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Names G - M Names N - Z



Interpretation of the Proper Names ( A - E )



- From a Bible 200 years old -

AARON, or Ahron, a teacher, exod, 4,14
Abda, a fervant, 1 kings 4,6
Abdeel, a fervant of God, jerem. 36, 26
Abdi, my fervant, 1 chron. 6, 7
Abdiah, a fervant of the Lord, 1 kings 18, 3, and Obadiah one of the twelve prophets
Abdiel, a fervant of the Lord, 1 chron 5,15
Abednego, fervant of fhining, dan. 1,44
Abel, mourning, the named a city; but Abel, the name of a man fignifieth vanity, gen. 4, 2
Abgatha, father of the wine prefs
Abiah, the will of the Lord, 2 chron. 29, 1
Abiam, father of the fea, a kings 14, 31
Abiafaph, a gathering father, exod. 6, 24
Abiathar, father of the remnant, or excellent father, 1 kings 22, 21
Abida, father of knowledge, gen. 25, 4
Abidan, father of Judgment, numb 1, 11
Abiel, my father is God, 1 kings 9, 1
Abiezer, the father's help, jofh.17, 2
Abigail, the father's joy, a kings 25, 3
Abihail, the father of ftrength, num. 3, 35
Abihud, the father, exod. 6, 23
Abihud, the father of praife, 1 chron. 8, 3
Abilene, lamentable, luke 3, 1
Abimael, a father from God, gen, 10, 25
Abimelech, the king's father, or a father of counfel, or the chief king, gen 20, 3
Abinadab, a father of a vow, or of a free mind, or prince, 1 fam 16, 8
Abinoam, a father of beauty, judg. 4, 6
Abiram, an high father, 1 kings 16, 34
Abifhag, the father's ignorance, 1 kings 1, 3
Abifhai, the father's reward, 1 kings 26, 6
Abifhalom, the father of peace, or the peace of the father, 1 kings 15, 2
Abifhua, the father of falvation, 1 chron. 6, 4
Abifhur, the father of a fong, or of a wall, or of righteoufnefs, 1 chron. 2, 29
Abital. the father of the dew, 2 kings 3, 4
Abitob, the father of goodnefs, 1 chron. 8, 11
Abner, the father's candle,1 fam, 14, 49
Abram, an high father, gen, 11, 31
Abraham, a father of a great multitude, as the name was changed, gen. 17, 5
Abfalom, a father of peace, or the father's peace, or reward, 2 fam 3, 3
Achan, troubling, Jofhua 7, 1, who is called Achar, 1 chron 2, 7
Adadezer, read Adarezer, beautiful, help
Adaiah, the witnefs of the lord, 1 chron. 6, 41
Adaliah, poverty, efther 9, 8
Adam, man, earthly, read gen. 2, 15
Adiel, the witnefs of God, 1 chron. 4, 36
Adionah, the Lord is the ruler, 2 fam. 3, 4
Adonibezek, the Lord's thunder, judg. 1, 5
Adonikam, the Lord is rifen, nehemiah 2, 13
Adoniram, the high Lord, 1 kings 4, 6
Adonizedek, the Lord's juftice, jofh. 10, 1
Agabus, a grafhopper, acts 11, 28
Agar, a ftranger, gen 16, 1
Ahaz, taking, or poffeffing, 2 kings 16, 1
Ahafuerus, a prince or head, dan. 9, 1
Ahban, brother of underftanding, 1 chron 2, 29
Ahijah brother of the Lord, 1 chron 2, 26
Ahimaaz, brother of counfel, 1 fam. 14, 49
Ahiman, brother of the right hand, num. 13, 23
Ahimelech, a king's brother, 1 fam. 21, 1
Ahimothh, a brother of death, 1 chron. 6, 25
Ahinoam, the brother's beauty, 1 fam. 14, 49
Ahior, the brother's light, judg. 5, 5
Ahilab an hearty brother, judg. 1, 31
Aharah, a fweet favouring meadow, 1 chron.8, 1
Ahikam, a brother arifing or avenging, 2 kings 22, 12 Ahiezer, the brother's help, numb. 1, 12
Aholah, a manfion or dwelling in herfelf
Aholibah, my manfion in her, ezek. 23, 4
Ahud, praifling or confeffing, judg. 3, 15
Alian, high, 1 chron, 1,40
Amalek, a licking people, gen. 36, 21
Amaraiah, the Lord faid, or the lamb of theLord, zephan 1, 1
Amafa, fparing the people, 2 fam. 17,25
Amafhai, the gift of the people, 1 chron. 6, 24
Amazi, the treading of the peopie, nehemiah11, 12
Amafiah,the burden of the Lord, 2 chron 17,15
Amithi, true or fearing, 2 kings 14, 25
Ammiel, a people of God, or God with me, 1 chron.3, 5
Ammifhadai the people of the Almighty, num. 1, 12
Ammon, a people, gen. 19, 38
Amon, faithful, 2 kings 21, 18
Amos a burden, one of the twelve prophets
Amoz, ftrong, the father of Ifhai, ifa, 1, 1
Amzi, ftrong, 1chron 6, 46
Anah, afflicting, anfwering, or finging, gen. 36, 2. and Hanna, gracious or merciful, 1 fam 1, 2
Ananiah, the cloud of the Lord, acts 5, 1
Andreas, manly, mat. 4, 18
Anub, a grape, 1 chron 4, 8
Antipas, for all, or againft all, rev. 2, 14.
Apadno, the wrath of his judgment, dan. 11,46
Apollo, a deftroyer, dan. 18, 24. the name also, of an idol
Apphia, bringing forth, or increafing, phil. 2
Aram, height or their curfe, gen.. 10, 23
Arbel, Bel or God hath avenged, hof, 10, 15
Archelaus, a prince of the people, mat, 2, 22
Areli, the altar of God, gen. 46, 16
Aretas, virtuous, 2 macc. 5
Artaxerxes, fervent to fpoil, ezra 7, 21
Afa, a phyfician, 1 kings 15, 8
Afael, God hath wrought, 2 fam 2, 18
Afaph, gathering, chron. 6, 39
Afarelah, the bleffednefs of God, 1 chron. 2, 5, 2
Afhbel, an old fire, gen,. 46, 21
Afher, bleffednefs, gen. 30, 13
Afhiel, the work of God, 1 chron. 4, 35
Afhur, bleffed or travailing, gen. 10, 21
Afmodeus, a defiroyer, tobit 3,8
Aftyages, governor of the city, dan. 13, 64
Atarah, a crown, 1chron. 1, chron 2, 26
Athaiah,, the time of the Lord, nehem. 11, 4
Athaliah, time for the Lord, 2 kings 8, 26
Aza, ftrength, ezra 2, 47
Azaniah, hearkening to the Lord, nehem. 10, 9
Azareel, the help of God, 1 chron. 12, 6
Azariah, help of the Lord, 2 kings 14, 21
Azarikam, help rifing up, neh. 11, 14
Azmaveth, ftrength of death, 2 fam. 23, 30
Azubah, forfaken, i kings 22, 43
Azur, holpen, or helper, jerem. 28, 1

BAAL, Bealim, lord, lords; the name of the idol of the Sydonians, or general name to all idols, because they were as lords and owners of all who worfhipped them
Baal-meon, the Lord or mafter of the manfion, or the houfe, as alfo Baalzebub fignifieth the fame, luke 11, 15
Baalzebub, the mafter of flies, 2 kings 1, 2
Baanah, in affliction, 2 fam. 4, 2
Babel, confuffion, gen. 10, 10 and 11, 19
Bacchides, one that holdeth of Bacchus, or a drunkard, 1 macc. 7, 8
Bacchenor, and Bacenor, the fame, 2 mac12, 15
Badajah, the Lord alone, ezra 10,31
Baladan, ancient in judgement, 2 kings 20,12
Baldad old love, or without love, job 8, 1
Barachel, bleffing God, job 32, 2
Barjona, fon of a dove, mat. 16, 17
Barnabas, the ion of confolation, acts 4, 36
Barabbas son of confufion, mat. 27. 16
Baruch, bleffed, jer. 32, 10
Bathfheba, the feventh, daughter, or the daughter of an oath, 2 fam. 11, 3
Bathfhua, the dauughter of falvation , 1 chron 3, 5
Beeliada, a mafter of knowledge 1 chron 14, 7
Belfhazzar, without treafure, or fearcher of treafure, dan. 5, 1
Benaiah, the Lord's building, 1 chron. 4, 36
Benjamin fon of the right hand, who was firft called Benoni, the fon of forrow,gen. 35, 18
Beraiah, the Lord's creature, 1 chron 8, 21
Berak, lightning, judg. 4,6
Bered, hail, 1 chron. 7, 21
Bethiah, the Lord's daughter, 1 chron. 4, 18
Bezaleel, in the fhadow of God, exod. 31, 2
Bileam , the antient of the people, numb. :22, 5
Bilhab, old, or fading, gen 29, 29
Boaz, in power or ftrength, ruth 2, 3

CAIPHAS, a fearcher, mat, 26,57
Calcol, nourifhing, 1 kings 4,31
Caleb, as a heart, num. 13, 6
Canaan, a merchant, gen. 9, 18
Carmi, my vine, gen. 46,9
Cafluhim, as pardoned, gen 10, 14
Cephas, a ftone 1, 42
Chephirah, a lionefs, ezra 2, 25
Cherub, as a child, ezra 2, 57
Chileab, the reftraint of the father, 2 fam 3, 3
Chilion, perfect, or all like a dove, ruth 1, 2
Chiflon, hope, or confidence, numb. 34, 21
Clemens, meek, phil. 4, 3
Cleopatra, the glory cit the Country, 1 macc. 10, 57
Col-hozeth, feeing all, neh, 3. 15
Coneniah,, the ftability of the Lord, 2 chroa.31, 13
Cofbi, a liar, numb. 25, 18
Cufan, Cufi, black, or an Ethiopean, 2 fam.1, 8

DAMARIS, a little wife, acts 17,34
Dan, a judgment, gen. 14, 15
Daniel, judgment of God, dan. 1,6
Dathan, ftatute or law, numb. 16, 1
David, beloved, 1 fam, 17, 12
Deborah, a word, or a bee, gen. 35, 8
Delaiah, the poor of the Lord, 1 chron. 3, 24
Delilah, a bucket, or confumer, judg. 16, 4
Delphon, a dropping down, efther 9, 7
Demas, favouring the people, col. 4, 14
Demophon, flaying the people, 2 macc. 12, 2
Deuel, know God, numb. 1, 14
Diblam, a clufter of figs, hof. 1, 2
Didymus, a twin, john 11, 16
Dinah, judgment; gen 30, 21
Diotrephes, nourifhed of jupiter
Difhan, a threfhing, gen. 36, 21
Dodanah, love, 2 chron. 20, 37
Dodanim, beloved, gen. 10, 4
Doeg, careful,, l fam. 21, 7
Dorcas, a doe, acts 9, 39
Dorda, generation of knowledge, 2 kings 4, 31
Dofitheus, given to God, 2 macc. 19

EBER, paffing, or paffage, gen. 10, 23
Eden, pleasure 2 kings 19, 12
Eder, a flock, 1 chron. 23, 23
Edom, red or earthy, gen. 25, 30
Elchanan, the mercy of God, fam. 23,24
Eldaah, the knowledge of God, gen. 52,4
Eldad, the love of God, numb. 11,26
Eleadah, witnefs of God, 1 chron. 7, 21
Eleafah, the work of God, 1 chron. 2, 39
Eleazer, the help of God, exod. 6, 22
Eliab, my God the Father, numb. 26,8
Eliah, God the Lord, 1 chron. 8, 26
Eliakim, God arifeth, ifa. 22, 20
Eliam, the people of God, 2 fam. 23, 34
Eliafaph, the Lord encreafeth, numb. 1, 14
Eliafhab, the Lord returneth, 1 chron. 3, 24
Eliaha, thou art my God, 1 chron. 25,4
Eliconai, to the Lord mine eyes, 1 chron, 26,3
Elidad, The beloved of God, num. 34, 21
Elihu, he is my God 1 chron 12, 10
Elimelech, my God the King, or the counfel of God, ruth 1, 2
Elioenai, to him mine eyes, 1 chron 3, 23
Eliphal, a miracle of God, 1 chron 11, 35
Eliphalet, the God of deliverance, 2 fam.5, 16
Elifhah, my God faveth, 1 kings 19, 16
Elifhah, the lamb of God, gen. 10, 4
Elifhaphat, my God judgeth, 2 chron, 23, 1
Elifheba, the oath of God, or the fulnefs of God, exod. 6, 23
Elizur, the ftrength of God, numb. 1, 5
Elkanah, the zeal 0f God, exod. 6, 24
Elmoded, God meafureth, gen. 10, 24
Elnathan, God's gift, jer. 26, 22
Elpaal, God's works, chron,. 8, 11
Eluzai, God my ftrength, 1 chron. 12, 5
Elymas, a corrupter or forcerer, acts 13, 8
Enoch, taught or dedicate, gen. 5, 18
Epaphroditus, pleafant, philiip 2, 25
Epenetus, laudable, rom. 16, 5
Ephah weary, gen. 25, 4
Epher, duft, gen 25, 4
Ephraim, fruitful or encreafing, gen. 41, 52
Erastus, amiable, acts. 19, 22
Efau, working, gen 25, 25
Efhcol, a clufter, gen. 14, 14
Efhek, violence 1 chron 8, 38
Efther, hidden, efther 2, 7
Ethan, ftrength, 1 kings 4, 31
Eubulus, wife, or of good counfel,1 tim 4, 2I
Eupolemus, a good warrior, 1 macc. 8, 27
Eutychus,, fortunate, acts 20, 9
Ezbon, hafting to underftand, 1 chron. 7, 7
Ezekiel, ftrength of the Lord, ezek. 1, 3
Ezeliah, near the Lord, 2 chron. 34, 7
Ezer, an help 1 chron. 4, 4
Ezra, an helper. Ezra 1, 7
Ezriel, the help of God, jer 36, 26
Ezrikam, an help arifing, 1 chron. 3, 23

Continued ....