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Chapter Five

I knocked on the door of the address that Josh had given me and hoped like hell it was the right one. I heard muffled voices then footsteps on the obvious hardwood floors. The door opened and a smiling Josh greeted me warmly,

“Jordanna! I wasn’t expecting you so soon, you must be a fast walker.”

“I only live a few blocks away, I pretty much ran the whole way anyway” I replied smiling.

“Oh, of course, well, come on in, the passes are right in here”

I followed him into the nice, cool house and was then greeted by a pretty, blonde haired, brown eyed woman of about 25.

“Hi, you must be Jordanna, I’m Madison, nice to meet you”

“Hey Madison, and please, call me Jordy, nice to meet you”

We exchanged a handshake, then I accepted the couch seat I was offered while Josh scooted off into a nearby room. He emerged a minute or so later and handed me two, laminated black and silver passes with Hanson pictured on them, and a bunch of tour dates. I looked at them and gave Joshua a hug,

“Oh my god, Joshua, how can I ever repay you?!? I’ll do anything!” I shrieked, practically in tears.

“Nothing, it was my pleasure, and I hope to see you AND Lucy next Saturday at 6pm for the complimentary dinner. It won’t be until after the show you get to meet the guys though”

“Oh, that’s fine, Lucy is going to get such a surprise! I’m dying to tell her, but it’ll be a great surprise for her”

“Good, glad I could help”

“Thankyou again, and if there’s anything I can ever do, anything at all, I’m here, remember that” I answered and he looked at me with a serious expression on his face.

“Pretty wise for a 15 year old” He replied and after a quick smile, I was gone and off down the road, thinking about the comment he’d just made.

“Pretty wise for a 15-year-old”. Well I suppose I was…

Chapter 4
Chapter 6