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Dying Wishes

Lucy was dying. I knew it, she knew it, everyone knew it. Coming to terms that your best friend has a 2 month life expectancy is something you can’t learn to live with in a short time...

Why Me?

After a minute or so of him pummeling her in the neck, head, chest, arms, stomach and anywhere else, he finally stopped. It was only then that Clarke Laurel noticed that his struggling daughter was no longer moving...

Why Me? The Sequel

"You little bitch. You either shut your face, or pretty boy here gets it. And I mean it. I can see the headlines now. Psycho father kills pop star… Haha, whatta joke, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself, would you?" I questioned her, tears streaming down her face.


The ambulance siren wail would haunt me for the rest of my life. I closed my eyes, and even though I had never been more tired in my entire life, sleep just wouldn't come.

What Can Happen

"You don't know Helmet? He's only like the biggest drug dealer this side of Tulsa, Ikey, get with the times babe, he makes the biggest and bestest drug concoctions around" "Well, in that case I'll be there" I answered...

Short Stories
A Whole Different Perspective

I entered the doorway of the large room and I cleared my voice. "Hi, my name is Kayla and I just wanted you to know..."
"Huh? How the hell did you get back here? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Isaac cried. Hang on, did Isaac Hanson really just say that?

In An MMMBop He's Gone

"She killed herself, over you, YOU Zac, MY Lacey, killed herself, over you. YOU! And do you know WHY??? Because YOU let some little hacker get into your site, and say all that absolute HORSESHIT about you being dead...

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