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Chapter Seven

“Wow Jordy, I can’t believe this. First we get ourselves free food, even though I’m not allowed to eat it, but that doesn't matter, then we get a free t-shirt, THEN we get hauled back here for a backstage tour and NOW the Hanson concert is about to begin in about 5 minutes and they’re going to come right past us!”

Lucy was practically crying and the good stuff hadn’t even begun yet. I handed her one of her bottles of pills and she downed the right amount, the ones that calmed you down when you were over-excited. We’d had to stock up on them, before we came. Lucy sat in her wheelchair, staring at the framed prints of dead superstars of the dressing room, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, James Dean, you name it they were there. While Lucy was caught up gazing at them, I took a good look at my best friend, who would be gone soon. A tear trickled down my cheek, but I was quick to wipe it away before she saw me. I got caught up in looking at her. She looked the part. She was in purple leathery type pants with a tight long sleeved yellow top and her prized yellow Doc Martens I’d lashed out and bought her for her birthday only a few months ago. She wouldn't stop going on about those damn boots Zac wore back in 97, she just HAD to have them. So I'd saved my money, and I got them. Her blue Hanson cap was covering her head, and she had her Hanson bomber jacket hanging over the back of her wheelchair. She looked beautiful, I couldn’t begin to imagine how beautiful she’d look if she weren’t sick. I looked at her again, then looked down at myself. I was in the same type of pants, only they were bright blue, and I was in a same style white top too, and I was also wearing my own silver boots I’d bought a few weeks before I’d bought Lucy’s. My curly, blonde hair was dangling down my back and I twirled it while we waited for Josh to come and collect us.

“Jordy, are you cold?”

“No, why?”

“I’m getting real cold”

“Well put your jacket on”

“Oh… yeah...right” She answered and I giggled at her.

“You losing your mind from all this excitement Luce?”

“I think I just might be” She answered smiling. She pulled her jacket on and at that moment, Josh bounded into the room,

“It’s show time!!!”

Chapter 6
Chapter 8