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Chapter Four - A Week Later
Megz and I had gone on a full rampage after I'd told her what had happened, destroying everything that even REMINDED us of the band Hanson. The past week had been a blur. I couldn't believe they'd been like that, the media had made them out to be such nice guys. I'd cried for the rest of the night after the concert. I'd never been spoken to like that in my whole life, not even by my mother when she was pissed off her head. I just couldn't believe it. I thought about writing a letter to Mercury, but, there was no point. I was lying in my bed at that moment, just thinking. That's the media for ya, feeding the public a bunch of crap about a band who were nothing but a bunch of pig-headed brats. I pitied all their remaining fans. There music was good, but, they had to be the meanest guys I had met, and would EVER meet. I wonder if they'd be proud if they knew that?
Well, I now had a whole different perspective of...well, of basically everything...
Chapter 3
The End