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Chapter Eight

“OK, here are your places, good enough?”

“Are you kidding Josh, we can see everything, but won’t we be in the way of the guys when they come charging out?”

“Well, we’ll just have to see, cause here they come right now!” Josh cried and Lucy and I jolted our heads in the direction of the backstage rooms we had emerged from only a few minutes ago.

“Come on guys, they’re introducing you now, move it!” A man with a moustache, obviously Mr Hanson, yelled behind him, and out charged Zac, zooming around at 100mph. He slowed when he neared his Dad and then Taylor came next, jogging quickly, then Isaac, steadily jogging towards his father. Lucy’s eyes were almost falling out of her head, so I leant down and whispered

“Put that tongue back in girl, he’s coming past soon” The excitement surging through me at that moment was indescribable, and I had to use all my strength not to scream when Zac came up to us. I imagine Lucy was quite the same.

“Hey, I’m Zac, we were just told you were the girls we'll be staying with for a while after the meet n greet. It'd be cool to stay and chat for a while, but I gotta run. I’ll see you after the show, it should be great!” He cried, and after shaking our hands, he went and joined Mr Hanson behind the curtains. Taylor and Isaac strolled up and greeted us.

“Hey, I’m Ike, it's great to meet you! Sorry we can’t stay, but we’ll see you guys after the show” And with that him and Tay shook our hands and ran over to their father and brother. Mrs Hanson and the kids were nowhere in sight, maybe they weren’t coming to this show. But glancing upwards towards the soundbooth, I saw 4 blonde haired kids dashing around, and a taller woman holding a bunch of headphones. That was them. I smiled, then turned my attention back towards Hanson, standing not 15 meters from us pumping themselves up for the show. The adrenalin rush I was getting from this was through the roof. Never had I felt this was before. Not when I'd been bungy jumping with my Dad, not when I'd been allowed to ride in a Speedway car with Lucy 2 years ago at a race convention...not even for Hanson's last tour, the Albertane. This was unreal.

“OK, ladies, gentlemen, everyone here...Home for the holidays and Tour 2000 : This Time Around, I’d like to introduce our very own, HANSON!!!” A voice boomed out of the speakers above us, and Lucy and I watched while Zac, Tay and Ike jogged out onto the stage. The roar was deafening, and both Lucy and I covered our ears from the noise. Lucy wheeled herself to where we supposed to be seated, and we could see straight onto the stage and into the crowd. There wasn’t a better seat in the house. We were both still covering our ears when Zac looked over and laughed at us. We smiled and Lucy poked her tongue out and smiled, and I watched him poke his out back. I looked at Zac, now 14-years-old. He looked physically 16 years old, and the way he acted and sung, you could easily think he was 17. I couldn't believe how close I was to him! And I loved him so much! I giggled at myself... How could I love him? He hadn't said more than 10 words to me yet. I soon shutup, uncovered my ears as the harmony started for "You Never Know". I couldn't even scream. But then again...I didn't need to. All I wanted to hear was them...

Chapter 7
Chapter 9