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Chapter One

I heard a scream as the giant tour bus pulled to a stop.

"Here we go again" I sighed and I saw my brothers, nod in agreement.

"OK guys, ready?" Our Dad called from the next room of the bus.

"Yeah" we called back in unison as he appeared.

"Good, now, get ready, there's a lot more girls out there than it sounds, and the security isn’t as tight as it should be" he said and we all nodded.

Our Dad was a security freak, and these past weeks he'd been even worse.

"OK, so, in as quick as you can, do the press conference, and out again, as quick as possible, k?"

"Yep, that's cool" Tay answered and we went to the front door of the bus.

We'd been through a lot of stress the past couple of weeks. Someone had hacked into the official websites, and, and posted all types of things on the opening page. Things like I had died and we all had girlfriends had been posted, and because they WERE the official sites, everyone had believed it, and the outcome of it hadn't been good. A girl had actually KILLED themselves over the news of my death. And it was a rumor. You wouldn't believe how bad I felt. I had been on anti-depressants ever since, and now we were on a mission across the world to make sure everything was rumor-free. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"Good luck guys" the driver called as he opened the door and we exited the bus.

There were screaming girls EVERYWHERE. I couldn't believe it. I was used to it, but…WOW!
Ike went first, followed by Tay, and then I went last. We stopped to shake a few hands, then the security guards fully surrounded us and started to lead us inside. I was about 5 meters from the door, and about to enter when I tripped on my shoelace and fell flat on my face.

"Ahh, SHIT" I yelled in pain, but no-one heard over the constant screaming.

I saw the crowd close in around me as the security guards failed to keep them back, then, all of a sudden, some strong hands plucked me from the ground and I was being dragged from the crowd.

"Run, to the car" the man ordered in his rusty voice and I followed his instructions, he was in a security uniform after all. He pushed me into the station wagon and sped away from the Planet Hollywood, leaving a trail of screaming girls, some even chasing the car.

"Wow, that was close, thanks a lot, I think there's a back entrance around here somewhere" I told him and he looked at me and smiled.

We turned onto the highway and I saw the girls and tall building get smaller and smaller as we got further and further away from it all.

"Umm, hello? It's back THAT way" I said and he started to laugh.

"You know, you're a funny guy Zac, don't you get it, we're not GOING back, you're coming with me…"he told me, a smirk on his rough, unshaven face. What the fu...? What was this guy TALKING about? I looked up at him, a confused look on my face.

"Umm, what? I have a press conference I was supposed to be at 5 minutes ago, now, can you just take me back?"


he answered simply and I looked out the window, trying to figure out what was happening.

Tears of frustration filled my eyes and I blinked them away. Zac, don't be such an ass, there has to be a logical explanation for this...
We were driving further and further away from civilisation, this part of the highway was rarely used, everyone always made the last turn off.

"Please, can you tell me what's going on?"

"Later Zac, later" I was getting REALLY frustrated.

"No, NOW!" I screamed at him, a lot louder than anticipated and his features turned from relaxed to angry.

"Zac..." he said and I saw the gun being pulled from his security jacket. What?!?

"Huh? NO! Oh my fucking god! Don't shoot me!" I screamed and he started to chuckle

"Oh, don't worry, I won't…yet" he said, a smile on his face, and I saw him raise the gun. After a sickening crack and a rush of pain, I fell back on the seat, and the world went black.

Chapter 2