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Chapter 23

And I don’t want the world
To see me
‘Cause I don’t think
That they’d understand
Well everything’s made to be broken
I just want you to know
Who I am …
-Goo Goo Dolls, “Iris”

Isaac took a cab over to the Mathews’ townhouse after his plane arrived in New York and he had checked into his hotel and called home to assure them that he had gotten in okay.

Iris opened the door, smiling widely. “Hey, kid,” he said, hugging her. “Sorry I had to leave your friends at home this time.”

“That’s okay,” Iris said. “Gram and I are leaving early in the morning for Aunt Tori’s. We’ll be there for three days.”

Isaac’s heart jumped. He hadn’t realized that he and Taryn would be alone after the party tomorrow night; that she wouldn’t need to get right home.


“Yeah. It’s not as much fun as hanging out with Zac and Taylor was, but I’ll get presents,” she said with a sly smile.

“Do you like presents?”

“Of course.”

Isaac reached inside his coat and produced a small box wrapped in red and gold foil paper. “Your buddies from Tulsa sent this along,” he said as he reached into the other side of his coat, and retrieved another small box, this one wrapped in green foil. “And this one is from me.”

“Thank you!” Iris squealed, running into the living room. Isaac followed, and marveled at how pretty Taryn looked. She was just wearing a big New York Knicks sweatshirt and leggings, and her hair was pulled back in a thick ponytail. She was stretched out on the couch watching TV, and the only other light was coming from the fire in the fireplace. As always, he couldn’t believe he was lucky enough that she would be interested in him.

“Mom, Isaac brought me presents from him and Zac and Taylor,” Iris said as she bounced on the couch.

Taryn hadn’t even heard the doorbell. “You’re here!” she said, jumping to hug Isaac.

“Hey, where’s your mom? I've got some presents for her, too.”

“It’s after nine, and she’s getting up early,” Taryn explained. “She told me to apologize to you, but said she’d see you next time.”

“Can I open my presents?” Iris asked impatiently.

“Of course you can,” Isaac said. “They don’t do you much good wrapped.”

Iris carefully tore the paper from Isaac’s package. “The paper is so pretty,” she said.

Inside the paper was a box from Tiffany & Co.

“Oh, Isaac,” whispered Taryn.

Iris lifted a necklace out of the box, awestruck. She knew instantly it was a flower of some kind. It had a gold stem, two petals made of amethysts and a center made of a citrine. She inspected it closer.

“It’s an iris!” she shrieked.

“I had it made for you when I was here last,” Isaac said. “Do you like it?”

Iris flung herself at Isaac.

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she said.

Taryn was starting to tear up. God, this man was beautiful.

“Open the other one,” she said to Iris.

Taylor and Zac’s box contained tiny earrings that exactly matched the necklace Isaac had given Iris. “One from each of them,” Isaac said.

“You remember to send a thank-you card,” Taryn said.

“I will.”

Taryn gave Iris an apologetic look. “You have to get up early. You should go to bed.”

Iris frowned at her mother. “Mom, if you want to be alone, you can just say so.”

“Don’t be smart.”

“Can Isaac put my necklace on me first?”

Isaac got up and clasped the necklace around Iris’ throat. She fingered the stones, and looked at the jewelry in disbelief. “Thank you,” she whispered. ”Goodnight.”

After Iris was tucked in bed, Taryn and Isaac sat together on the couch.

“I just happen to have a little something for Mom, too,” he said.

“I’ve heard that before.”

“I’m serious.”

Isaac handed Taryn a small square box.

“You didn’t have to do this.”

“I wanted to. Open it. I’ve been sitting on it for almost two weeks. I can’t wait anymore.”

Taryn took the box from Isaac, and carefully tore the paper from it. Like Iris’ gifts, it had come from Tiffany.

Taryn removed the lid, and caught her breath. Inside the box were two gold hair combs, crusted with emeralds and topaz.

“They’re our birthstones,” Isaac said quietly.

Taryn nodded, tears stinging her eyes. “I know.”

“I love your hair, and I knew you were wearing green tomorrow night. I had them made for you.”

“They’re gorgeous.”

Taryn lifted her watery eyes to meet Isaac’s, which were also filling with tears.

“Hey,” she said. “I read in an interview that you said you’re not a guy who cries easily.”

“I’m not,” he said.

Isaac took Taryn in his arms, and they sat there, wordlessly holding each other until the fire burned out and the room grew dark around them.

On to Chapter 24
Back to Chapter 22