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Like always, I'm here to thank me for reading my story. What did you think? That was my first attempt at a short story, and it WAS kind of rushed. I did it all in a space of an hour, so I'm pretty proud of it. I don't particularly like it much myself, but I'm proud of the fact I did it in such a quick time and have had so much feedback on it. Can you believe people actually cracked the shits at me saying I shouldn't have written it because Hanson would never do that and blah blah blah. Duh guys, itz a STORY. Fiction. It's what I do, and it's what I love. I write...and I write fiction a.k.a stories, fairy tales, complete utter bullshit...I don't care much for your choice of words, but this is just a story to make you think...keep that in mind.
Please don't come rushing at me saying "Hanson wouldn't do that! Hanson don't even SWEAR!" when you know, deep down, they're normal teenage boys, and screaming out obscenities may not be a hobby of theirs, but sure, who cares if they utter the odd, "Damn" or even "Piss off Zac! You're a pain in the ASS!" I go to sites, and I see whole pages dedicated to places where people think they've heard Hanson swear... on videos, on audios...geez guys, give em a break!
But whatever, just don't email me complaining, I've written a story I'm proud of, and you putting it down is not going to make me change it in anyway :)

And if you're a cool person, you'll vote for my site here...Thanks :)

Chapter 4
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