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Anglo Saxon

Time Line Saxon Conquest

Viking Time Line

   Prvious Time Line
789 In this year Beorhtric [ king of Wessex ] took to wife Eadburgh, daughter of King Offa, and in his days came
  first three ships of Norwegians from Horthaland : and then the reeve rode thither and tried to compel them to go to the royal manor, for he did not know what they were and then they slew him. These were the first ships of the Danes to come to England .
828-30 King Egbert of " Wessex " was a sole monarch conquered Mercia and all that was south of the Humber he
  added Legancester as it was called by the Saxons to his dominion
865 The great Danish army landed in East Anglia c.865 led by the sons of Ragnar Lodbrok, Halfden (Healfdene )
  and Ivarr the Boneless ( Inwaer ), and perhaps Hubba within a short time they turned on Northumbria and York , conquering the ancient kingdoms of East Anglia and Northumbria and reduced Mercia to a fraction of its former size
796 796 Death of Offa
793 Danish raids on Lindisfarne, Jarrow, and lona
825 Egbert of Wessex defeats Mercia and annexes Kent, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex
870 East Anglia falls to the Danes; murder of St. Edmund

Alfred The Great

871- 899 Alfred the Great King (Ælfred) of Wessex ( House of Wessex ) The Danes attack Wessex; Alfred becomes king
874 remains of St. Werburgh were brought to Chester City to protect them
c. 874 Mercia falls to the Danes also Northumbria and East Anglia ceased to exist as Saxon domains
878 (March) The Danes drive Alfred into the Somerset marshes
c. 878 after a campaign of guerrilla warfare based at Athelney Alfred the Great prevented further Danish conquest
  by,defeating them at Edington - May Alfred defeats the Danes at Edington; Guthrumn is baptized
886 Alfred the Great (Ælfred) takes and refortifies London.
893 Danes reappear in Thames and Kent.
894 Alfred the Great ( Ælfred ) drives Hasting from Wessex.
893 - 894 The Danish Pirates wintered in Chester, they were driven out by Alfred the Great on their retreat they ravaged
  the City .
895 Hasting invades Mercia.
896 Alfred the Great ( Ælfred ) drives Danes from Essex.
897 Hasting quits England.
  Alfred the Great (Ælfred ) creates a fleet.
899 Death of Alfred
899 Edward the Elder becomes king of Wessex King of England
901 Eadward the Elder, (who died 925) .
907 Ethelred, Duke of Mercia, and his wife Ethelfleda rebuild and adorn with turrets the walls of the city .The
  purpose of the new fortress was to defend the area from Noresmen who were settling in the Wirral . ( Mercian Register )
908 The City walls were rebuilt by Ethelfleda Countess of Mercia who was the daughter of King Alfred and wife
  to Ethelred earl of Mercia she took control on the death of her husband and received the titles of Lord and King, she established nine castles in different parts of her kingdom,
911 Ethelred lord of the Mercians - Died .
910-20 Edward and Aethelflaed ( Æthelflaed ) reconquer most of the Danelaw
912 Northmen settle in Normandy.
913 - 918 Æthelflaed conquers Danish Mercia.
919 Norse kingdom of York is founded by Raegnald
921 Eadward subdues East Anglia and Essex. - 924 owned as overlord by Northumbria, Scots, and Strathclyde.
922 The Britons once more became masters of Chester, only to be expelled by Edward the Elder in the summer
  of 973
924 Edward the Elder significantly increased the size of his kingdom by conquering East Anglia , Mercia in 918 and
  Northumbria in 920
  Death of Edward .
925 Athelstan ( Æthelstan who died 940 ) becomes king . King of England
  born 895 succeeded his father Edward the Elder the grandson of Alfred the Great. The main event in his life was victory over his enemies at Brunanburgh in 937 he reigned for 15 years
926 Athelstan ( Æthelstan ), drives Welsh from Exeter.
928 Aethelstan and Eadred proved themselves to be competent in protecting themselves from the Danes the main
934 Athelstan ( Æthelstan ), invades Scotland.
937 Victory of Brunanburh..
939 Death of Athelstan; Edmund (Eadmund ), become king (who died 946) .
940 Dunstan begin to refound Glastonbury as a regular monastic house
943 Dunstan made Abbot of Glastonbury.
945 Cumberland granted to Malcolm, King of Scots.
946 Eadred, (who died 955).
946 Death of Edmund
954 The last king of York is deposed
954 Eadred, makes Northumbria an Earldom.
955 Edwy ( Eadwig who died 959) Saxon Line ( Ruler of England )
956 Banishment of Dunstan.
957 Revolt of Mercia under Eadgar.
959 Edgar becomes king
937 Athelstan defeats the Norse, Scots and Strathclyde Welsh at Brunanburh
958 Edgar's Chester Charter of dedication
  The grant of certain lands to a " familia " serving " Almighty God " in honour of the most holy Werburgh ever virgin in Chester , the charter allows the Canons seventeen hides of land free from all secular service and payment .
958 Eadgar, (who died 975). Saxon Line ( Ruler of England )
959 Dunstan Archbishop of Canterbury.
960 Dunstan becomes Archbishop of Canterbury C.970 Regularis Concordia is compiled
973 Edgar is crowned and consecrated, and receives the submission of British princes
  Edgar received on the Dee the homage of various inferior Saxons sovereigns according to some writers, was
  rowed from his place on the south bank of the river to the conventual church of St John by eight tributary kings
975 Death of Edgar; Edward 'the Martyr' becomes king of England (who died 978 ).
978 Ethelred ( Æthelred ) the Unready, (who died 1016) Saxon Line King of England
979 Murder of Edward; Aethelred 'the Unready' becomes king
987 - 1040 Fulk the Black, Count of Anjou.
991 The Danes defeat Alderman Byrhtnoth and the Essex levies at Maldon; treaty between England and Normandy
1002 Ethelred orders the massacre of all Danes in England
1003 Invasion of the Danish by King Swein.
  Swein harries Wessex.
1012 Murder of Archbishop Ælfheah.
1013 All England submits to Swein.
  Flight of Æthelred to Normandy.
1013  Danish invasion King Swein returns with a new army; the Danelaw accepts him as king
1014 Swein dies; the Danish army in England elect Cnut as their king
1016 Eadmund Ironside, King, Saxon Line ( Ruler of England ) and dies.
1016 (April) Aethelred dies; Edmund ' Ironside ' becomes king (autumn) Cnut defeats Edmund at Ashingdon;
  Edmund dies and Cnut becomes Ruler of all England
  Edmund Ironside and Canute divide England into four earldoms On the division of the country in 1016 between Edmund Ironside and Canute, Chester was retained as part of Mercia, It was afterwards possed by the Earls of Mercia .
1017 Canute (Cnut who died 1035) Danish ruler of England
1020 Godwine made Earl of Wessex.
1027 Cnut goes to Rome.
  Birth of William of Normandy.
1035 Death of Cnut
1035 Harald and Harthacnut divide England.
1037 Harold becomes king, (who died 1040 ) .
1040 Hardicanute ( Harthacnut, who died 1042. ) Danish Line ( Ruler of England ) - Death of Harold
1042 Edward The Confessor Saxon Line ( Ruler of England ) - Death of Harthacnut
1040 -1060 Geoffry Mattel, Count of Anjou.
1042 Eadward the Confessor, died 1066 .
1045 Lanfranc at Bec.
1047 Victory of William at Val-ès-dunes.
1051 Banishment of Godwine.
  William of Normandy visits England.
1051-2 Conflict between King Edward and Godwin earl of Wessex
  1052 Return of Godwin
1053  Death of Godwin; his son Harold becomes earl of Wessex
1053 Death of Godwine.
  Harold made Earl of West Saxons.
1054 William victory at Mortemer.
1054 1060 Norman conquest of Southern Italy.
1055 Harold's first campaign in Wales.
1057 Leofric Earl of Mercia repaired the fabric of St. John's and its endowments and privileges were increased
1058 William's victory at the Dive..
1064 Earl Harold visits Duke William in Normandy
1066 (January) Death of King Edward;
  Earl Harold becomes king (September) Harold II ( Godwinson ) Saxon Line ( Ruler of England )
  King Harold of England defeats and kills King Harold of Norway at Stamford Bridge
  (October) Duke William of Normandy defeats and kills King Harold of England at Hastings
(December) William is consecrated king
1067-70 English rebellions
