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Chapter Nine

“Come on guys, they’ll be in here in about 25 minutes, you don’t mind waiting do you?”

“What, do you think we’re going to pack up and leave because we have to wait a few minutes Josh?” I answered a sly grin on my face.

“Well, when you put it like that…” he answered slowly.

“OK, so when will I see you?”

“You won’t, I have to go now, settle a few things at the station, I’ll call you tomorrow to see how it went”

“OK, seeya Josh, and thanks for everything, I’m real grateful, and I’m sure Lucy would say the same thing if she wasn’t in the loo” I said and we both laughed.

“Well, I’ll call you tomorrow, it was no big deal remember, and wish Lucy good luck for me”

“OK, I’ll do that, hope to hear from you tomorrow then”

“For sure…” his cell phone started to ring “I’d better go, see you Jordanna”

“Bye” and with that he was gone. I picked up the latest edition of 16 and flicked through it, stopping to read an article on Hanson of course. I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Jordy, can you open the door, my hands are full” A muffled voice called and I jumped up to open the door.


“Look what I got” she said smugly and her lap and hands were loaded with CD’s, t-shirts, books, magazines, hats, anything you can imagine.

“What the fu...?!? What’s all this?!?”

“This guy just came up and gave it all to me, he said his name was Chris”

“Chris? Whose Chris? Oh...yeah! That’s their manager! WOW...this is so cool!” I cried

“Yeah, and he gave me two of everything as well!” She cried and for the next ¼ of an hour or so, we sorted through the stuff, organizing two piles and looking through it all. We were still going through the giant pile of gear when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” I called, oblivious to who it could be. Lucy and I kept flicking through books, checking out the CD’s as the door opened.

“Hi” Someone said and Lucy and I looked up to find ourselves face to face with Hanson.

“Oh my god. Hi! Uhh, sorry, we were too wrapped up in all this to realize the time!” I told them looking at my watch. Lucy was just staring at the guys in awe and I leant over and whispered to her again.

“Lucy! Put your tongue back in!” She looked at me, then shut her mouth abruptly.

“Sorry, we won’t be a sec, we’ll just clean all this up, your manager dumped it on us a while ago”

“Oh, we’ll help” Tay offered and him, Ike and Zac proceeded helping us pick up an almost never-ending supply of Hanson gear.

"Ewwww. This is disgusting. How can you possibly want all this junk?" Zac said, and we all laughed as he picked up a small poster of himself and screwed up his nose.

"You really wanna know?" Lucy asked slyly, and he raised his eyebrows.


"You don't" I reassured him, knowing Lucy would launch into some neverending story about her undying love for him. He grinned.

"Ok then. Good"

When it was all packed up, I sat on the soft leather couch and Ike and Tay squished on as well. Zac sat on an armchair and Lucy got settled in, of course, her wheelchair.

“So, what are each of your name’s?” Tay questioned.

“I’m Jordanna, but call me Jordy” I informed them all and each of them shook my hand again.

“Hi” They each said and then Lucy spoke.

“Yeah, and I’m Lucy” I think she was expecting the usual reaction from them that she got from most other people, the type where they don’t want to touch her, like she’s contagious or something. Hanson weren’t like this at all. Zac bounded over and shook her hand, and Tay and Ike enthusiastically greeted her with a “Hi” and a handshake.

“What did you…” Tay started, but was quickly interrupted

“So you’re name’s Lucy is it, that’s cool, I always wanted to meet THE Lucy” Zac said to Lucy, who was by now smiling proudly. Ike and Tay rolled their eyes and laughed at Zac, but Lucy just looked so happy, I had to smile.

"Well, it's great to finally meet you too. I loved how you sang "Lucy" in the acoustic set. I almost had a stroke when you started. I'm like "WHAT?!?". I thought I was hearing things, or just plain crazy!" she said, and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, we thought we might as well give it a go..." Isaac answered.

"The crowd went beserk! They certainly responded to it well..." I said back, and they all nodded, proud smiles on their faces.

“ANYWAY, what did you guys think of the show?” Tay questioned and I answered.

“It was awesome! Runaway Run was cool. But Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart, the cover? Well I love that song, it was definitely my highlight. "Sure About It" is my favorite song, so that was fun to dance too...”

“What about you Lucy?” Ike asked and she turned away from Zac to answer

“Definitely Save Me or Song To Sing, they both made me cry! But actually, MMMBop was my favourite”


For the next hour or so, we asked questions and were asked questions, Lucy then going out to have all her medication, she got embarrassed doing it in front of people besides me. While she was gone, I explained our situation to the guys, them being very understanding about the whole thing. We shutup when she came back in, and after another 5 minutes or so, Mr Hanson came in, introduced himself to us, then told the boys it was time to go. They signed some autographs, we got 3 or 4 photos taken, Lucy begging to have one with Zac and him gladly obliging - but then, in an MMMBop, they were gone.

Chapter 8
Chapter 10