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Chapter Two - Six Months Later

I was lying on my bed going over and over all the songs on my Middle Of Nowhere CD, trying to memorise every note of every song for my piano lesson the next day when the phone out in the kitchen started to ring. Mom had been gone for about an hour and a half so I had the house to myself, but, I was kind of lonely and hoped the person on the phone was ringing to ask me to go out somewhere or to do something.


"Kayla, it's Megz"

"Hey Megzie, how are ya?"

"You aren't going to believe this…"

"What won't I believe?"

"Guess what?"

"You know how much I despise guessing games, they suck"

"Oh, OK then, you never want any fun!But anyway, you know how Hanson are on tour?"

"How could I forget, you tell me every day"


I let loose a little squeal.

"Oh, wow! You're kidding! Cool!" I couldn't believe this! It rocked!

"I'm not kidding, and do you know the best bit?"

"What?!?" I was so pumped that I'd finally be able to see them and hear them live.

"Well, Dad, he has connections, and his connections kind of, led to tickets, and the tickets led to backstage passes and… KAYLA! WE'RE GOING TO BE AT THE HANSON CONCERT AND THEN WE'RE MEETING THEM AFTER!!!" I jumped up and down and screeched.

"This is so cool! Oh my god Megz! I can’t believe it!"

"Neither can I! But, we've got 2 weeks to get ourselves organised, then I'm meeting my Tay Tay! Oh my god!" Megz was in a state of hysteria and I couldn't help but laugh at her. After a further 1/2 hour on the phone, we decided what was going on, then, after cooking myself some dinner, I decided to get an early night so I could head over to Megan's house early in the morning for a piano practise before school.

Chapter 1
Chapter 3