressed that you won’t be here to take me.”

Isaac felt relief wash over him. “You didn’t ask me.”

Taryn’s eyes narrowed. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that this is your party, and that if you want me to take you, you have to ask me. It’s kind of like Sadie Hawkin’s Day in December.”

Taryn looked at Isaac like he was a complete nutcase. “You don’t even know when it is.”

“Okay, I’ll bite. When is it?”

“The nineteenth.”

“I’m free.”

“How will you get here?”

“I’ll fly in the day before. I’m 18, Taryn. I’m an adult. I’m going to tell my parents about us, and I will be here to take you to that party.”

“You’re crazy.”

“About you,” Isaac said before he could stop himself. Taryn raised her eyebrows.

“Um, what color is your dress? I need to get a tux to match.”

Taryn grinned. “I think I’ll wear green. I think I read somewhere that green is my favorite rock and roll star’s favorite color.”

Isaac smiled. “It’s a date.”

He reached for Taryn’s hand, and she laid her head on his shoulder. They stayed that way for the rest of the evening, as they watched Iris whip Tay and Zac’s behinds at Uno.

On to Chapter 22
Back to Chapter 20