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Chester Norman Time Line

Norman Time Line 1066 - 1154

  Previous Time Line
1060 Normans invade Sicily.
1063 Harold conquers Wales.
1066 Harold Godwinson, King
  Harold conquers at Stamford Bridge. - defeated at Senlac or Hastings on 14th October.
  William of Normandy, King, (who died 1087).
1068 - 1071 Norman Conquest of England.
1070 Reorganization of the Church.
  Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury, achieves considerable reforms of ecclestical life and organisation .
1069-70 Opposition to Norman rule leads to the ruthless Harrying of the Norh by William I.
1075 Rising of Roger Fitz-Osbern.
1081 William invades Wales.
1085 Failure of Danish invasion.
1086 All great landowners swear overriding loyalty and homage to William I. by the Oath of Salisbury, shortly
  afterwards William orders the Domesday Inquest.
  Domesday survey completion of Domesday book
1087 Death of William I; accession of William II - Rufus (The Red,who died 1100) .
1087 - 1100 Wiiliam II. establishes firm control over the rebel barons, rules Scotland, England and Normandy
1088 Rebellion in support of Robert Curthose
1093 Anselm appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, who makes a stand for church liberties and reform
1128 Marriage of Empress Matilda to Geoffrey of Anjou
1094 Revolt of Wales against the Norman Marches.
1095 First Crusade
  Revolt of Robert de Mowbray.
1096 Robert pawns Normandy to Rufus
  Normandy left in pledge to William.
1097 William invades Wales.
  Anselm leaves England.
1098 War with France.
1099 Capture of Jerusalem by Christian armies
1100 Death of William Rufus; accession of Henry the First, (who died 1135).
  Henry's Charter.
1101 Robert Curthose of Normandy invades England
1106 Settlement of question of investitures
  English Conquest of Normandy.
1106 Battle of Tinchebrai; Curthose imprisoned; Henry I. takes duchy of Normandy
1107 Settlement of Investiture Dispute in England
1109 - 1129 Fulk of Jerusalem, Count of Anjou.
1110 War with France
1111 War with Anjou.
1113 Peace of Gisors.
1114 Marriage of Matilda with Henry V.
1120 Wreck of the White Ship, the drowning of Henry's only heir
1121 Henry's campaign in Wales,
1123 Revolt of Norman baronage.
1124 France and Anjou support William Clito.
1128 Matilda married to Geoffry of Anjou.
  Death of the Clito in Flanders.
1134 Revolt of Wales.
1135 Death of Henry I ; accession of Stephen of Blois, (who died 1154).
1138 Normandy repulses the Angevins
  Revolt of Earl Robert
  Battle of the Standard.
1139 - 1153 Civil war in England
1139 Seizure of the Bishops.
  Landing of Matilda, ( a bitter civil war erupts between Matilda her son Henry of Anjou and Stephen )
1141 Battle of Lincoln; Stephen captured; later exchanged for Robert of Gloucester
1141 - 1145 Geoffrey of Anjou conquers Normandy
1147 Birth of Gerald of Wales.
1148  Matilda withdraws to Normandy
  Archbishop Theobald driven into exile
1149 Henry of Anjou in England.
  Cession of Northumbria to David of Scotland
1151 Henry becomes Duke of Normandy.
1152 Henry marries Eleanor of Guienne.
  Henry of Anjou ( later Henry II ) marries Eleanor of Aquitaine
1153 Henry invades England; he and Stephen come to terms
  Treaty of Wallingford.
1154 Death of Stephen;
  Accession of Henry the Second, King of England, and duke of Anjou, Normandy and Aquitaine, his royal control extended over church and the baronage . (died 1189)
