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Chapter Three - Two Weeks Later
"Oh wow Megz! We're finally here!"

I cried as we were let backstage. The concert had a blast. We had amazing seats, 5 rows from the front, and it was fantastic watching them live from that close. Now we were being let backstage after a long wait, along with about 40 other screaming girls. After about 5 minutes, Hanson emerged and began signing autographs for us all, and then before we could even say a word to them, they rushed off to a nearby room. I couldn't believe it! After all this, they signed an autograph and were taken away! The security guards started directing everyone out and I grabbed Megz and pulled her aside.

"I don't care what we have to do Megzie, I'm talking to them. We have to hide somewhere"

I hid around a corner and waited for Megz to follow me.

"Excuse me Miss, where do you think you're going?"

A booming voice called. I flinched.

"Uhh, oh, I thought we were allowed back here"

I heard Megz stutter from around the corner of my hiding spot.

"No, now, we are going to have to ask you to leave"

"Oh, umm, ok then"

I heard footsteps and then a door slam, and then complete silence. Then I realised how selfish Megz would think I was. How dare I?!? Just leaving her like that! But, it just showed how determined I was to talk to Hanson and thank them for making me continue with my piano lessons and influencing me so much. I straightened myself out and headed out from around my corner and saw the door to the room they had entered open and out step Hanson. I let out a little gasp as I watched them file out along with a few guys I recognized as the back up guys from the concert. I watched them head off down the hall and to a big open room with things like couches and tables and such. I saw them all grab a drink and them slouch on a couch each.

"Well, it's now or never"

I said to myself and I started heading towards them.

I entered the doorway of the large room and I cleared my voice. "Hi, my name is Kayla and I just wanted you to know that..."

"Huh? How the hell did you get back here? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Isaac cried. Hang on, did he really say that? "I, I, I thought we, we, were allowed back here"

"Hell no! All we want to do is have a bit of peace after a concert, but STILL you desperate fans hound us, can't you just leave us alone for one minute?!?"

Taylor yelled to me. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I only wanted to tell you how much…"

"Look, we don’t care. If you want an autograph, why didn't you get one before?!? God, give us some space for once. You freakin fans are hopeless, can't you ever leave us alone?!?"

"Look, I'm sorry…"

"So you should be, you're all the same, how dare you invade our privacy like this... get out"

Zac snarled and I watched as the back up crew continue to drink like nothing was going on, laughing at each other's jokes. I backed up, tears streaming down my face, then I turned and started to run.

"God damn! As if SHE didn't break in or something, do you know how tight the security is in here! What a desperate and pathetic little bitch"

When I heard Tay say and I started to bawl. Not just cry, BAWL my eyes out. I ran around the corner and slid down the wall. This was the exact opposite of what I was hoping. Screw Hanson. I hated them.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4