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Chapter Six

“Oh my god Jordy, I’m so excited, and how come we’re here so early?”

Lucy looked at me, her usually dull eyes now full of life.

“I suppose now would be a good time to tell you”

I answered suspiciously. “Tell me what?!?” Lucy’s eyes were about to pop out of her head with excitement.


I paused and glanced at my watch, knewing it would be annoying the hell out of her
“Jordanna! Spit it out, you’re torturing me here!’”

I smiled at her sweetly, then slowy continued


I screamed and Lucy almost pounced right out of her wheelchair.

“OH MY GOD!” Lucy screamed at the top of her voice and she started fanning herself, her face white.

“That’s not all, but you know if you get TOO excited, you could get sick again”

I warned and her smile dropped.

“OK, but please tell me”

“Alright, after the concert, we are going to…”

I paused, smiling at Lucy’s face, it was practically dripping off with anticipation.

“We’re going to, meet Hanson” I said real quietly.

“Repeat that Jordy, I didn’t hear a word you just said, and you’re killing me here!”

She whinged and I though she was serious for a second until she broke out in a grin.


I shrieked, and Lucy just sat there in shock for about a minute before grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug.

“Thankyou sooooo much Jordy, I’ll never forget this”

she said, tears streaming down her face. “Hey..don't cry honey! And don’t worry about it, it was no hassle at all, and anyway, I’ll do anything for my bestest friend!”
I said and we both broke into grins that were so huge they almost dropped off our faces.

“Well, we’d better get going, and remember what your mom said, don’t get too excited, I don’t think you wanna end up in the hospital again”

I said and she looked at me seriously

“I know, but you have got all my medication haven’t you?”

“Yeah, of course, now, are we going to get going and go to this Hanson concert or not?”

“What are we waiting for?!?”

She answered and I started to wheel her in the direction of the entrance Josh had told me to go.

After 5 minutes of searching for this so-called entrance, we finally found it, and Josh, standing in it’s doorway.

“So… you finally decided to show up?”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world” I paused

“Josh, this is Lucy, Lucy, this is Josh”

They exchanged handshakes, then Josh started to talk again.

“So YOU’RE the famous Lucy, Zac’s been wanting to meet his Lucy for quite some time now”

Lucy broke into a grin so huge you wouldn’t believe, and Josh and I exchanged looks of happiness.

“Well, let’s all get going then, we’ve got a dinner, concert and some certain people to meet yet, and it’s already ½ past 6, come on!”

He called and we raced into the building, and into the awaiting elevators.

Chapter 5
Chapter 7