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Chapter Ten

It was early morning and I was lying in my room, staring at my roof, thinking. The previous day had been the best day of my life, and I’m sure Lucy felt the same way. Lucy, I forgot I was supposed to ring her! I picked up my phone and dialed. It rang continually with no answer.

“Come on, pick up!” I said to myself. After listening to the annoying sound for almost 25 rings, I hung up defeated. I was so bored! What could I do? I flopped back down on the bed for a few more minutes before finally getting motivated enough to go down the mall and spend the rest of my birthday money. I was very good with money. My birthday had been 3 months beforehand and I still had $65 left. I told mom where I was going and then headed down to the bus stop up the street.

3 Hours Later…

Boy was I beat! 3 hours of non-stop shopping really takes a lot out of a person. I finally reached my house and as soon as I entered the door, I dropped my bags of new clothes and other cool gear and flopped onto the couch.

“Mom, I’m back!” I yelled and I heard her shuffling about.


“Duh, I am your only child, who else would it be?” I answered with a cheeky grin on my face. She entered the room, eyes puffy, face tear-streaked.

“Mom! What’s wrong?!?” I cried, the smirk fell from my face, and a sick feeling suddenly came over me, like a rock had dropped itself from my throat to the very pit of my stomach.

“I just got a call from Teresa, she’s at the hospital” she paused and I looked at her confused. A sob escaped my mothers throat and she had trouble telling me what she wanted to say. After a long pause, she finally spoke,

“Jordanna, Lucy has died.”

Chapter 9
Chapter 11