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Chapter 24

No I’ve never come close
In all of these years
Are the only one to stop
My tears
And I’m so scared
I’m so scared …
-Wham!, “A Different Corner”

“Ow! Could you please be just a little gentler?” Taryn’s head was throbbing as Gregor pulled and tugged at her hair.

“It’s got to be good and tight, or it won’t stay,” Gregor said patiently. “You know you’ve got a squirrely head of hair.”

Taryn had been unable to think of anything to do with her hair for the Rutner Christmas party, so she had enlisted Gregor’s help. She knew that she wanted to keep most of it down and wear the combs Isaac had given her, but she had never been much good at coming up with exciting hairdos. She normally just washed her hair and let the curls air dry.

When she had shown Gregor the combs, he had let out a low whistle.

“Serious,” he said. “These were not cheap. Most kids his age would have had to have saved their allowance for years to afford these.”

Taryn had not appreciated Gregor’s humor.

But still, he was the only one she trusted to make her look presentable, and to give her a style worthy of being worn with Isaac’s beautiful gift.

Taryn sat on the bench in front of her vanity in her favorite white terry cloth robe, watching in the mirror as Gregor twisted large sections of hair on both sides of her head, pulled them back, and began fastening them with the combs.

“These really are stunning,” he admitted.

Taryn smiled. “I know. You should have seen me when I opened them … I was literally breathless. I got him a pewter picture frame with a picture of him and his brothers and Iris and me that was taken when he was here earlier this month, and a Knicks sweatshirt. I felt so incredibly cheap.”

“What did he think of them?”

“He loved them, of course. At least he said he did.”

“Then I’m sure he did.”

Gregor brushed out the back of Taryn’s coppery hair until it was smooth and shiny. He sprayed the sides, and tried to wiggle the combs. When he was satisfied that they were in place to stay, he backed up to look at his creation.

“You’re beautiful,” he sighed.

Taryn grinned. “I feel like Elizabeth Taylor with these baubles on. I’ve never had anything this nice.”

Gregor smiled at his friend. “You deserve nice things. You also deserve to have a great time at this party tonight.”

“I will.”

Gregor leaned over to kiss Taryn. “I’ll see you around seven?”

“Is that what time Cam and the limo will be here?”

“That’s what he says. He’s picking Ron and I up at quarter till, then we’re heading over here.”

“Okay. See you then.”

Alone with her thoughts, Taryn went to her closet and pulled out the dress she had bought for the party. She hoped Isaac would approve.

The dress was made of deep emerald green crushed velvet, Taryn’s favorite material. It was a simple floor-length sheath with long sleeves, and the scoop neckline was lined with white rhinestones. She had had low-heeled pumps dyed to match it, and had splurged on a white faux fur wrap.

Taryn decided she had better get dressed.

“I wonder what Isaac is up to right now,” she thought out loud.


Isaac clipped the emerald green bow tie around his neck, and stood back to survey himself in the full-length mirror.

If he dared to say so himself, he thought he cleaned up pretty well. The black tux with tails, accented with the green tie and cummerbund were a far cry from the jeans and funky button-down shirts he usually favored, but he almost thought the look suited him.

He had considered wearing his long blond hair in the usual ponytail, but then thought better of it. He remembered Taryn saying that she liked his hair down, and he really wanted her to think he looked good.

Isaac sat on the edge of the hotel room bed, and eyed the overnight bag sitting next to him. He didn’t want to be presumptuous, but he was intrigued by the fact that Camilla and Iris would be gone for the next couple of days. He was unsure of what that meant, and he had wanted to be prepared.

After Iris’ announcement the evening before, Isaac had stopped at a drug store on the way back to his hotel. He had never shopped for condoms before, and was baffled by the amazing variety available. He had stood in front of the wall for a good 15 minutes, just reading packages. He was glad he had found an all-night drug store; he was alone and could browse uninterrupted.

Isaac had finally decided to purchase a box of condoms that looked very simple. They were not lubricated, not ribbed, not colored. In the time that he had spent with her, he had come to deduce that Taryn subscribed to the less is more theory about most everything; she was relatively unimpressed with bells and whistles.

Isaac took the package of contraceptives from the bag and looked at them, wondering if he would indeed need them that evening. He was anxious, yet very apprehensive. He was glad that he could park his rented Altima outside the townhouse and leave the bag in it, as Cam was arranging for a limousine to take them to the party. He didn’t have to carry his overnight bag into Taryn’s place and have her ask him what that was all about if she didn’t want him to spend the night.

Nervous, Isaac called Taylor for a quick pep talk.

“Relax, man, it’s going to be great,” Taylor enthused. “How do you look?”

Isaac glanced in the mirror again, and pulled on the gloves that went with the tux.

“Not bad.”

“You’re going to have a great time,” Taylor said. “I’ll bet Taryn is going to look hot.”

Isaac smiled. Good old Tay. “Probably.”

Taylor and Isaac talked for a few more minutes, them Isaac realized it was a little after six and he had better be going.

“Um, Tay, by the way … I may need you to cover for me. I may not be here in the morning.”

Taylor was intrigued. “Oh yeah? Why is that?”

“I may be staying at Taryn’s.”

“Her mom is okay with you taking up the couch?”

“Her mom and Iris are gone until Monday night.”

Taylor let the information process, finally realizing what his older brother was getting at. “Wow, man. That could be major.”

“It could be.”

“You nervous?”

“Of course.”

“Good luck, man. Call me later and tell me what happens.”

Isaac chuckled as he picked up his car keys. “No way, man. If it’s any good, you can buy the book like the rest of the world.”

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